import React from 'react'; import { DataSourceSettingsPage, Props } from './DataSourceSettingsPage'; import { getMockDataSource } from '../__mocks__/dataSourcesMocks'; import { getMockPlugin } from '../../plugins/__mocks__/pluginMocks'; import { dataSourceLoaded, setDataSourceName, setIsDefault } from '../state/reducers'; import { getRouteComponentProps } from 'app/core/navigation/__mocks__/routeProps'; import { cleanUpAction } from 'app/core/actions/cleanUp'; import { screen, render } from '@testing-library/react'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { PluginState } from '@grafana/data'; const getMockNode = () => ({ text: 'text', subTitle: 'subtitle', icon: 'icon', }); const getProps = (): Props => ({ ...getRouteComponentProps(), navModel: { node: getMockNode(), main: getMockNode(), }, dataSource: getMockDataSource(), dataSourceMeta: getMockPlugin(), dataSourceId: 1, deleteDataSource: jest.fn(), loadDataSource: jest.fn(), setDataSourceName, updateDataSource: jest.fn(), initDataSourceSettings: jest.fn(), testDataSource: jest.fn(), setIsDefault, dataSourceLoaded, cleanUpAction, page: null, plugin: null, loadError: null, testingStatus: {}, }); describe('Render', () => { it('should not render loading when props are ready', () => { render(); expect(screen.queryByText('Loading ...')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render loading if datasource is not ready', () => { const mockProps = getProps(); = 0; render(); expect(screen.getByText('Loading ...')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render beta info text if plugin state is beta', () => { const mockProps = getProps(); mockProps.dataSourceMeta.state = PluginState.beta; render(); expect( screen.getByTitle('Beta Plugin: There could be bugs and minor breaking changes to this plugin') ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render alpha info text if plugin state is alpha', () => { const mockProps = getProps(); mockProps.dataSourceMeta.state = PluginState.alpha; render(); expect( screen.getByTitle('Alpha Plugin: This plugin is a work in progress and updates may include breaking changes') ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should not render is ready only message is readOnly is false', () => { const mockProps = getProps(); mockProps.dataSource.readOnly = false; render(); expect(screen.queryByLabelText(selectors.pages.DataSource.readOnly)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render is ready only message is readOnly is true', () => { const mockProps = getProps(); mockProps.dataSource.readOnly = true; render(); expect(screen.getByLabelText(selectors.pages.DataSource.readOnly)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render error message with detailed message', () => { const mockProps = { ...getProps(), testingStatus: { message: 'message', status: 'error', details: { message: 'detailed message' }, }, }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(mockProps.testingStatus.message)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByText(mockProps.testingStatus.details.message)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render error message with empty details', () => { const mockProps = { ...getProps(), testingStatus: { message: 'message', status: 'error', details: {}, }, }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(mockProps.testingStatus.message)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render error message without details', () => { const mockProps = { ...getProps(), testingStatus: { message: 'message', status: 'error', }, }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(mockProps.testingStatus.message)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('should render verbose error message with detailed verbose error message', () => { const mockProps = { ...getProps(), testingStatus: { message: 'message', status: 'error', details: { message: 'detailed message', verboseMessage: 'verbose message' }, }, }; render(); expect(screen.getByText(mockProps.testingStatus.details.verboseMessage)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); });