import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { DataQueryResponse, QueryResultMetaStat, DataFrame, FieldType } from '@grafana/data'; import { getMockFrames } from './mocks'; import { dataFrameHasLevelLabel, dataFrameHasLokiError, extractLevelLikeLabelFromDataFrame, extractLogParserFromDataFrame, extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame, extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame, cloneQueryResponse, combineResponses, } from './responseUtils'; const frame: DataFrame = { length: 1, fields: [ { name: 'Time', config: {}, type: FieldType.time, values: [1], }, { name: 'labels', config: {}, type: FieldType.other, values: [{ level: 'info' }], }, { name: 'Line', config: {}, type: FieldType.string, values: ['line1'], }, ], }; describe('dataFrameHasParsingError', () => { it('handles frame with parsing error', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ level: 'info', __error__: 'error' }]; expect(dataFrameHasLokiError(input)).toBe(true); }); it('handles frame without parsing error', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); expect(dataFrameHasLokiError(input)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('dataFrameHasLevelLabel', () => { it('returns true if level label is present', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ level: 'info' }]; expect(dataFrameHasLevelLabel(input)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if level label is present', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ foo: 'bar' }]; expect(dataFrameHasLevelLabel(input)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('extractLevelLikeLabelFromDataFrame', () => { it('returns label if lvl label is present', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ lvl: 'info' }]; expect(extractLevelLikeLabelFromDataFrame(input)).toBe('lvl'); }); it('returns label if level-like label is present', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ error_level: 'info' }]; expect(extractLevelLikeLabelFromDataFrame(input)).toBe('error_level'); }); it('returns undefined if no level-like label is present', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ foo: 'info' }]; expect(extractLevelLikeLabelFromDataFrame(input)).toBe(null); }); }); describe('extractLogParserFromDataFrame', () => { it('returns false by default', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); expect(extractLogParserFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual({ hasJSON: false, hasLogfmt: false, hasPack: false }); }); it('identifies JSON', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[2].values = ['{"a":"b"}']; expect(extractLogParserFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual({ hasJSON: true, hasLogfmt: false, hasPack: false }); }); it('identifies logfmt', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[2].values = ['a=b']; expect(extractLogParserFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual({ hasJSON: false, hasLogfmt: true, hasPack: false }); }); }); describe('extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame', () => { it('returns empty by default', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = []; expect(extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual([]); }); it('extracts label keys', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); expect(extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual(['level']); }); }); describe('extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame', () => { it('returns empty by default', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = []; expect(extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual([]); }); it('extracts possible unwrap label keys', () => { const input = cloneDeep(frame); input.fields[1].values = [{ number: 13 }]; expect(extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame(input)).toEqual(['number']); }); }); describe('cloneQueryResponse', () => { const { logFrameA } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [logFrameA], }; it('clones query responses', () => { const clonedA = cloneQueryResponse(responseA); expect(clonedA).not.toBe(responseA); expect(clonedA).toEqual(clonedA); }); }); describe('combineResponses', () => { it('combines logs frames', () => { const { logFrameA, logFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [logFrameA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [logFrameB], }; expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB)).toEqual({ data: [ { fields: [ { config: {}, name: 'Time', type: 'time', values: [1, 2, 3, 4], }, { config: {}, name: 'Line', type: 'string', values: ['line3', 'line4', 'line1', 'line2'], }, { config: {}, name: 'labels', type: 'other', values: [ { otherLabel: 'other value', }, { label: 'value', }, { otherLabel: 'other value', }, ], }, { config: {}, name: 'tsNs', type: 'string', values: ['1000000', '2000000', '3000000', '4000000'], }, { config: {}, name: 'id', type: 'string', values: ['id3', 'id4', 'id1', 'id2'], }, ], length: 4, meta: { custom: { frameType: 'LabeledTimeValues', }, stats: [ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 33, }, ], }, refId: 'A', }, ], }); }); it('combines metric frames', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB], }; expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB)).toEqual({ data: [ { fields: [ { config: {}, name: 'Time', type: 'time', values: [1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000], }, { config: {}, name: 'Value', type: 'number', values: [6, 7, 5, 4], labels: { level: 'debug', }, }, ], length: 4, meta: { type: 'timeseries-multi', stats: [ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 33, }, ], }, refId: 'A', }, ], }); }); it('combines and identifies new frames in the response', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB, metricFrameC } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB, metricFrameC], }; expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB)).toEqual({ data: [ { fields: [ { config: {}, name: 'Time', type: 'time', values: [1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000], }, { config: {}, name: 'Value', type: 'number', values: [6, 7, 5, 4], labels: { level: 'debug', }, }, ], length: 4, meta: { type: 'timeseries-multi', stats: [ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 33, }, ], }, refId: 'A', }, metricFrameC, ], }); }); it('combines frames prioritizing refIds over names', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const dataFrameA = { ...metricFrameA, refId: 'A', name: 'A', }; const dataFrameB = { ...metricFrameB, refId: 'B', name: 'A', }; const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [dataFrameA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [dataFrameB], }; expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB)).toEqual({ data: [dataFrameA, dataFrameB], }); }); it('combines frames in a new response instance', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB], }; expect(combineResponses(null, responseA)).not.toBe(responseA); expect(combineResponses(null, responseB)).not.toBe(responseB); }); it('combine when first param has errors', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const errorA = { message: 'errorA', }; const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], error: errorA, errors: [errorA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB], }; const combined = combineResponses(responseA, responseB); expect([0].length).toBe(4); expect(combined.error?.message).toBe('errorA'); expect(combined.errors).toHaveLength(1); expect(combined.errors?.[0]?.message).toBe('errorA'); }); it('combine when second param has errors', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], }; const errorB = { message: 'errorB', }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB], error: errorB, errors: [errorB], }; const combined = combineResponses(responseA, responseB); expect([0].length).toBe(4); expect(combined.error?.message).toBe('errorB'); expect(combined.errors).toHaveLength(1); expect(combined.errors?.[0]?.message).toBe('errorB'); }); it('combine when both params have errors', () => { const { metricFrameA, metricFrameB } = getMockFrames(); const errorA = { message: 'errorA', }; const errorB = { message: 'errorB', }; const responseA: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameA], error: errorA, errors: [errorA], }; const responseB: DataQueryResponse = { data: [metricFrameB], error: errorB, errors: [errorB], }; const combined = combineResponses(responseA, responseB); expect([0].length).toBe(4); expect(combined.error?.message).toBe('errorA'); expect(combined.errors).toHaveLength(2); expect(combined.errors?.[0]?.message).toBe('errorA'); expect(combined.errors?.[1]?.message).toBe('errorB'); }); describe('combine stats', () => { const { metricFrameA } = getMockFrames(); const makeResponse = (stats?: QueryResultMetaStat[]): DataQueryResponse => ({ data: [ { ...metricFrameA, meta: { ...metricFrameA.meta, stats, }, }, ], }); it('two values', () => { const responseA = makeResponse([ { displayName: 'Ingester: total reached', value: 1 }, { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 11 }, ]); const responseB = makeResponse([ { displayName: 'Ingester: total reached', value: 2 }, { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 22 }, ]); expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB).data[0].meta.stats).toStrictEqual([ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 33 }, ]); }); it('one value', () => { const responseA = makeResponse([ { displayName: 'Ingester: total reached', value: 1 }, { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 11 }, ]); const responseB = makeResponse(); expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB).data[0].meta.stats).toStrictEqual([ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 11 }, ]); expect(combineResponses(responseB, responseA).data[0].meta.stats).toStrictEqual([ { displayName: 'Summary: total bytes processed', unit: 'decbytes', value: 11 }, ]); }); it('no value', () => { const responseA = makeResponse(); const responseB = makeResponse(); expect(combineResponses(responseA, responseB).data[0].meta.stats).toHaveLength(0); }); }); });