define([ 'features/dashboard/unsavedChangesSrv', 'features/dashboard/dashboardSrv' ], function() { 'use strict'; describe("unsavedChangesSrv", function() { var _unsavedChangesSrv; var _dashboardSrv; var _location; var _contextSrvStub = { isEditor: true }; var _rootScope; var tracker; var dash; var scope; beforeEach(module('')); beforeEach(module(function($provide) { $provide.value('contextSrv', _contextSrvStub); $provide.value('$window', {}); })); beforeEach(inject(function(unsavedChangesSrv, $location, $rootScope, dashboardSrv) { _unsavedChangesSrv = unsavedChangesSrv; _dashboardSrv = dashboardSrv; _location = $location; _rootScope = $rootScope; })); beforeEach(function() { dash = _dashboardSrv.create({ rows: [ { panels: [{ test: "asd", legend: { } }] } ] }); scope = _rootScope.$new(); scope.appEvent = sinon.spy(); scope.onAppEvent = sinon.spy(); tracker = new _unsavedChangesSrv.Tracker(dash, scope); }); it('No changes should not have changes', function() { expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Simple change should be registered', function() { = "google"; expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Should ignore a lot of changes', function() { dash.time = {from: '1h'}; dash.refresh = true; dash.schemaVersion = 10; expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Should ignore row collapse change', function() { dash.rows[0].collapse = true; expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Should ignore panel legend changes', function() { dash.rows[0].panels[0].legend.sortDesc = true; dash.rows[0].panels[0].legend.sort = "avg"; expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Should ignore panel repeats', function() { dash.rows[0].panels.push({repeatPanelId: 10}); expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); it('Should ignore row repeats', function() { dash.rows.push({repeatRowId: 10}); expect(tracker.hasChanges()); }); }); });