// Store import store from 'app/core/store'; // Models import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/dashboard_model'; import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/panel_model'; import { TimeRange } from '@grafana/ui'; // Utils import { isString as _isString } from 'lodash'; import * as rangeUtil from 'app/core/utils/rangeutil'; import * as dateMath from 'app/core/utils/datemath'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; // Services import templateSrv from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; // Constants import { LS_PANEL_COPY_KEY } from 'app/core/constants'; export const removePanel = (dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel, ask: boolean) => { // confirm deletion if (ask !== false) { const text2 = panel.alert ? 'Panel includes an alert rule, removing panel will also remove alert rule' : null; const confirmText = panel.alert ? 'YES' : null; appEvents.emit('confirm-modal', { title: 'Remove Panel', text: 'Are you sure you want to remove this panel?', text2: text2, icon: 'fa-trash', confirmText: confirmText, yesText: 'Remove', onConfirm: () => removePanel(dashboard, panel, false), }); return; } dashboard.removePanel(panel); }; export const duplicatePanel = (dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel) => { dashboard.duplicatePanel(panel); }; export const copyPanel = (panel: PanelModel) => { store.set(LS_PANEL_COPY_KEY, JSON.stringify(panel.getSaveModel())); appEvents.emit('alert-success', ['Panel copied. Open Add Panel to paste']); }; const replacePanel = (dashboard: DashboardModel, newPanel: PanelModel, oldPanel: PanelModel) => { const index = dashboard.panels.findIndex(panel => { return panel.id === oldPanel.id; }); const deletedPanel = dashboard.panels.splice(index, 1); dashboard.events.emit('panel-removed', deletedPanel); newPanel = new PanelModel(newPanel); newPanel.id = oldPanel.id; dashboard.panels.splice(index, 0, newPanel); dashboard.sortPanelsByGridPos(); dashboard.events.emit('panel-added', newPanel); }; export const editPanelJson = (dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel) => { const model = { object: panel.getSaveModel(), updateHandler: (newPanel: PanelModel, oldPanel: PanelModel) => { replacePanel(dashboard, newPanel, oldPanel); }, enableCopy: true, }; appEvents.emit('show-modal', { src: 'public/app/partials/edit_json.html', model: model, }); }; export const sharePanel = (dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel) => { appEvents.emit('show-modal', { src: 'public/app/features/dashboard/components/ShareModal/template.html', model: { dashboard: dashboard, panel: panel, }, }); }; export const refreshPanel = (panel: PanelModel) => { panel.refresh(); }; export const toggleLegend = (panel: PanelModel) => { console.log('Toggle legend is not implemented yet'); // We need to set panel.legend defaults first // panel.legend.show = !panel.legend.show; refreshPanel(panel); }; export interface TimeOverrideResult { timeRange: TimeRange; timeInfo: string; } export function applyPanelTimeOverrides(panel: PanelModel, timeRange: TimeRange): TimeOverrideResult { const newTimeData = { timeInfo: '', timeRange: timeRange, }; if (panel.timeFrom) { const timeFromInterpolated = templateSrv.replace(panel.timeFrom, panel.scopedVars); const timeFromInfo = rangeUtil.describeTextRange(timeFromInterpolated); if (timeFromInfo.invalid) { newTimeData.timeInfo = 'invalid time override'; return newTimeData; } if (_isString(timeRange.raw.from)) { const timeFromDate = dateMath.parse(timeFromInfo.from); newTimeData.timeInfo = timeFromInfo.display; newTimeData.timeRange = { from: timeFromDate, to: dateMath.parse(timeFromInfo.to), raw: { from: timeFromInfo.from, to: timeFromInfo.to, }, }; } } if (panel.timeShift) { const timeShiftInterpolated = templateSrv.replace(panel.timeShift, panel.scopedVars); const timeShiftInfo = rangeUtil.describeTextRange(timeShiftInterpolated); if (timeShiftInfo.invalid) { newTimeData.timeInfo = 'invalid timeshift'; return newTimeData; } const timeShift = '-' + timeShiftInterpolated; newTimeData.timeInfo += ' timeshift ' + timeShift; const from = dateMath.parseDateMath(timeShift, newTimeData.timeRange.from, false); const to = dateMath.parseDateMath(timeShift, newTimeData.timeRange.to, true); newTimeData.timeRange = { from, to, raw: { from, to, }, }; } if (panel.hideTimeOverride) { newTimeData.timeInfo = ''; } return newTimeData; } export function getResolution(panel: PanelModel): number { const htmlEl = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; const width = htmlEl.getBoundingClientRect().width; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/21454625 return panel.maxDataPoints ? panel.maxDataPoints : Math.ceil(width * (panel.gridPos.w / 24)); }