import TimeSeries from 'app/core/time_series2'; import { updateLegendValues } from 'app/core/time_series2'; describe('TimeSeries', () => { let points, series; const yAxisFormats = ['short', 'ms']; let testData; beforeEach(() => { testData = { alias: 'test', datapoints: [[1, 2], [null, 3], [10, 4], [8, 5]], }; }); describe('when getting flot pairs', () => { it('with connected style, should ignore nulls', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); points = series.getFlotPairs('connected', yAxisFormats); expect(points.length).toBe(3); }); it('with null as zero style, should replace nulls with zero', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); points = series.getFlotPairs('null as zero', yAxisFormats); expect(points.length).toBe(4); expect(points[1][1]).toBe(0); }); it('if last is null current should pick next to last', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[10, 1], [null, 2]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.current).toBe(10); }); it('max value should work for negative values', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[-10, 1], [-4, 2]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.max).toBe(-4); }); it('average value should ignore nulls', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.avg).toBe(6.333333333333333); }); it('the delta value should account for nulls', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1, 2], [3, 3], [null, 4], [10, 5], [15, 6]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(; }); it('the delta value should account for nulls on first', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[null, 2], [1, 3], [10, 4], [15, 5]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(; }); it('the delta value should account for nulls on last', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1, 2], [5, 3], [10, 4], [null, 5]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(; }); it('the delta value should account for resets', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1, 2], [5, 3], [10, 4], [0, 5], [10, 6]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(; }); it('the delta value should account for resets on last', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1, 2], [2, 3], [10, 4], [8, 5]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(; }); it('the range value should be max - min', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.range).toBe(9); }); it('first value should ingone nulls', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.first).toBe(1); series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[null, 2], [1, 3], [10, 4], [8, 5]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.first).toBe(1); }); it('with null as zero style, average value should treat nulls as 0', () => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs('null as zero', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.avg).toBe(4.75); }); it('average value should be null if all values is null', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[null, 2], [null, 3], [null, 4], [null, 5]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null'); expect(series.stats.avg).toBe(null); }); it('calculates timeStep', () => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[null, 1], [null, 2], [null, 3]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null'); expect(series.stats.timeStep).toBe(1); series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[0, 1530529290], [0, 1530529305], [0, 1530529320]], }); series.getFlotPairs('null'); expect(series.stats.timeStep).toBe(15); }); }); describe('When checking if ms resolution is needed', () => { describe('msResolution with second resolution timestamps', () => { beforeEach(() => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[45, 1234567890], [60, 1234567899]], }); }); it('should set hasMsResolution to false', () => { expect(series.hasMsResolution).toBe(false); }); }); describe('msResolution with millisecond resolution timestamps', () => { beforeEach(() => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[55, 1236547890001], [90, 1234456709000]], }); }); it('should show millisecond resolution tooltip', () => { expect(series.hasMsResolution).toBe(true); }); }); describe('msResolution with millisecond resolution timestamps but with trailing zeroes', () => { beforeEach(() => { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[45, 1234567890000], [60, 1234567899000]], }); }); it('should not show millisecond resolution tooltip', () => { expect(series.hasMsResolution).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('can detect if series contains ms precision', () => { let fakedata; beforeEach(() => { fakedata = testData; }); it('missing datapoint with ms precision', () => { fakedata.datapoints[0] = [1337, 1234567890000]; series = new TimeSeries(fakedata); expect(series.isMsResolutionNeeded()).toBe(false); }); it('contains datapoint with ms precision', () => { fakedata.datapoints[0] = [1337, 1236547890001]; series = new TimeSeries(fakedata); expect(series.isMsResolutionNeeded()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('series overrides', () => { let series; beforeEach(() => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); }); describe('fill & points', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', fill: 0, points: true }]); }); it('should set fill zero, and enable points', () => { expect(series.lines.fill).toBe(0.001); expect(; }); }); describe('series option overrides, bars, true & lines false', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', bars: true, lines: false }]); }); it('should disable lines, and enable bars', () => { expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('series option overrides, linewidth, stack', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', linewidth: 5, stack: false }]); }); it('should disable stack, and set lineWidth', () => { expect(series.stack).toBe(false); expect(series.lines.lineWidth).toBe(5); }); }); describe('series option overrides, dashes and lineWidth', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', linewidth: 5, dashes: true }]); }); it('should enable dashes, set dashes lineWidth to 5 and lines lineWidth to 0', () => { expect(; expect(series.dashes.lineWidth).toBe(5); expect(series.lines.lineWidth).toBe(0); }); }); describe('series option overrides, fill below to', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', fillBelowTo: 'min' }]); }); it('should disable line fill and add fillBelowTo', () => { expect(series.fillBelowTo).toBe('min'); }); }); describe('series option overrides, pointradius, steppedLine', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', pointradius: 5, steppedLine: true }]); }); it('should set pointradius, and set steppedLine', () => { expect(series.points.radius).toBe(5); expect(series.lines.steps).toBe(true); }); }); describe('override match on regex', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test_01'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: '/.*01/', lines: false }]); }); it('should match second series', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('override series y-axis, and z-index', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', yaxis: 2, zindex: 2 }]); }); it('should set yaxis', () => { expect(series.yaxis).toBe(2); }); it('should set zindex', () => { expect(series.zindex).toBe(2); }); }); describe('override color', () => { beforeEach(() => { series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', color: '#112233' }]); }); it('should set color', () => { expect(series.color).toBe('#112233'); }); it('should set bars.fillColor', () => { expect(series.bars.fillColor).toBe('#112233'); }); }); }); describe('value formatter', () => { let series; beforeEach(() => { series = new TimeSeries(testData); }); it('should format non-numeric values as empty string', () => { expect(series.formatValue(null)).toBe(''); expect(series.formatValue(undefined)).toBe(''); expect(series.formatValue(NaN)).toBe(''); expect(series.formatValue(Infinity)).toBe(''); expect(series.formatValue(-Infinity)).toBe(''); }); }); describe('legend decimals', () => { let series, panel; const height = 200; beforeEach(() => { testData = { alias: 'test', datapoints: [[1, 2], [0, 3], [10, 4], [8, 5]], }; series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs(); panel = { decimals: null, yaxes: [ { decimals: null, }, ], }; }); it('should set decimals based on Y axis (expect calculated decimals = 1)', () => { const data = [series]; // Expect ticks with this data will have decimals = 1 updateLegendValues(data, panel, height); expect(data[0].decimals).toBe(2); }); it('should set decimals based on Y axis to 0 if calculated decimals = 0)', () => { testData.datapoints = [[10, 2], [0, 3], [100, 4], [80, 5]]; series = new TimeSeries(testData); series.getFlotPairs(); const data = [series]; updateLegendValues(data, panel, height); expect(data[0].decimals).toBe(0); }); it('should set decimals to Y axis decimals + 1', () => { panel.yaxes[0].decimals = 2; const data = [series]; updateLegendValues(data, panel, height); expect(data[0].decimals).toBe(3); }); it('should set decimals to legend decimals value if it was set explicitly', () => { panel.decimals = 3; const data = [series]; updateLegendValues(data, panel, height); expect(data[0].decimals).toBe(3); }); }); });