define([ 'helpers', 'plugins/datasource/graphite/datasource' ], function(helpers) { 'use strict'; describe('graphiteDatasource', function() { var ctx = new helpers.ServiceTestContext(); beforeEach(module('')); beforeEach(ctx.providePhase(['backendSrv'])); beforeEach(ctx.createService('GraphiteDatasource')); beforeEach(function() { ctx.ds = new ctx.service({ url: [''] }); }); describe('When querying influxdb with one target using query editor target spec', function() { var query = { range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, targets: [{ target: 'prod1.count' }, {target: 'prod2.count'}], maxDataPoints: 500, }; var results; var requestOptions; beforeEach(function() { ctx.backendSrv.datasourceRequest = function(options) { requestOptions = options; return ctx.$q.when({data: [{ target: 'prod1.count', datapoints: [[10, 1], [12,1]] }]}); }; ctx.ds.query(query).then(function(data) { results = data; }); ctx.$rootScope.$apply(); }); it('should generate the correct query', function() { expect(requestOptions.url)'/render'); }); it('should query correctly', function() { var params ='&'); expect(params).to.contain('target=prod1.count'); expect(params).to.contain('target=prod2.count'); expect(params).to.contain('from=-1h'); expect(params).to.contain('until=now'); }); it('should exclude undefined params', function() { var params ='&'); expect(params).to.not.contain('cacheTimeout=undefined'); }); it('should return series list', function() { expect(; expect([0].target)'prod1.count'); }); it('should convert to millisecond resolution', function() { expect([0].datapoints[0][0]); }); }); describe('building graphite params', function() { it('should uri escape targets', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: 'prod1.{test,test2}'}, {target: 'prod2.count'}] }); expect(results).to.contain('target=prod1.%7Btest%2Ctest2%7D'); }); it('should replace target placeholder', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: 'series1'}, {target: 'series2'}, {target: 'asPercent(#A,#B)'}] }); expect(results[2])'target=asPercent(series1%2Cseries2)'); }); it('should replace target placeholder for hidden series', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: 'series1', hide: true}, {target: 'sumSeries(#A)', hide: true}, {target: 'asPercent(#A,#B)'}] }); expect(results[0])'target=' + encodeURIComponent('asPercent(series1,sumSeries(series1))')); }); it('should replace target placeholder when nesting query references', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: 'series1'}, {target: 'sumSeries(#A)'}, {target: 'asPercent(#A,#B)'}] }); expect(results[2])'target=' + encodeURIComponent("asPercent(series1,sumSeries(series1))")); }); it('should fix wrong minute interval parameters', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: "summarize(prod.25m.count, '25m', 'sum')" }] }); expect(results[0])'target=' + encodeURIComponent("summarize(prod.25m.count, '25min', 'sum')")); }); it('should fix wrong month interval parameters', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: "summarize(prod.5M.count, '5M', 'sum')" }] }); expect(results[0])'target=' + encodeURIComponent("summarize(prod.5M.count, '5mon', 'sum')")); }); it('should ignore empty targets', function() { var results = ctx.ds.buildGraphiteParams({ targets: [{target: 'series1'}, {target: ''}] }); expect(results.length); }); }); }); });