import * as H from 'history'; import { each, find } from 'lodash'; import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Prompt } from 'react-router-dom'; import { locationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Dashboard } from '@grafana/schema'; import { ModalsContext } from '@grafana/ui'; import { appEvents } from 'app/core/app_events'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { SaveLibraryPanelModal } from 'app/features/library-panels/components/SaveLibraryPanelModal/SaveLibraryPanelModal'; import { PanelModelWithLibraryPanel } from 'app/features/library-panels/types'; import { useDispatch } from 'app/types'; import { DashboardSavedEvent } from 'app/types/events'; import { DashboardModel } from '../../state/DashboardModel'; import { discardPanelChanges, exitPanelEditor } from '../PanelEditor/state/actions'; import { UnsavedChangesModal } from '../SaveDashboard/UnsavedChangesModal'; export interface Props { dashboard: DashboardModel; } interface State { original: object | null; originalPath?: string; } export const DashboardPrompt = React.memo(({ dashboard }: Props) => { const [state, setState] = useState({ original: null }); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { original, originalPath } = state; const { showModal, hideModal } = useContext(ModalsContext); useEffect(() => { // This timeout delay is to wait for panels to load and migrate scheme before capturing the original state // This is to minimize unsaved changes warnings due to automatic schema migrations const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { const originalPath = locationService.getLocation().pathname; const original = dashboard.getSaveModelClone(); setState({ originalPath, original }); }, 1000); const savedEventUnsub = appEvents.subscribe(DashboardSavedEvent, () => { const original = dashboard.getSaveModelClone(); setState({ originalPath, original }); }); return () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); savedEventUnsub.unsubscribe(); }; }, [dashboard, originalPath]); useEffect(() => { const handleUnload = (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => { if (ignoreChanges(dashboard, original)) { return; } if (hasChanges(dashboard, original)) { event.preventDefault(); // No browser actually displays this message anymore. // But Chrome requires it to be defined else the popup won't show. event.returnValue = ''; } }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleUnload); return () => window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', handleUnload); }, [dashboard, original]); const onHistoryBlock = (location: H.Location) => { const panelInEdit = dashboard.panelInEdit; const search = new URLSearchParams(; // Are we leaving panel edit & library panel? if (panelInEdit && panelInEdit.libraryPanel && panelInEdit.hasChanged && !search.has('editPanel')) { showModal(SaveLibraryPanelModal, { isUnsavedPrompt: true, panel: dashboard.panelInEdit as PanelModelWithLibraryPanel, folderUid: dashboard.meta.folderUid ?? '', onConfirm: () => { hideModal(); moveToBlockedLocationAfterReactStateUpdate(location); }, onDiscard: () => { dispatch(discardPanelChanges()); moveToBlockedLocationAfterReactStateUpdate(location); hideModal(); }, onDismiss: hideModal, }); return false; } // Are we still on the same dashboard? if (originalPath === location.pathname || !original) { // This is here due to timing reasons we want the exit panel editor state changes to happen before router update if (panelInEdit && !search.has('editPanel')) { dispatch(exitPanelEditor()); } return true; } if (ignoreChanges(dashboard, original)) { return true; } if (!hasChanges(dashboard, original)) { return true; } showModal(UnsavedChangesModal, { dashboard: dashboard, onSaveSuccess: () => { hideModal(); moveToBlockedLocationAfterReactStateUpdate(location); }, onDiscard: () => { setState({ ...state, original: null }); hideModal(); moveToBlockedLocationAfterReactStateUpdate(location); }, onDismiss: hideModal, }); return false; }; return ; }); DashboardPrompt.displayName = 'DashboardPrompt'; function moveToBlockedLocationAfterReactStateUpdate(location?: H.Location | null) { if (location) { setTimeout(() => locationService.push(location), 10); } } /** * For some dashboards and users changes should be ignored * */ export function ignoreChanges(current: DashboardModel | null, original: object | null) { if (!original) { return true; } // Ignore changes if the user has been signed out if (!contextSrv.isSignedIn) { return true; } if (!current) { return true; } const { canSave, fromScript, fromFile } = current.meta; if (!contextSrv.isEditor && !canSave) { return true; } return !canSave || fromScript || fromFile; } /** * Remove stuff that should not count in diff */ function cleanDashboardFromIgnoredChanges(dashData: Dashboard) { // need to new up the domain model class to get access to expand / collapse row logic const model = new DashboardModel(dashData); // Expand all rows before making comparison. This is required because row expand / collapse // change order of panel array and panel positions. model.expandRows(); const dash = model.getSaveModelClone(); // ignore time and refresh dash.time = 0; dash.refresh = ''; dash.schemaVersion = 0; dash.timezone = 0; dash.panels = []; // ignore template variable values each(dash.getVariables(), (variable: any) => { variable.current = null; variable.options = null; variable.filters = null; }); return dash; } // TODO: Adapt original to be Dashboard type instead export function hasChanges(current: DashboardModel, original: unknown) { if (current.hasUnsavedChanges()) { return true; } // TODO: Make getSaveModelClone return Dashboard type instead const currentClean = cleanDashboardFromIgnoredChanges(current.getSaveModelClone() as unknown as Dashboard); const originalClean = cleanDashboardFromIgnoredChanges(original as Dashboard); const currentTimepicker = find((currentClean as any).nav, { type: 'timepicker' }); const originalTimepicker = find((originalClean as any).nav, { type: 'timepicker' }); if (currentTimepicker && originalTimepicker) { =; } const currentJson = JSON.stringify(currentClean, null); const originalJson = JSON.stringify(originalClean, null); return currentJson !== originalJson; }