+++ title = "JSON model" keywords = ["grafana", "dashboard", "documentation", "json", "model"] aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/reference/dashboard/"] weight = 1200 +++ # Dashboard JSON model A dashboard in Grafana is represented by a JSON object, which stores metadata of its dashboard. Dashboard metadata includes dashboard properties, metadata from panels, template variables, panel queries, etc. To view the JSON of a dashboard, follow the steps mentioned below: 1. Go to a dashboard 1. Click on `Manage dashboard` menu on the top navigation bar 1. Select `View JSON` from the dropdown menu ## JSON fields When a user creates a new dashboard, a new dashboard JSON object is initialized with the following fields: > **Note:** In the following JSON, id is shown as null which is the default value assigned to it until a dashboard is saved. Once a dashboard is saved, an integer value is assigned to the `id` field. ```json { "id": null, "uid": "cLV5GDCkz", "title": "New dashboard", "tags": [], "style": "dark", "timezone": "browser", "editable": true, "hideControls": false, "graphTooltip": 1, "panels": [], "time": { "from": "now-6h", "to": "now" }, "timepicker": { "time_options": [], "refresh_intervals": [] }, "templating": { "list": [] }, "annotations": { "list": [] }, "refresh": "5s", "schemaVersion": 17, "version": 0, "links": [] } ``` Each field in the dashboard JSON is explained below with its usage: | Name | Usage | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **id** | unique numeric identifier for the dashboard. (generated by the db) | | **uid** | unique dashboard identifier that can be generated by anyone. string (8-40) | | **title** | current title of dashboard | | **tags** | tags associated with dashboard, an array of strings | | **style** | theme of dashboard, i.e. `dark` or `light` | | **timezone** | timezone of dashboard, i.e. `utc` or `browser` | | **editable** | whether a dashboard is editable or not | | **graphTooltip** | 0 for no shared crosshair or tooltip (default), 1 for shared crosshair, 2 for shared crosshair AND shared tooltip | | **time** | time range for dashboard, i.e. last 6 hours, last 7 days, etc | | **timepicker** | timepicker metadata, see [timepicker section](#timepicker) for details | | **templating** | templating metadata, see [templating section](#templating) for details | | **annotations** | annotations metadata, see [annotations section](#annotations) for details | | **refresh** | auto-refresh interval | | **schemaVersion** | version of the JSON schema (integer), incremented each time a Grafana update brings changes to said schema | | **version** | version of the dashboard (integer), incremented each time the dashboard is updated | | **panels** | panels array, see below for detail. | ## Panels Panels are the building blocks of a dashboard. It consists of data source queries, type of graphs, aliases, etc. Panel JSON consists of an array of JSON objects, each representing a different panel. Most of the fields are common for all panels but some fields depend on the panel type. Following is an example of panel JSON of a text panel. ```json "panels": [ { "type": "text", "title": "Panel Title", "gridPos": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 12, "h": 9 }, "id": 4, "mode": "markdown", "content": "# title" } ``` ### Panel size and position The gridPos property describes the panel size and position in grid coordinates. - `w` 1-24 (the width of the dashboard is divided into 24 columns) - `h` In grid height units, each represents 30 pixels. - `x` The x position, in same unit as `w`. - `y` The y position, in same unit as `h`. The grid has a negative gravity that moves panels up if there is empty space above a panel. ### timepicker ```json "timepicker": { "collapse": false, "enable": true, "notice": false, "now": true, "refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "status": "Stable", "type": "timepicker" } ``` Usage of the fields is explained below: | Name | Usage | | --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | **collapse** | whether timepicker is collapsed or not | | **enable** | whether timepicker is enabled or not | | **notice** | TODO | | **now** | TODO | | **refresh_intervals** | TODO | | **status** | TODO | | **type** | TODO | ### templating The `templating` field contains an array of template variables with their saved values along with some other metadata, for example: ```json "templating": { "enable": true, "list": [ { "allFormat": "wildcard", "current": { "tags": [], "text": "prod", "value": "prod" }, "datasource": null, "includeAll": true, "name": "env", "options": [ { "selected": false, "text": "All", "value": "*" }, { "selected": false, "text": "stage", "value": "stage" }, { "selected": false, "text": "test", "value": "test" } ], "query": "tag_values(cpu.utilization.average,env)", "refresh": false, "type": "query" }, { "allFormat": "wildcard", "current": { "text": "apache", "value": "apache" }, "datasource": null, "includeAll": false, "multi": false, "multiFormat": "glob", "name": "app", "options": [ { "selected": true, "text": "tomcat", "value": "tomcat" }, { "selected": false, "text": "cassandra", "value": "cassandra" } ], "query": "tag_values(cpu.utilization.average,app)", "refresh": false, "regex": "", "type": "query" } ] } ``` Usage of the above mentioned fields in the templating section is explained below: | Name | Usage | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **enable** | whether templating is enabled or not | | **list** | an array of objects each representing one template variable | | **allFormat** | format to use while fetching all values from data source, eg: `wildcard`, `glob`, `regex`, `pipe`, etc. | | **current** | shows current selected variable text/value on the dashboard | | **data source** | shows data source for the variables | | **includeAll** | whether all value option is available or not | | **multi** | whether multiple values can be selected or not from variable value list | | **multiFormat** | format to use while fetching timeseries from data source | | **name** | name of variable | | **options** | array of variable text/value pairs available for selection on dashboard | | **query** | data source query used to fetch values for a variable | | **refresh** | TODO | | **regex** | TODO | | **type** | type of variable, i.e. `custom`, `query` or `interval` |