package influxdb import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" ) var ( regexpOperatorPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^\/.*\/$`) regexpMeasurementPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^\/.*\/$`) ) func (query *Query) Build(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) (string, error) { var res string if query.UseRawQuery && query.RawQuery != "" { res = query.RawQuery } else { res = query.renderSelectors(queryContext) res += query.renderMeasurement() res += query.renderWhereClause() res += query.renderTimeFilter(queryContext) res += query.renderGroupBy(queryContext) res += query.renderTz() } calculator := tsdb.NewIntervalCalculator(&tsdb.IntervalOptions{}) interval := calculator.Calculate(queryContext.TimeRange, query.Interval) res = strings.Replace(res, "$timeFilter", query.renderTimeFilter(queryContext), -1) res = strings.Replace(res, "$interval", interval.Text, -1) res = strings.Replace(res, "$__interval_ms", strconv.FormatInt(interval.Milliseconds(), 10), -1) res = strings.Replace(res, "$__interval", interval.Text, -1) return res, nil } func (query *Query) renderTags() []string { var res []string for i, tag := range query.Tags { str := "" if i > 0 { if tag.Condition == "" { str += "AND" } else { str += tag.Condition } str += " " } //If the operator is missing we fall back to sensible defaults if tag.Operator == "" { if regexpOperatorPattern.Match([]byte(tag.Value)) { tag.Operator = "=~" } else { tag.Operator = "=" } } // quote value unless regex or number var textValue string switch tag.Operator { case "=~", "!~": textValue = tag.Value case "<", ">": textValue = tag.Value default: textValue = fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", strings.Replace(tag.Value, `\`, `\\`, -1)) } res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf(`%s"%s" %s %s`, str, tag.Key, tag.Operator, textValue)) } return res } func (query *Query) renderTimeFilter(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string { from := "now() - " + queryContext.TimeRange.From to := "" if queryContext.TimeRange.To != "now" && queryContext.TimeRange.To != "" { to = " and time < now() - " + strings.Replace(queryContext.TimeRange.To, "now-", "", 1) } return fmt.Sprintf("time > %s%s", from, to) } func (query *Query) renderSelectors(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string { res := "SELECT " var selectors []string for _, sel := range query.Selects { stk := "" for _, s := range *sel { stk = s.Render(query, queryContext, stk) } selectors = append(selectors, stk) } return res + strings.Join(selectors, ", ") } func (query *Query) renderMeasurement() string { var policy string if query.Policy == "" || query.Policy == "default" { policy = "" } else { policy = `"` + query.Policy + `".` } measurement := query.Measurement if !regexpMeasurementPattern.Match([]byte(measurement)) { measurement = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, measurement) } return fmt.Sprintf(` FROM %s%s`, policy, measurement) } func (query *Query) renderWhereClause() string { res := " WHERE " conditions := query.renderTags() if len(conditions) > 0 { if len(conditions) > 1 { res += "(" + strings.Join(conditions, " ") + ")" } else { res += conditions[0] } res += " AND " } return res } func (query *Query) renderGroupBy(queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) string { groupBy := "" for i, group := range query.GroupBy { if i == 0 { groupBy += " GROUP BY" } if i > 0 && group.Type != "fill" { groupBy += ", " //fill is so very special. fill is a creep, fill is a weirdo } else { groupBy += " " } groupBy += group.Render(query, queryContext, "") } return groupBy } func (query *Query) renderTz() string { tz := query.Tz if tz == "" { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf(" tz('%s')", tz) }