import { DataSourceInstanceSettings, ScopedVars } from '@grafana/data'; import { setDataSourceSrv, setTemplateSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { createSpanLinkFactory } from './createSpanLink'; describe('createSpanLinkFactory', () => { it('returns undefined if there is no data source uid', () => { const splitOpenFn = jest.fn(); const createLink = createSpanLinkFactory(splitOpenFn); expect(createLink).not.toBeDefined(); }); describe('should return link', () => { beforeAll(() => { setDataSourceSrv({ getInstanceSettings(uid: string): DataSourceInstanceSettings | undefined { return { uid: 'loki1', name: 'loki1', } as any; }, } as any); setTemplateSrv({ replace(target?: string, scopedVars?: ScopedVars, format?: string | Function): string { return target!; }, } as any); }); it('with default keys when tags not configured', () => { const splitOpenFn = jest.fn(); const createLink = createSpanLinkFactory(splitOpenFn, { datasourceUid: 'lokiUid' }); expect(createLink).toBeDefined(); const linkDef = createLink!({ startTime: new Date('2020-10-14T01:00:00Z').valueOf() * 1000, duration: 1000 * 1000, tags: [ { key: 'host', value: 'host', }, ], process: { tags: [ { key: 'cluster', value: 'cluster1', }, { key: 'hostname', value: 'hostname1', }, { key: 'label2', value: 'val2', }, ], } as any, } as any); expect(linkDef.href).toBe( `/explore?left=${encodeURIComponent( '{"range":{"from":"2020-10-14T01:00:00.000Z","to":"2020-10-14T01:00:01.000Z"},"datasource":"loki1","queries":[{"expr":"{cluster=\\"cluster1\\", hostname=\\"hostname1\\"}","refId":""}]}' )}` ); }); it('with tags that passed in and without tags that are not in the span', () => { const splitOpenFn = jest.fn(); const createLink = createSpanLinkFactory(splitOpenFn, { datasourceUid: 'lokiUid', tags: ['ip', 'newTag'] }); expect(createLink).toBeDefined(); const linkDef = createLink!({ startTime: new Date('2020-10-14T01:00:00Z').valueOf() * 1000, duration: 1000 * 1000, tags: [ { key: 'host', value: 'host', }, ], process: { tags: [ { key: 'hostname', value: 'hostname1', }, { key: 'ip', value: '', }, ], } as any, } as any); expect(linkDef.href).toBe( `/explore?left=${encodeURIComponent( '{"range":{"from":"2020-10-14T01:00:00.000Z","to":"2020-10-14T01:00:01.000Z"},"datasource":"loki1","queries":[{"expr":"{ip=\\"\\"}","refId":""}]}' )}` ); }); it('from tags and process tags as well', () => { const splitOpenFn = jest.fn(); const createLink = createSpanLinkFactory(splitOpenFn, { datasourceUid: 'lokiUid', tags: ['ip', 'host'], }); expect(createLink).toBeDefined(); const linkDef = createLink!({ startTime: new Date('2020-10-14T01:00:00Z').valueOf() * 1000, duration: 1000 * 1000, tags: [ { key: 'host', value: 'host', }, ], process: { tags: [ { key: 'hostname', value: 'hostname1', }, { key: 'ip', value: '', }, ], } as any, } as any); expect(linkDef.href).toBe( `/explore?left=${encodeURIComponent( '{"range":{"from":"2020-10-14T01:00:00.000Z","to":"2020-10-14T01:00:01.000Z"},"datasource":"loki1","queries":[{"expr":"{ip=\\"\\", host=\\"host\\"}","refId":""}]}' )}` ); }); it('with adjusted start and end time', () => { const splitOpenFn = jest.fn(); const createLink = createSpanLinkFactory(splitOpenFn, { datasourceUid: 'lokiUid', spanStartTimeShift: '1m', spanEndTimeShift: '1m', }); expect(createLink).toBeDefined(); const linkDef = createLink!({ startTime: new Date('2020-10-14T01:00:00Z').valueOf() * 1000, duration: 1000 * 1000, tags: [ { key: 'host', value: 'host', }, ], process: { tags: [ { key: 'hostname', value: 'hostname1', }, { key: 'ip', value: '', }, ], } as any, } as any); expect(linkDef.href).toBe( `/explore?left=${encodeURIComponent( '{"range":{"from":"2020-10-14T01:01:00.000Z","to":"2020-10-14T01:01:01.000Z"},"datasource":"loki1","queries":[{"expr":"{hostname=\\"hostname1\\"}","refId":""}]}' )}` ); }); }); });