import { BackendSrvRequest } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { omitBy } from 'lodash'; import { deprecationWarning } from '@grafana/data'; export const parseInitFromOptions = (options: BackendSrvRequest): RequestInit => { const method = options.method; const headers = parseHeaders(options); const isAppJson = isContentTypeApplicationJson(headers); const body = parseBody(options, isAppJson); const credentials = parseCredentials(options); return { method, headers, body, credentials, }; }; interface HeaderParser { canParse: (options: BackendSrvRequest) => boolean; parse: (headers: Headers) => Headers; } const defaultHeaderParser: HeaderParser = { canParse: () => true, parse: (headers) => { const accept = headers.get('accept'); if (accept) { return headers; } headers.set('accept', 'application/json, text/plain, */*'); return headers; }, }; const parseHeaderByMethodFactory = (methodPredicate: string): HeaderParser => ({ canParse: (options) => { const method = options?.method ? options?.method.toLowerCase() : ''; return method === methodPredicate; }, parse: (headers) => { const contentType = headers.get('content-type'); if (contentType) { return headers; } headers.set('content-type', 'application/json'); return headers; }, }); const postHeaderParser: HeaderParser = parseHeaderByMethodFactory('post'); const putHeaderParser: HeaderParser = parseHeaderByMethodFactory('put'); const patchHeaderParser: HeaderParser = parseHeaderByMethodFactory('patch'); const headerParsers = [postHeaderParser, putHeaderParser, patchHeaderParser, defaultHeaderParser]; export const parseHeaders = (options: BackendSrvRequest) => { const headers = options?.headers ? new Headers(options.headers) : new Headers(); const parsers = headerParsers.filter((parser) => parser.canParse(options)); const combinedHeaders = parsers.reduce((prev, parser) => { return parser.parse(prev); }, headers); return combinedHeaders; }; export const isContentTypeApplicationJson = (headers: Headers) => { if (!headers) { return false; } const contentType = headers.get('content-type'); if (contentType && contentType.toLowerCase() === 'application/json') { return true; } return false; }; export const parseBody = (options: BackendSrvRequest, isAppJson: boolean) => { if (!options) { return options; } if (! || typeof === 'string') { return; } return isAppJson ? JSON.stringify( : new URLSearchParams(; }; export async function parseResponseBody( response: Response, responseType?: 'json' | 'text' | 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' ): Promise { if (responseType) { switch (responseType) { case 'arraybuffer': return response.arrayBuffer() as any; case 'blob': return response.blob() as any; case 'json': return response.json(); case 'text': return response.text() as any; } } const textData = await response.text(); // this could be just a string, prometheus requests for instance try { return JSON.parse(textData); // majority of the requests this will be something that can be parsed } catch {} return textData as any; } export function serializeParams(data: Record): string { return Object.keys(data) .map((key) => { const value = data[key]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { return => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(arrayValue)}`).join('&'); } return `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`; }) .join('&'); } export const parseUrlFromOptions = (options: BackendSrvRequest): string => { const cleanParams = omitBy(options.params, (v) => v === undefined || (v && v.length === 0)); const serializedParams = serializeParams(cleanParams); return options.params && serializedParams.length ? `${options.url}?${serializedParams}` : options.url; }; export const parseCredentials = (options: BackendSrvRequest): RequestCredentials => { if (!options) { return options; } if (options.credentials) { return options.credentials; } if (options.withCredentials) { deprecationWarning('BackendSrvRequest', 'withCredentials', 'credentials'); return 'include'; } return 'same-origin'; };