package api import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "" "" "" apimodels "" "" "" ) var endpoints = map[string]map[string]string{ "cortex": { "silences": "/alertmanager/api/v2/silences", "silence": "/alertmanager/api/v2/silence/%s", "status": "/alertmanager/api/v2/status", "groups": "/alertmanager/api/v2/alerts/groups", "alerts": "/alertmanager/api/v2/alerts", "config": "/api/v1/alerts", }, "prometheus": { "silences": "/api/v2/silences", "silence": "/api/v2/silence/%s", "status": "/api/v2/status", "groups": "/api/v2/alerts/groups", "alerts": "/api/v2/alerts", }, } const ( defaultImplementation = "cortex" ) type LotexAM struct { log log.Logger *AlertingProxy } func NewLotexAM(proxy *AlertingProxy, log log.Logger) *LotexAM { return &LotexAM{ log: log, AlertingProxy: proxy, } } func (am *LotexAM) withAMReq( ctx *models.ReqContext, method string, endpoint string, pathParams []string, body io.Reader, extractor func(*response.NormalResponse) (interface{}, error), headers map[string]string, ) response.Response { ds, err := am.DataProxy.DataSourceCache.GetDatasource(ctx.ParamsInt64(":Recipient"), ctx.SignedInUser, ctx.SkipCache) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDataSourceAccessDenied) { return ErrResp(http.StatusForbidden, err, "Access denied to datasource") } if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDataSourceNotFound) { return ErrResp(http.StatusNotFound, err, "Unable to find datasource") } return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "Unable to load datasource meta data") } impl := ds.JsonData.Get("implementation").MustString(defaultImplementation) implEndpoints, ok := endpoints[impl] if !ok { return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("unsupported Alert Manager implementation \"%s\"", impl), "") } endpointPath, ok := implEndpoints[endpoint] if !ok { return ErrResp(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("unsupported endpoint \"%s\" for Alert Manager implementation \"%s\"", endpoint, impl), "") } iPathParams := make([]interface{}, len(pathParams)) for idx, value := range pathParams { iPathParams[idx] = value } return am.withReq( ctx, method, withPath(*ctx.Req.URL, fmt.Sprintf(endpointPath, iPathParams...)), body, extractor, headers, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetAMStatus(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "status", nil, nil, jsonExtractor(&apimodels.GettableStatus{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteCreateSilence(ctx *models.ReqContext, silenceBody apimodels.PostableSilence) response.Response { blob, err := json.Marshal(silenceBody) if err != nil { return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed marshal silence") } return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodPost, "silences", nil, bytes.NewBuffer(blob), jsonExtractor(&apimodels.GettableSilence{}), map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteDeleteAlertingConfig(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodDelete, "config", nil, nil, messageExtractor, nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteDeleteSilence(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodDelete, "silence", []string{web.Params(ctx.Req)[":SilenceId"]}, nil, messageExtractor, nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetAlertingConfig(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "config", nil, nil, yamlExtractor(&apimodels.GettableUserConfig{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetAMAlertGroups(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "groups", nil, nil, jsonExtractor(&apimodels.AlertGroups{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetAMAlerts(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "alerts", nil, nil, jsonExtractor(&apimodels.GettableAlerts{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetSilence(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "silence", []string{web.Params(ctx.Req)[":SilenceId"]}, nil, jsonExtractor(&apimodels.GettableSilence{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RouteGetSilences(ctx *models.ReqContext) response.Response { return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodGet, "silences", nil, nil, jsonExtractor(&apimodels.GettableSilences{}), nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RoutePostAlertingConfig(ctx *models.ReqContext, config apimodels.PostableUserConfig) response.Response { yml, err := yaml.Marshal(&config) if err != nil { return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed marshal alert manager configuration ") } return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodPost, "config", nil, bytes.NewBuffer(yml), messageExtractor, nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RoutePostAMAlerts(ctx *models.ReqContext, alerts apimodels.PostableAlerts) response.Response { yml, err := yaml.Marshal(alerts) if err != nil { return ErrResp(500, err, "Failed marshal postable alerts") } return am.withAMReq( ctx, http.MethodPost, "alerts", nil, bytes.NewBuffer(yml), messageExtractor, nil, ) } func (am *LotexAM) RoutePostTestReceivers(ctx *models.ReqContext, config apimodels.TestReceiversConfigBodyParams) response.Response { return NotImplementedResp }