+++ title = "Monitoring strategies" description = "Common monitoring strategies" keywords = ["grafana", "intro", "guide", "concepts", "methods"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] weight = 500 +++ # Common observability strategies When you have a lot to monitor, like a server farm, you need a strategy to decide what is important enough to monitor. This page describes several common methods for choosing what to monitor. A logical strategy allows you to make uniform dashboards and scale your observability platform more easily. ## Guidelines for usage - The USE method tells you how happy your machines are, the RED method tells you how happy your users are. - USE reports on causes of issues. - RED reports on user experience and is more likely to report symptoms of problems. - The best practice of alerting is to alert on symptoms rather than causes, so alerting should be done on RED dashboards. ## USE method USE stands for: - **Utilization -** Percent time the resource is busy, such as node CPU usage - **Saturation -** Amount of work a resource has to do, often queue length or node load - **Errors -** Count of error events This method is best for hardware resources in infrastructure, such as CPU, memory, and network devices. For more information, refer to [The USE Method](http://www.brendangregg.com/usemethod.html). ## RED method RED stands for: - **Rate -** Requests per second - **Errors -** Number of requests that are failing - **Duration -** Amount of time these requests take, distribution of latency measurements This method is most applicable to services, especially a microservices environment. For each of your services, instrument the code to expose these metrics for each component. RED dashboards are good for alerting and SLAs. A well-designed RED dashboard is a proxy for user experience. For more information, refer to Tom Wilkie's blog post [The RED method: How to instrument your services](https://grafana.com/blog/2018/08/02/the-red-method-how-to-instrument-your-services). ## The Four Golden Signals According to the [Google SRE handbook](https://landing.google.com/sre/sre-book/chapters/monitoring-distributed-systems/#xref_monitoring_golden-signals), if you can only measure four metrics of your user-facing system, focus on these four. This method is similar to the RED method, but it includes saturation. - **Latency -** Time taken to serve a request - **Traffic -** How much demand is placed on your system - **Errors -** Rate of requests that are failing - **Saturation -** How "full" your system is