import { lastValueFrom, of } from 'rxjs'; import { toArray } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, dataFrameToJSON, dateTime, Field, MutableDataFrame } from '@grafana/data'; import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { dimensionVariable, labelsVariable, limitVariable, metricVariable, namespaceVariable, setupMockedDataSource, } from './__mocks__/CloudWatchDataSource'; import { CloudWatchLogsQuery, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus, CloudWatchMetricsQuery, MetricEditorMode, MetricQueryType, } from './types'; describe('datasource', () => { describe('query', () => { it('should return error if log query and log groups is not specified', async () => { const { datasource } = setupMockedDataSource(); const observable = datasource.query({ targets: [{ queryMode: 'Logs' as 'Logs' }] } as any); await expect(observable).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const response = received[0]; expect(response.error?.message).toBe('Log group is required'); }); }); it('should return empty response if queries are hidden', async () => { const { datasource } = setupMockedDataSource(); const observable = datasource.query({ targets: [{ queryMode: 'Logs' as 'Logs', hide: true }] } as any); await expect(observable).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const response = received[0]; expect([]); }); }); it('should interpolate variables in the query', async () => { const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource(); await lastValueFrom( datasource .query({ targets: [ { queryMode: 'Logs', region: '$region', expression: 'fields $fields', logGroupNames: ['/some/$group'], }, ], } as any) .pipe(toArray()) ); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0]).toMatchObject({ queryString: 'fields templatedField', logGroupNames: ['/some/templatedGroup'], region: 'templatedRegion', }); }); it('should add links to log queries', async () => { const { datasource } = setupForLogs(); const observable = datasource.query({ targets: [ { queryMode: 'Logs', logGroupNames: ['test'], refId: 'a', }, ], } as any); const emits = await lastValueFrom(observable.pipe(toArray())); expect(emits).toHaveLength(1); expect(emits[0].data[0].fields.find((f: Field) => === '@xrayTraceId').config.links).toMatchObject([ { title: 'Xray', url: '', internal: { query: { query: '${__value.raw}', region: 'us-west-1', queryType: 'getTrace' }, datasourceUid: 'xray', datasourceName: 'Xray', }, }, ]); expect(emits[0].data[0].fields.find((f: Field) => === '@message').config.links).toMatchObject([ { title: 'View in CloudWatch console', url: "'2020-12-31T19*3a00*3a00.000Z~start~'2020-12-31T19*3a00*3a00.000Z~timeType~'ABSOLUTE~tz~'UTC~editorString~'~isLiveTail~false~source~(~'test))", }, ]); }); describe('debouncedCustomAlert', () => { const debouncedAlert = jest.fn(); beforeEach(() => { const { datasource } = setupMockedDataSource({ variables: [ { ...namespaceVariable, multi: true }, { ...metricVariable, multi: true }, ], }); datasource.debouncedCustomAlert = debouncedAlert; datasource.performTimeSeriesQuery = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]); datasource.query({ targets: [ { queryMode: 'Metrics', id: '', region: 'us-east-2', namespace:, metricName:, period: '', alias: '', dimensions: {}, matchExact: true, statistic: '', refId: '', expression: 'x * 2', metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code, }, ], } as any); }); it('should show debounced alert for namespace and metric name', async () => { expect(debouncedAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'CloudWatch templating error', 'Multi template variables are not supported for namespace' ); expect(debouncedAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'CloudWatch templating error', 'Multi template variables are not supported for metric name' ); }); it('should not show debounced alert for region', async () => { expect(debouncedAlert).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'CloudWatch templating error', 'Multi template variables are not supported for region' ); }); }); }); describe('filterQuery', () => { const datasource = setupMockedDataSource().datasource; describe('CloudWatchLogsQuery', () => { const baseQuery: CloudWatchLogsQuery = { queryMode: 'Logs', id: '', region: '', refId: '', logGroupNames: ['foo', 'bar'], }; it('should return false if empty logGroupNames', () => { expect(datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, logGroupNames: undefined })).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should return true if has logGroupNames', () => { expect(datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('CloudWatchMetricsQuery', () => { let baseQuery: CloudWatchMetricsQuery; beforeEach(() => { baseQuery = { id: '', region: 'us-east-2', namespace: '', period: '', alias: '', metricName: '', dimensions: {}, matchExact: true, statistic: '', expression: '', refId: '', }; }); it('should error if invalid mode', async () => { expect(() => datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery)).toThrowError('invalid metric editor mode'); }); describe('metric search queries', () => { beforeEach(() => { baseQuery = { ...baseQuery, namespace: 'AWS/EC2', metricName: 'CPUUtilization', statistic: 'Average', metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Builder, }; }); it('should not allow builder queries that dont have namespace, metric or statistic', async () => { expect(datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, statistic: undefined })).toBeFalsy(); expect(datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, metricName: undefined })).toBeFalsy(); expect(datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, namespace: '' })).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should allow builder queries that have namespace, metric or statistic', async () => { expect(datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not allow code queries that dont have an expression', async () => { expect( datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, expression: undefined, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code }) ).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should allow code queries that have an expression', async () => { expect( datasource.filterQuery({ ...baseQuery, expression: 'x * 2', metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code }) ).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('metric search expression queries', () => { beforeEach(() => { baseQuery = { ...baseQuery, metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Search, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code, }; }); it('should not allow queries that dont have an expression', async () => { const valid = datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery); expect(valid).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should allow queries that have an expression', async () => { baseQuery.expression = 'SUM([a,x])'; const valid = datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery); expect(valid).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('metric query queries', () => { beforeEach(() => { baseQuery = { ...baseQuery, metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Query, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code, }; }); it('should not allow queries that dont have a sql expresssion', async () => { const valid = datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery); expect(valid).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should allow queries that have a sql expresssion', async () => { baseQuery.sqlExpression = 'select SUM(CPUUtilization) from "AWS/EC2"'; const valid = datasource.filterQuery(baseQuery); expect(valid).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); }); describe('resource requests', () => { it('should map resource response to metric response', async () => { const datasource = setupMockedDataSource().datasource; datasource.doMetricResourceRequest = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([ { text: 'AWS/EC2', value: 'CPUUtilization', }, { text: 'AWS/Redshift', value: 'CPUPercentage', }, ]); const allMetrics = await datasource.getAllMetrics('us-east-2'); expect(allMetrics[0].metricName).toEqual('CPUUtilization'); expect(allMetrics[0].namespace).toEqual('AWS/EC2'); expect(allMetrics[1].metricName).toEqual('CPUPercentage'); expect(allMetrics[1].namespace).toEqual('AWS/Redshift'); }); }); describe('performTimeSeriesQuery', () => { it('should return the same length of data as result', async () => { const { datasource } = setupMockedDataSource({ data: { results: { a: { refId: 'a', series: [{ name: 'cpu', points: [1, 1] }], meta: {} }, b: { refId: 'b', series: [{ name: 'memory', points: [2, 2] }], meta: {} }, }, }, }); const observable = datasource.performTimeSeriesQuery( { queries: [ { datasourceId: 1, refId: 'a' }, { datasourceId: 1, refId: 'b' }, ], } as any, { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime() } as any ); await expect(observable).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const response = received[0]; expect(; }); }); it('sets fields.config.interval based on period', async () => { const { datasource } = setupMockedDataSource({ data: { results: { a: { refId: 'a', series: [{ name: 'cpu', points: [1, 2], meta: { custom: { period: 60 } } }], }, b: { refId: 'b', series: [{ name: 'cpu', points: [1, 2], meta: { custom: { period: 120 } } }], }, }, }, }); const observable = datasource.performTimeSeriesQuery( { queries: [{ datasourceId: 1, refId: 'a' }], } as any, { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime() } as any ); await expect(observable).toEmitValuesWith((received) => { const response = received[0]; expect([0].fields[0].config.interval).toEqual(60000); expect([1].fields[0].config.interval).toEqual(120000); }); }); }); describe('describeLogGroup', () => { it('replaces region correctly in the query', async () => { const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource(); await datasource.describeLogGroups({ region: 'default' }); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].region).toBe('us-west-1'); await datasource.describeLogGroups({ region: 'eu-east' }); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[1][0].data.queries[0].region).toBe('eu-east'); }); }); describe('template variable interpolation', () => { it('interpolates variables correctly', async () => { const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource({ variables: [namespaceVariable, metricVariable, labelsVariable, limitVariable], }); datasource.handleMetricQueries( [ { id: '', refId: 'a', region: 'us-east-2', namespace: '', period: '', alias: '', metricName: '', dimensions: {}, matchExact: true, statistic: '', expression: '', metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Query, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code, sqlExpression: 'SELECT SUM($metric) FROM "$namespace" GROUP BY ${labels:raw} LIMIT $limit', }, ], { range: { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime() } } as any ); expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ data: expect.objectContaining({ queries: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ sqlExpression: `SELECT SUM(CPUUtilization) FROM "AWS/EC2" GROUP BY InstanceId,InstanceType LIMIT 100`, }), ]), }), }) ); }); }); describe('timezoneUTCOffset', () => { const testQuery = { id: '', refId: 'a', region: 'us-east-2', namespace: '', period: '', label: '${MAX_TIME_RELATIVE}', metricName: '', dimensions: {}, matchExact: true, statistic: '', expression: '', metricQueryType: MetricQueryType.Query, metricEditorMode: MetricEditorMode.Code, sqlExpression: 'SELECT SUM($metric) FROM "$namespace" GROUP BY ${labels:raw} LIMIT $limit', }; const testTable = [ ['Europe/Stockholm', '+0200'], ['America/New_York', '-0400'], ['Asia/Tokyo', '+0900'], ['UTC', '+0000'], ]; describe.each(testTable)('should use the right time zone offset', (ianaTimezone, expectedOffset) => { const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource(); datasource.handleMetricQueries([testQuery], { range: { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime() }, timezone: ianaTimezone, } as any); expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ data: expect.objectContaining({ queries: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ timezoneUTCOffset: expectedOffset, }), ]), }), }) ); }); }); describe('convertMultiFiltersFormat', () => { const ds = setupMockedDataSource({ variables: [labelsVariable, dimensionVariable], mockGetVariableName: false }); it('converts keys and values correctly', () => { // the json in this line doesn't matter, but it makes sure that old queries will be parsed const filters = { $dimension: ['b'], a: ['${labels:json}', 'bar'] }; const result = ds.datasource.convertMultiFilterFormat(filters); expect(result).toStrictEqual({ env: ['b'], a: ['InstanceId', 'InstanceType', 'bar'], }); }); }); describe('getLogGroupFields', () => { it('passes region correctly', async () => { const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource(); fetchMock.mockReturnValueOnce( of({ data: { results: { A: { frames: [ dataFrameToJSON( new MutableDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: 'key', values: [] }, { name: 'val', values: [] }, ], }) ), ], }, }, }, }) ); await datasource.getLogGroupFields({ region: 'us-west-1', logGroupName: 'test' }); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.queries[0].region).toBe('us-west-1'); }); }); }); function setupForLogs() { function envelope(frame: DataFrame) { return { data: { results: { a: { refId: 'a', frames: [dataFrameToJSON(frame)] } } } }; } const { datasource, fetchMock } = setupMockedDataSource(); const startQueryFrame = new MutableDataFrame({ fields: [{ name: 'queryId', values: ['queryid'] }] }); fetchMock.mockReturnValueOnce(of(envelope(startQueryFrame))); const logsFrame = new MutableDataFrame({ fields: [ { name: '@message', values: new ArrayVector(['something']), }, { name: '@timestamp', values: new ArrayVector([1]), }, { name: '@xrayTraceId', values: new ArrayVector(['1-613f0d6b-3e7cb34375b60662359611bd']), }, ], meta: { custom: { Status: CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Complete } }, }); fetchMock.mockReturnValueOnce(of(envelope(logsFrame))); setDataSourceSrv({ async get() { return { name: 'Xray', }; }, } as any); return { datasource, fetchMock }; }