{ "extends": [ "config:base" ], "enabledManagers": ["npm"], "ignoreDeps": [ "@types/history", // this can be removed entirely when we upgrade history since v5 exposes types directly "history", // we should bump this together with react-router-dom (see https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/76744) "react-router-dom", // we should bump this together with history (see https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/76744) "loader-utils", // v3 requires upstream changes in ngtemplate-loader. ignore, and remove when we remove angular. "monaco-editor", // due to us exposing this via @grafana/ui/CodeEditor's props bumping can break plugins "@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs", // we don't want to bump to v4 due to licensing changes "@swc/core", // versions ~1.4.5 contain multiple bugs related to baseUrl resolution breaking builds. ], "includePaths": ["package.json", "packages/**", "public/app/plugins/**"], "ignorePaths": ["emails/**", "plugins-bundled/**", "**/mocks/**", "packages/grafana-e2e/**"], "labels": ["area/frontend", "dependencies", "no-changelog"], "postUpdateOptions": ["yarnDedupeHighest"], "packageRules": [ { "automerge": true, "matchCurrentVersion": "!/^0/", "matchUpdateTypes": ["patch"], "excludePackagePatterns": ["^@?storybook", "^@locker"] }, { "matchPackagePatterns": ["^@?storybook"], "extends": ["schedule:monthly"], "groupName": "Storybook updates" }, { "groupName": "React Aria", "matchPackagePrefixes": [ "@react-aria/", "@react-stately/" ] }, { "groupName": "Moveable", "matchPackageNames": [ "moveable", "react-moveable" ] }, { "groupName": "Slate", "matchPackageNames": [ "@types/slate", "@types/slate-react", "slate", "slate-react" ] }, { "groupName": "d3", "matchPackagePrefixes": [ "d3", "@types/d3" ] }, { "groupName": "visx", "matchPackagePrefixes": [ "@visx/" ] }, { "groupName": "uLibraries", "matchPackageNames": [ "@leeoniya/ufuzzy", "uplot" ], "reviewers": ["leeoniya"], }, { "groupName": "locker", "matchPackagePrefixes": [ "@locker/" ], "reviewers": ["team:grafana/plugins-platform-frontend"], }, ], "pin": { "enabled": false }, "prConcurrentLimit": 10, "rebaseWhen": "conflicted", "reviewers": ["team:grafana/frontend-ops"], "separateMajorMinor": false, "vulnerabilityAlerts": { "addLabels": ["area/security"] } }