import { AnyAction } from 'redux'; import { DataSourceSrv, getDataSourceSrv, locationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { DataQuery, ExploreUrlState, serializeStateToUrlParam, TimeRange, UrlQueryMap } from '@grafana/data'; import { GetExploreUrlArguments, stopQueryState } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { ExploreId, ExploreItemState, ExploreState } from 'app/types/explore'; import { paneReducer } from './explorePane'; import { createAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { getUrlStateFromPaneState, makeExplorePaneState } from './utils'; import { ThunkResult } from '../../../types'; import { TimeSrv } from '../../dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; // // Actions and Payloads // export interface SyncTimesPayload { syncedTimes: boolean; } export const syncTimesAction = createAction('explore/syncTimes'); export const richHistoryUpdatedAction = createAction('explore/richHistoryUpdated'); /** * Resets state for explore. */ export interface ResetExplorePayload { force?: boolean; } export const resetExploreAction = createAction('explore/resetExplore'); /** * Close the split view and save URL state. */ export interface SplitCloseActionPayload { itemId: ExploreId; } export const splitCloseAction = createAction('explore/splitClose'); /** * Cleans up a pane state. Could seem like this should be in explorePane.ts actions but in case we area closing * left pane we need to move right state to the left. * Also this may seem redundant as we have splitClose actions which clears up state but that action is not called on * URL change. */ export interface CleanupPanePayload { exploreId: ExploreId; } export const cleanupPaneAction = createAction('explore/cleanupPane'); // // Action creators // /** * Save local redux state back to the URL. Should be called when there is some change that should affect the URL. * Not all of the redux state is reflected in URL though. */ export const stateSave = (options?: { replace?: boolean }): ThunkResult => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { left, right } = getState().explore; const orgId = getState().user.orgId.toString(); const urlStates: { [index: string]: string | null } = { orgId }; urlStates.left = serializeStateToUrlParam(getUrlStateFromPaneState(left), true); if (right) { urlStates.right = serializeStateToUrlParam(getUrlStateFromPaneState(right), true); } else { urlStates.right = null; } lastSavedUrl.right = urlStates.right; lastSavedUrl.left = urlStates.left; locationService.partial({ ...urlStates }, options?.replace); }; }; // Store the url we saved last se we are not trying to update local state based on that. export const lastSavedUrl: UrlQueryMap = {}; /** * Opens a new right split pane by navigating to appropriate URL. It either copies existing state of the left pane * or uses values from options arg. This does only navigation each pane is then responsible for initialization from * the URL. */ export function splitOpen(options?: { datasourceUid: string; query: T; // Don't use right now. It's used for Traces to Logs interaction but is hacky in how the range is actually handled. range?: TimeRange; }): ThunkResult { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const leftState: ExploreItemState = getState().explore[ExploreId.left]; const leftUrlState = getUrlStateFromPaneState(leftState); let rightUrlState: ExploreUrlState = leftUrlState; if (options) { const datasourceName = getDataSourceSrv().getInstanceSettings(options.datasourceUid)?.name || ''; rightUrlState = { datasource: datasourceName, queries: [options.query], range: options.range || leftState.range, }; } const urlState = serializeStateToUrlParam(rightUrlState, true); locationService.partial({ right: urlState }, true); }; } /** * Close the split view and save URL state. We need to update the state here because when closing we cannot just * update the URL and let the components handle it because if we swap panes from right to left it is not easily apparent * from the URL. */ export function splitClose(itemId: ExploreId): ThunkResult { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(splitCloseAction({ itemId })); dispatch(stateSave()); }; } export interface NavigateToExploreDependencies { getDataSourceSrv: () => DataSourceSrv; getTimeSrv: () => TimeSrv; getExploreUrl: (args: GetExploreUrlArguments) => Promise; openInNewWindow?: (url: string) => void; } export const navigateToExplore = ( panel: PanelModel, dependencies: NavigateToExploreDependencies ): ThunkResult => { return async (dispatch) => { const { getDataSourceSrv, getTimeSrv, getExploreUrl, openInNewWindow } = dependencies; const datasourceSrv = getDataSourceSrv(); const datasource = await datasourceSrv.get(panel.datasource); const path = await getExploreUrl({ panel, panelTargets: panel.targets, panelDatasource: datasource, datasourceSrv, timeSrv: getTimeSrv(), }); if (openInNewWindow && path) { openInNewWindow(path); return; } locationService.push(path!); }; }; /** * Global Explore state that handles multiple Explore areas and the split state */ const initialExploreItemState = makeExplorePaneState(); export const initialExploreState: ExploreState = { syncedTimes: false, left: initialExploreItemState, right: undefined, richHistory: [], }; /** * Global Explore reducer that handles multiple Explore areas (left and right). * Actions that have an `exploreId` get routed to the ExploreItemReducer. */ export const exploreReducer = (state = initialExploreState, action: AnyAction): ExploreState => { if (splitCloseAction.match(action)) { const { itemId } = action.payload as SplitCloseActionPayload; const targetSplit = { left: itemId === ExploreId.left ? state.right! : state.left, right: undefined, }; return { ...state, ...targetSplit, }; } if (cleanupPaneAction.match(action)) { const { exploreId } = action.payload as CleanupPanePayload; // We want to do this only when we remove single pane not when we are unmounting whole explore. // It needs to be checked like this because in component we don't get new path (which would tell us if we are // navigating out of explore) before the unmount. if (!state[exploreId]?.initialized) { return state; } if (exploreId === ExploreId.left) { return { ...state, [ExploreId.left]: state[ExploreId.right]!, [ExploreId.right]: undefined, }; } else { return { ...state, [ExploreId.right]: undefined, }; } } if (syncTimesAction.match(action)) { return { ...state, syncedTimes: action.payload.syncedTimes }; } if (richHistoryUpdatedAction.match(action)) { return { ...state, richHistory: action.payload.richHistory, }; } if (resetExploreAction.match(action)) { const payload: ResetExplorePayload = action.payload; const leftState = state[ExploreId.left]; const rightState = state[ExploreId.right]; stopQueryState(leftState.querySubscription); if (rightState) { stopQueryState(rightState.querySubscription); } if (payload.force || !Number.isInteger(state.left.originPanelId)) { return initialExploreState; } return { ...initialExploreState, left: { ...initialExploreItemState, queries: state.left.queries, originPanelId: state.left.originPanelId, }, }; } if (action.payload) { const { exploreId } = action.payload; if (exploreId !== undefined) { // @ts-ignore const explorePaneState = state[exploreId]; return { ...state, [exploreId]: paneReducer(explorePaneState, action as any) }; } } return state; }; export default { explore: exploreReducer, };