+++ title = "Thresholds" type = "docs" [menu.docs] identifier = "thresholds" parent = "panels" weight = 300 +++ # Thresholds Thresholds set the color of either the value text or the background depending on conditions that you define. You can define thresholds one of two ways: * **Absolute** thresholds are defined based on a number. For example, 80 on a scale of 1 to 150. * **Percentage** thresholds are defined relative to minimum and maximums. For example, 80 percent. You can apply thresholds to the following visualizations: - [Bar gauge]({{< relref "visualizations/bar-gauge-panel.md" >}}) - [Gauge]({{< relref "visualizations/gauge-panel.md" >}}) - [Graph]({{< relref "visualizations/graph-panel.md" >}}) - [Stat]({{< relref "visualizations/stat-panel.md" >}}) - [Table]({{< relref "visualizations/table-panel.md" >}}) ## Default thresholds On visualizations that support it, Grafana sets default threshold values of: * 80 = red * Base = green * Mode = Absolute The **Base** value represents minus infinity. It is generally the “good” color. ## Add a threshold You can add as many thresholds to a panel as you want. Grafana automatically sorts thresholds from highest value to lowest. > **Note:** These instructions apply only to the Stat, Gauge, Bar gauge, and Table visualizations. 1. Navigate to the panel you want to add a threshold to. 1. Click the **Field** tab. 1. Click **Add threshold**. 1. Grafana adds a threshold with suggested numerical and color values. 1. Accept the recommendations or edit the new threshold. * **Edit color:** Click the color dot you wish to change and then select a new color. * **Edit number:** Click the number you wish to change and then enter a new number. * **Thresholds mode -** Click the mode to change it for all thresholds on this panel. 1. Click **Save** to save the changes in the dashboard. ## Add a threshold to a Graph panel In the Graph panel visualization, thresholds allow you to add arbitrary lines or sections to the graph to make it easier to see when the graph crosses a particular threshold. 1. Navigate to the graph panel you want to add a threshold to. 1. On the Panel tab, click **Thresholds**. 1. Click **Add threshold**. 1. Fill in as many fields as you want. Only the **T1** fields are required. * **T1 -** Both values are required to display a threshold. * **lt** or **gt** - Select **lt** for less than or **gt** for greater than to indicate what the threshold applies to. * **Value -** Enter a threshold value. Grafana draws a threshold line along the Y-axis at that value. * **Color -** Choose a condition that corresponds to a color, or define your own color. * **custom -** You define the fill color and line color. * **critical -** Fill and line color are red. * **warning -** Fill and line color are yellow. * **ok -** Fill and line color are green. * **Fill -** Controls whether the threshold fill is displayed. * **Line -** Controls whether the threshold line is displayed. * **Y-Axis -** Choose **left** or **right**. 1. Click **Save** to save the changes in the dashboard. ## Delete a threshold 1. Navigate to the panel you want to add a threshold to. 1. Click the **Field** tab. (Or **Panel** tab for a graph panel.) 1. Click the trash can icon next to the threshold you want to remove. 1. Click **Save** to save the changes in the dashboard.