import React from 'react'; import { connect, ConnectedProps } from 'react-redux'; import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one'; import { DataQuery, ExploreUrlState, EventBusExtended, EventBusSrv } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import store from 'app/core/store'; import { lastSavedUrl, cleanupPaneAction } from './state/main'; import { initializeExplore, refreshExplore } from './state/explorePane'; import { ExploreId } from 'app/types/explore'; import { StoreState } from 'app/types'; import { DEFAULT_RANGE, ensureQueries, getTimeRange, getTimeRangeFromUrl, lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId, parseUrlState, } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { getTimeZone } from '../profile/state/selectors'; import Explore from './Explore'; interface OwnProps { exploreId: ExploreId; urlQuery: string; split: boolean; } interface Props extends OwnProps, ConnectedProps {} /** * This component is responsible for handling initialization of an Explore pane and triggering synchronization * of state based on URL changes and preventing any infinite loops. */ export class ExplorePaneContainerUnconnected extends React.PureComponent { el: any; exploreEvents: EventBusExtended; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.exploreEvents = new EventBusSrv(); this.state = { openDrawer: undefined, }; } componentDidMount() { const { initialized, exploreId, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, originPanelId } = this.props; const width = this.el?.offsetWidth ?? 0; // initialize the whole explore first time we mount and if browser history contains a change in datasource if (!initialized) { this.props.initializeExplore( exploreId, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, width, this.exploreEvents, originPanelId ); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.exploreEvents.removeAllListeners(); this.props.cleanupPaneAction({ exploreId: this.props.exploreId }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { this.refreshExplore(prevProps.urlQuery); } refreshExplore = (prevUrlQuery: string) => { const { exploreId, urlQuery } = this.props; // Update state from url only if it changed and only if the change wasn't initialised by redux to prevent any loops if (urlQuery !== prevUrlQuery && urlQuery !== lastSavedUrl[exploreId]) { this.props.refreshExplore(exploreId, urlQuery); } }; getRef = (el: any) => { this.el = el; }; render() { const exploreClass = this.props.split ? 'explore explore-split' : 'explore'; return (
{this.props.initialized && }
); } } const ensureQueriesMemoized = memoizeOne(ensureQueries); const getTimeRangeFromUrlMemoized = memoizeOne(getTimeRangeFromUrl); function mapStateToProps(state: StoreState, props: OwnProps) { const urlState = parseUrlState(props.urlQuery); const timeZone = getTimeZone(state.user); const { datasource, queries, range: urlRange, originPanelId } = (urlState || {}) as ExploreUrlState; const initialDatasource = datasource || store.get(lastUsedDatasourceKeyForOrgId(state.user.orgId)); const initialQueries: DataQuery[] = ensureQueriesMemoized(queries); const initialRange = urlRange ? getTimeRangeFromUrlMemoized(urlRange, timeZone) : getTimeRange(timeZone, DEFAULT_RANGE); return { initialized: state.explore[props.exploreId]?.initialized, initialDatasource, initialQueries, initialRange, originPanelId, }; } const mapDispatchToProps = { initializeExplore, refreshExplore, cleanupPaneAction, }; const connector = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps); export const ExplorePaneContainer = connector(ExplorePaneContainerUnconnected);