import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { lastValueFrom, of, throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { AnnotationEvent, AnnotationQueryRequest, CoreApp, DataQueryRequest, DataQueryResponse, DataQueryResponseData, DataSourceInstanceSettings, dateTime, Field, getFieldDisplayName, LoadingState, toDataFrame, } from '@grafana/data'; import { TimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { QueryOptions } from 'app/types'; import { VariableHide } from '../../../features/variables/types'; import { alignRange, extractRuleMappingFromGroups, PrometheusDatasource, prometheusRegularEscape, prometheusSpecialRegexEscape, } from './datasource'; import PromQlLanguageProvider from './language_provider'; import { PromOptions, PromQuery, PromQueryRequest } from './types'; const fetchMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(of(createDefaultPromResponse())); jest.mock('./metric_find_query'); jest.mock('@grafana/runtime', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/runtime'), getBackendSrv: () => ({ fetch: fetchMock, }), })); const getAdhocFiltersMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => []); const replaceMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation((a: string, unknown[]) => a); const templateSrvStub = { getAdhocFilters: getAdhocFiltersMock, replace: replaceMock, } as unknown as TemplateSrv; const timeSrvStub = { timeRange() { return { from: dateTime(1531468681), to: dateTime(1531489712), }; }, } as unknown as TimeSrv; beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('PrometheusDatasource', () => { let ds: PrometheusDatasource; const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', id: 1, uid: 'ABCDEF', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', jsonData: { customQueryParameters: '', }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; beforeEach(() => { ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); }); describe('Query', () => { it('returns empty array when no queries', async () => { await expect(ds.query(createDataRequest([]))).toEmitValuesWith((response) => { expect(response[0].data).toEqual([]); expect(response[0].state).toBe(LoadingState.Done); }); }); it('performs time series queries', async () => { await expect(ds.query(createDataRequest([{}]))).toEmitValuesWith((response) => { expect(response[0].data.length).not.toBe(0); expect(response[0].state).toBe(LoadingState.Done); }); }); it('with 2 queries and used from Explore, sends results as they arrive', async () => { await expect(ds.query(createDataRequest([{}, {}], { app: CoreApp.Explore }))).toEmitValuesWith((response) => { expect(response[0].data.length).not.toBe(0); expect(response[0].state).toBe(LoadingState.Loading); expect(response[1].state).toBe(LoadingState.Done); }); }); it('with 2 queries and used from Panel, waits for all to finish until sending Done status', async () => { await expect(ds.query(createDataRequest([{}, {}], { app: CoreApp.Dashboard }))).toEmitValuesWith((response) => { expect(response[0].data.length).not.toBe(0); expect(response[0].state).toBe(LoadingState.Done); }); }); it('throws if using direct access', async () => { const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', access: 'direct', jsonData: { customQueryParameters: '', }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const range = { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 183 }) }; const directDs = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); await expect( lastValueFrom(directDs.query(createDataRequest([{}, {}], { app: CoreApp.Dashboard }))) ).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringMatching('Browser access') }); // Cannot test because some other tests need "./metric_find_query" to be mocked and that prevents this to be // tested. Checked manually that this ends up with throwing // await expect(directDs.metricFindQuery('label_names(foo)')).rejects.toBeDefined(); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); await expect(directDs.testDatasource()).resolves.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringMatching('Browser access'), status: 'error', }); await expect( directDs.annotationQuery({ range: { ...range, raw: range }, rangeRaw: range, // Should be DataModel but cannot import that here from the main app. Needs to be moved to package first. dashboard: {}, annotation: { expr: 'metric', name: 'test', enable: true, iconColor: '', }, }) ).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringMatching('Browser access'), }); await expect(directDs.getTagKeys()).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringMatching('Browser access'), }); await expect(directDs.getTagValues()).rejects.toMatchObject({ message: expect.stringMatching('Browser access'), }); }); }); describe('Datasource metadata requests', () => { it('should perform a GET request with the default config', () => { ds.metadataRequest('/foo', { bar: 'baz baz', foo: 'foo' }); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].method).toBe('GET'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toContain('bar=baz%20baz&foo=foo'); }); it('should still perform a GET request with the DS HTTP method set to POST and not POST-friendly endpoint', () => { const postSettings = cloneDeep(instanceSettings); postSettings.jsonData.httpMethod = 'POST'; const promDs = new PrometheusDatasource(postSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); promDs.metadataRequest('/foo'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].method).toBe('GET'); }); it('should try to perform a POST request with the DS HTTP method set to POST and POST-friendly endpoint', () => { const postSettings = cloneDeep(instanceSettings); postSettings.jsonData.httpMethod = 'POST'; const promDs = new PrometheusDatasource(postSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); promDs.metadataRequest('api/v1/series', { bar: 'baz baz', foo: 'foo' }); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].method).toBe('POST'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).not.toContain('bar=baz%20baz&foo=foo'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data).toEqual({ bar: 'baz baz', foo: 'foo' }); }); }); describe('customQueryParams', () => { const target = { expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series', refId: '' }; function makeQuery(target: PromQuery) { return { range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 183 }) }, targets: [target], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; } describe('with GET http method', () => { const promDs = new PrometheusDatasource( { ...instanceSettings, jsonData: { customQueryParameters: 'customQuery=123', httpMethod: 'GET' } }, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub ); it('added to metadata request', () => { promDs.metadataRequest('/foo'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toBe('/api/datasources/uid/ABCDEF/resources/foo?customQuery=123'); }); it('adds params to timeseries query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery(target)); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toBe( 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test%7Bjob%3D%22testjob%22%7D&start=60&end=180&step=60&customQuery=123' ); }); it('adds params to exemplars query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery({, exemplar: true })); // We do also range query for single exemplars target expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toContain('&customQuery=123'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[1][0].url).toContain('&customQuery=123'); }); it('adds params to instant query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery({, instant: true })); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toContain('&customQuery=123'); }); }); describe('with POST http method', () => { const promDs = new PrometheusDatasource( { ...instanceSettings, jsonData: { customQueryParameters: 'customQuery=123', httpMethod: 'POST' } }, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub ); it('added to metadata request with non-POST endpoint', () => { promDs.metadataRequest('/foo'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toBe('/api/datasources/uid/ABCDEF/resources/foo?customQuery=123'); }); it('added to metadata request with POST endpoint', () => { promDs.metadataRequest('/api/v1/labels'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toBe('/api/datasources/uid/ABCDEF/resources/api/v1/labels'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.customQuery).toBe('123'); }); it('adds params to timeseries query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery(target)); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].url).toBe('proxied/api/v1/query_range'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data).toEqual({ customQuery: '123', query: 'test{job="testjob"}', step: 60, end: 180, start: 60, }); }); it('adds params to exemplars query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery({, exemplar: true })); // We do also range query for single exemplars target expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.customQuery).toBe('123'); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[1][0].data.customQuery).toBe('123'); }); it('adds params to instant query', () => { promDs.query(makeQuery({, instant: true })); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0].data.customQuery).toBe('123'); }); }); }); describe('When using adhoc filters', () => { const DEFAULT_QUERY_EXPRESSION = 'metric{job="foo"} - metric'; const target: PromQuery = { expr: DEFAULT_QUERY_EXPRESSION, refId: 'A' }; afterAll(() => { getAdhocFiltersMock.mockImplementation(() => []); }); it('should not modify expression with no filters', () => { const result = ds.createQuery(target, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 0); expect(result).toMatchObject({ expr: DEFAULT_QUERY_EXPRESSION }); }); it('should add filters to expression', () => { getAdhocFiltersMock.mockReturnValue([ { key: 'k1', operator: '=', value: 'v1', }, { key: 'k2', operator: '!=', value: 'v2', }, ]); const result = ds.createQuery(target, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 0); expect(result).toMatchObject({ expr: 'metric{job="foo", k1="v1", k2!="v2"} - metric{k1="v1", k2!="v2"}' }); }); it('should add escaping if needed to regex filter expressions', () => { getAdhocFiltersMock.mockReturnValue([ { key: 'k1', operator: '=~', value: 'v.*', }, { key: 'k2', operator: '=~', value: `v'.*`, }, ]); const result = ds.createQuery(target, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 0); expect(result).toMatchObject({ expr: `metric{job="foo", k1=~"v.*", k2=~"v\\\\'.*"} - metric{k1=~"v.*", k2=~"v\\\\'.*"}`, }); }); }); describe('When converting prometheus histogram to heatmap format', () => { let query: DataQueryRequest; beforeEach(() => { query = { range: { from: dateTime(1443454528000), to: dateTime(1443454528000) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'heatmap', legendFormat: '{{le}}' }], interval: '1s', } as DataQueryRequest; }); it('should convert cumulative histogram to ordinary', async () => { const resultMock = [ { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '10' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '10'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '20' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '20'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '30' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '25'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, ]; const responseMock = { data: { data: { result: resultMock } } }; ds.performTimeSeriesQuery = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(of(responseMock)); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith((result) => { const results = result[0].data; expect(results[0].fields[1].values.toArray()).toEqual([10, 10]); expect(results[0].fields[2].values.toArray()).toEqual([10, 0]); expect(results[0].fields[3].values.toArray()).toEqual([5, 0]); }); }); it('should sort series by label value', async () => { const resultMock = [ { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '2' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '10'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '4' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '20'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '+Inf' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '25'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'metric', job: 'testjob', le: '1' }, values: [ [1443454528.0, '25'], [1443454528.0, '10'], ], }, ]; const responseMock = { data: { data: { result: resultMock } } }; const expected = ['1', '2', '4', '+Inf']; ds.performTimeSeriesQuery = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(of(responseMock)); await expect(ds.query(query)).toEmitValuesWith((result) => { const seriesLabels = result[0].data[0].fields.slice(1).map((field: Field) => getFieldDisplayName(field)); expect(seriesLabels).toEqual(expected); }); }); }); describe('alignRange', () => { it('does not modify already aligned intervals with perfect step', () => { const range = alignRange(0, 3, 3, 0); expect(range.start).toEqual(0); expect(range.end).toEqual(3); }); it('does modify end-aligned intervals to reflect number of steps possible', () => { const range = alignRange(1, 6, 3, 0); expect(range.start).toEqual(0); expect(range.end).toEqual(6); }); it('does align intervals that are a multiple of steps', () => { const range = alignRange(1, 4, 3, 0); expect(range.start).toEqual(0); expect(range.end).toEqual(3); }); it('does align intervals that are not a multiple of steps', () => { const range = alignRange(1, 5, 3, 0); expect(range.start).toEqual(0); expect(range.end).toEqual(3); }); it('does align intervals with local midnight -UTC offset', () => { //week range, location 4+ hours UTC offset, 24h step time const range = alignRange(4 * 60 * 60, (7 * 24 + 4) * 60 * 60, 24 * 60 * 60, -4 * 60 * 60); //04:00 UTC, 7 day range expect(range.start).toEqual(4 * 60 * 60); expect(range.end).toEqual((7 * 24 + 4) * 60 * 60); }); it('does align intervals with local midnight +UTC offset', () => { //week range, location 4- hours UTC offset, 24h step time const range = alignRange(20 * 60 * 60, (8 * 24 - 4) * 60 * 60, 24 * 60 * 60, 4 * 60 * 60); //20:00 UTC on day1, 7 days later is 20:00 on day8 expect(range.start).toEqual(20 * 60 * 60); expect(range.end).toEqual((8 * 24 - 4) * 60 * 60); }); }); describe('extractRuleMappingFromGroups()', () => { it('returns empty mapping for no rule groups', () => { expect(extractRuleMappingFromGroups([])).toEqual({}); }); it('returns a mapping for recording rules only', () => { const groups = [ { rules: [ { name: 'HighRequestLatency', query: 'job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{job="myjob"} > 0.5', type: 'alerting', }, { name: 'job:http_inprogress_requests:sum', query: 'sum(http_inprogress_requests) by (job)', type: 'recording', }, ], file: '/rules.yaml', interval: 60, name: 'example', }, ]; const mapping = extractRuleMappingFromGroups(groups); expect(mapping).toEqual({ 'job:http_inprogress_requests:sum': 'sum(http_inprogress_requests) by (job)' }); }); }); describe('Prometheus regular escaping', () => { it('should not escape non-string', () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape(12)).toEqual(12); }); it('should not escape simple string', () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape('cryptodepression')).toEqual('cryptodepression'); }); it("should escape '", () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape("looking'glass")).toEqual("looking\\\\'glass"); }); it('should escape \\', () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape('looking\\glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\glass'); }); it('should escape multiple characters', () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape("'looking'glass'")).toEqual("\\\\'looking\\\\'glass\\\\'"); }); it('should escape multiple different characters', () => { expect(prometheusRegularEscape("'loo\\king'glass'")).toEqual("\\\\'loo\\\\king\\\\'glass\\\\'"); }); }); describe('Prometheus regexes escaping', () => { it('should not escape simple string', () => { expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('cryptodepression')).toEqual('cryptodepression'); }); it('should escape $^*+?.()|\\', () => { expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape("looking'glass")).toEqual("looking\\\\'glass"); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking{glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\{glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking}glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\}glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking[glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\[glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking]glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\]glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking$glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\$glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking^glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\^glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking*glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\*glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking+glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\+glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking?glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\?glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('')).toEqual('looking\\\\.glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking(glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\(glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking)glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\)glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking\\glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\\\\\glass'); expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('looking|glass')).toEqual('looking\\\\|glass'); }); it('should escape multiple special characters', () => { expect(prometheusSpecialRegexEscape('+looking$glass?')).toEqual('\\\\+looking\\\\$glass\\\\?'); }); }); describe('When interpolating variables', () => { let customVariable: any; beforeEach(() => { customVariable = { id: '', global: false, multi: false, includeAll: false, allValue: null, query: '', options: [], current: {}, name: '', type: 'custom', label: null, hide: VariableHide.dontHide, skipUrlSync: false, index: -1, initLock: null, }; }); describe('and value is a string', () => { it('should only escape single quotes', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr("abc'$^*{}[]+?.()|", customVariable)).toEqual("abc\\\\'$^*{}[]+?.()|"); }); }); describe('and value is a number', () => { it('should return a number', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr(1000 as any, customVariable)).toEqual(1000); }); }); describe('and variable allows multi-value', () => { beforeEach(() => { customVariable.multi = true; }); it('should regex escape values if the value is a string', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr('looking*glass', customVariable)).toEqual('looking\\\\*glass'); }); it('should return pipe separated values if the value is an array of strings', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr(['a|bc', 'de|f'], customVariable)).toEqual('(a\\\\|bc|de\\\\|f)'); }); it('should return 1 regex escaped value if there is just 1 value in an array of strings', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr(['looking*glass'], customVariable)).toEqual('looking\\\\*glass'); }); }); describe('and variable allows all', () => { beforeEach(() => { customVariable.includeAll = true; }); it('should regex escape values if the array is a string', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr('looking*glass', customVariable)).toEqual('looking\\\\*glass'); }); it('should return pipe separated values if the value is an array of strings', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr(['a|bc', 'de|f'], customVariable)).toEqual('(a\\\\|bc|de\\\\|f)'); }); it('should return 1 regex escaped value if there is just 1 value in an array of strings', () => { expect(ds.interpolateQueryExpr(['looking*glass'], customVariable)).toEqual('looking\\\\*glass'); }); }); }); describe('interpolateVariablesInQueries', () => { it('should call replace function 2 times', () => { const query = { expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series', interval: '$Interval', refId: 'A', }; const interval = '10m'; replaceMock.mockReturnValue(interval); const queries = ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries([query], { Interval: { text: interval, value: interval } }); expect(templateSrvStub.replace).toBeCalledTimes(2); expect(queries[0].interval).toBe(interval); }); it('should call enhanceExprWithAdHocFilters', () => { ds.enhanceExprWithAdHocFilters = jest.fn(); const queries = [ { refId: 'A', expr: 'rate({bar="baz", job="foo"} [5m]', }, ]; ds.interpolateVariablesInQueries(queries, {}); expect(ds.enhanceExprWithAdHocFilters).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('applyTemplateVariables', () => { afterAll(() => { getAdhocFiltersMock.mockImplementation(() => []); replaceMock.mockImplementation((a: string, unknown[]) => a); }); it('should call replace function for legendFormat', () => { const query = { expr: 'test{job="bar"}', legendFormat: '$legend', refId: 'A', }; const legend = 'baz'; replaceMock.mockReturnValue(legend); const interpolatedQuery = ds.applyTemplateVariables(query, { legend: { text: legend, value: legend } }); expect(interpolatedQuery.legendFormat).toBe(legend); }); it('should call replace function for interval', () => { const query = { expr: 'test{job="bar"}', interval: '$step', refId: 'A', }; const step = '5s'; replaceMock.mockReturnValue(step); const interpolatedQuery = ds.applyTemplateVariables(query, { step: { text: step, value: step } }); expect(interpolatedQuery.interval).toBe(step); }); it('should call replace function for expr', () => { const query = { expr: 'test{job="$job"}', refId: 'A', }; const job = 'bar'; replaceMock.mockReturnValue(job); const interpolatedQuery = ds.applyTemplateVariables(query, { job: { text: job, value: job } }); expect(interpolatedQuery.expr).toBe(job); }); it('should add ad-hoc filters to expr', () => { replaceMock.mockImplementation((a: string) => a); getAdhocFiltersMock.mockReturnValue([ { key: 'k1', operator: '=', value: 'v1', }, { key: 'k2', operator: '!=', value: 'v2', }, ]); const query = { expr: 'test{job="bar"}', refId: 'A', }; const result = ds.applyTemplateVariables(query, {}); expect(result).toMatchObject({ expr: 'test{job="bar", k1="v1", k2!="v2"}' }); }); }); describe('metricFindQuery', () => { beforeEach(() => { const query = 'query_result(topk(5,rate(http_request_duration_microseconds_count[$__interval])))'; ds.metricFindQuery(query); }); it('should call templateSrv.replace with scopedVars', () => { expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toBeDefined(); }); it('should have the correct range and range_ms', () => { const range = replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1].__range; const rangeMs = replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1].__range_ms; const rangeS = replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1].__range_s; expect(range).toEqual({ text: '21s', value: '21s' }); expect(rangeMs).toEqual({ text: 21031, value: 21031 }); expect(rangeS).toEqual({ text: 21, value: 21 }); }); it('should pass the default interval value', () => { const interval = replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1].__interval; const intervalMs = replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1].__interval_ms; expect(interval).toEqual({ text: '15s', value: '15s' }); expect(intervalMs).toEqual({ text: 15000, value: 15000 }); }); }); }); const SECOND = 1000; const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND; const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE; const time = ({ hours = 0, seconds = 0, minutes = 0 }) => dateTime(hours * HOUR + minutes * MINUTE + seconds * SECOND); describe('PrometheusDatasource2', () => { const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', id: 1, uid: 'ABCDEF', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', jsonData: { httpMethod: 'GET' }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; let ds: PrometheusDatasource; beforeEach(() => { ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); }); describe('When querying prometheus with one target using query editor target spec', () => { describe('and query syntax is valid', () => { let results: DataQueryResponse; const query = { range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 183 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series' }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; // Interval alignment with step const urlExpected = `proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=${encodeURIComponent( 'test{job="testjob"}' )}&start=60&end=180&step=60`; beforeEach(async () => { const response = { data: { status: 'success', data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob' }, values: [[60, '3846']], }, ], }, }, }; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should generate the correct query', () => { const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should return series list', async () => { const frame = toDataFrame([0]); expect(; expect(getFieldDisplayName(frame.fields[1], frame)).toBe('test{job="testjob"}'); }); }); describe('and query syntax is invalid', () => { let results: string; const query = { range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 183 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'tes;;t{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series' }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; const errMessage = 'parse error at char 25: could not parse remaining input'; const response = { data: { status: 'error', errorType: 'bad_data', error: errMessage, }, }; it('should generate an error', () => { fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => throwError(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((e: any) => { results = e.message; expect(results).toBe(`"${errMessage}"`); }); }); }); }); describe('When querying prometheus with one target which returns multiple series', () => { let results: DataQueryResponse; const start = 60; const end = 360; const step = 60; const query = { range: { from: time({ seconds: start }), to: time({ seconds: end }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series' }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; beforeEach(async () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob', series: 'series 1' }, values: [ [start + step * 1, '3846'], [start + step * 3, '3847'], [end - step * 1, '3848'], ], }, { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob', series: 'series 2' }, values: [[start + step * 2, '4846']], }, ], }, }, }; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should be same length', () => { expect(; expect([0].length).toBe((end - start) / step + 1); expect([1].length).toBe((end - start) / step + 1); }); it('should fill null until first datapoint in response', () => { expect([0].fields[0].values.get(0)).toBe(start * 1000); expect([0].fields[1].values.get(0)).toBe(null); expect([0].fields[0].values.get(1)).toBe((start + step * 1) * 1000); expect([0].fields[1].values.get(1)).toBe(3846); }); it('should fill null after last datapoint in response', () => { const length = (end - start) / step + 1; expect([0].fields[0].values.get(length - 2)).toBe((end - step * 1) * 1000); expect([0].fields[1].values.get(length - 2)).toBe(3848); expect([0].fields[0].values.get(length - 1)).toBe(end * 1000); expect([0].fields[1].values.get(length - 1)).toBe(null); }); it('should fill null at gap between series', () => { expect([0].fields[0].values.get(2)).toBe((start + step * 2) * 1000); expect([0].fields[1].values.get(2)).toBe(null); expect([1].fields[0].values.get(1)).toBe((start + step * 1) * 1000); expect([1].fields[1].values.get(1)).toBe(null); expect([1].fields[0].values.get(3)).toBe((start + step * 3) * 1000); expect([1].fields[1].values.get(3)).toBe(null); }); }); describe('When querying prometheus with one target and instant = true', () => { let results: DataQueryResponse; const urlExpected = `/api/datasources/uid/ABCDEF/resources/api/v1/query?query=${encodeURIComponent( 'test{job="testjob"}' )}&time=123`; const query = { range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series', instant: true }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; beforeEach(async () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'vector', result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob' }, value: [123, '3846'], }, ], }, }, }; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should generate the correct query', () => { const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should return series list', () => { const frame = toDataFrame([0]); expect(; expect('test{job="testjob"}'); expect(getFieldDisplayName(frame.fields[1], frame)).toBe('test{job="testjob"}'); }); }); describe('annotationQuery', () => { let results: AnnotationEvent[]; const options = { annotation: { expr: 'ALERTS{alertstate="firing"}', tagKeys: 'job', titleFormat: '{{alertname}}', textFormat: '{{instance}}', }, range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }), }, } as unknown as AnnotationQueryRequest; const response = createAnnotationResponse(); describe('when time series query is cancelled', () => { it('should return empty results', async () => { fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of({ cancelled: true })); await ds.annotationQuery(options).then((data) => { results = data; }); expect(results).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('not use useValueForTime', () => { beforeEach(async () => { options.annotation.useValueForTime = false; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); await ds.annotationQuery(options).then((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should return annotation list', () => { expect(results.length).toBe(1); expect(results[0].tags).toContain('testjob'); expect(results[0].title).toBe('InstanceDown'); expect(results[0].text).toBe('testinstance'); expect(results[0].time).toBe(123); }); }); describe('use useValueForTime', () => { beforeEach(async () => { options.annotation.useValueForTime = true; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); await ds.annotationQuery(options).then((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should return annotation list', () => { expect(results[0].time).toEqual(456); }); }); describe('step parameter', () => { beforeEach(() => { fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); }); it('should use default step for short range if no interval is given', () => { const query = { ...options, range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }), }, } as AnnotationQueryRequest; ds.annotationQuery(query); const req = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect([0].interval).toBe('60s'); }); it('should use default step for short range when annotation step is empty string', () => { const query = { ...options, annotation: { ...options.annotation, step: '', }, range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }), }, } as unknown as AnnotationQueryRequest; ds.annotationQuery(query); const req = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect([0].interval).toBe('60s'); }); it('should use custom step for short range', () => { const annotation = { ...options.annotation, step: '10s', }; const query = { ...options, annotation, range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }), }, } as unknown as AnnotationQueryRequest; ds.annotationQuery(query); const req = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect([0].interval).toBe('10s'); }); }); describe('region annotations for sectors', () => { const options: any = { annotation: { expr: 'ALERTS{alertstate="firing"}', tagKeys: 'job', titleFormat: '{{alertname}}', textFormat: '{{instance}}', }, range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 900 }), }, }; async function runAnnotationQuery(data: number[][]) { let response = createAnnotationResponse();['X'].frames[0].data.values = data; options.annotation.useValueForTime = false; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); return ds.annotationQuery(options); } it('should handle gaps and inactive values', async () => { const results = await runAnnotationQuery([ [2 * 60000, 3 * 60000, 5 * 60000, 6 * 60000, 7 * 60000, 8 * 60000, 9 * 60000], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1], ]); expect( => [result.time, result.timeEnd])).toEqual([ [120000, 180000], [300000, 420000], [540000, 540000], ]); }); it('should handle single region', async () => { const results = await runAnnotationQuery([ [2 * 60000, 3 * 60000], [1, 1], ]); expect( => [result.time, result.timeEnd])).toEqual([[120000, 180000]]); }); it('should handle 0 active regions', async () => { const results = await runAnnotationQuery([ [2 * 60000, 3 * 60000, 5 * 60000], [0, 0, 0], ]); expect(results.length).toBe(0); }); it('should handle single active value', async () => { const results = await runAnnotationQuery([[2 * 60000], [1]]); expect( => [result.time, result.timeEnd])).toEqual([[120000, 120000]]); }); }); describe('with template variables', () => { afterAll(() => { replaceMock.mockImplementation((a: string, unknown[]) => a); }); it('should interpolate variables in query expr', () => { const query = { ...options, annotation: { ...options.annotation, expr: '$variable', }, range: { from: time({ seconds: 1 }), to: time({ seconds: 2 }), }, } as unknown as AnnotationQueryRequest; const interpolated = 'interpolated_expr'; replaceMock.mockReturnValue(interpolated); ds.annotationQuery(query); const req = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect([0].expr).toBe(interpolated); }); }); }); describe('When resultFormat is table and instant = true', () => { let results: DataQueryResponse; const query = { range: { from: time({ seconds: 63 }), to: time({ seconds: 123 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series', instant: true }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; beforeEach(async () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'vector', result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob' }, value: [123, '3846'], }, ], }, }, }; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((data: any) => { results = data; }); }); it('should return result', () => { expect(results).not.toBe(null); }); }); describe('The "step" query parameter', () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [] as DataQueryResponseData[], }, }, }; it('should be min interval when greater than auto interval', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', interval: '10s', }, ], interval: '5s', } as DataQueryRequest; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test&start=60&end=420&step=10'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('step should be fractional for sub second intervals', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test' }], interval: '100ms', } as DataQueryRequest; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test&start=60&end=420&step=0.1'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should be auto interval when greater than min interval', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', interval: '5s', }, ], interval: '10s', } as DataQueryRequest; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test&start=60&end=420&step=10'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should result in querying fewer than 11000 data points', async () => { const query = { // 6 hour range range: { from: time({ hours: 1 }), to: time({ hours: 7 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test' }], interval: '1s', } as DataQueryRequest; const end = 7 * 60 * 60; const start = 60 * 60; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test&start=' + start + '&end=' + end + '&step=2'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should not apply min interval when interval * intervalFactor greater', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', interval: '10s', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '5s', } as DataQueryRequest; // times get rounded up to interval const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test&start=50&end=400&step=50'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should apply min interval when interval * intervalFactor smaller', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', interval: '15s', intervalFactor: 2, }, ], interval: '5s', } as DataQueryRequest; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test' + '&start=60&end=420&step=15'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should apply intervalFactor to auto interval when greater', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', interval: '5s', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '10s', } as DataQueryRequest; // times get aligned to interval const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test' + '&start=0&end=400&step=100'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should not not be affected by the 11000 data points limit when large enough', async () => { const query = { // 1 week range range: { from: time({}), to: time({ hours: 7 * 24 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '10s', } as DataQueryRequest; const end = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; const start = 0; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test' + '&start=' + start + '&end=' + end + '&step=100'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); it('should be determined by the 11000 data points limit when too small', async () => { const query = { // 1 week range range: { from: time({}), to: time({ hours: 7 * 24 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'test', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '5s', } as DataQueryRequest; let end = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; end -= end % 55; const start = 0; const step = 55; const adjusted = alignRange(start, end, step, timeSrvStub.timeRange().to.utcOffset() * 60); const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=test' + '&start=' + adjusted.start + '&end=' + adjusted.end + '&step=' + step; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); }); }); describe('The __interval and __interval_ms template variables', () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [] as DataQueryResponseData[], }, }, }; it('should be unchanged when auto interval is greater than min interval', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', interval: '5s', }, ], interval: '10s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '10s', value: '10s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 10 * 1000, value: 10 * 1000 }, }, }; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=60&end=420&step=10'; replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '10s', value: '10s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 10000, value: 10000, }, }); }); it('should be min interval when it is greater than auto interval', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', interval: '10s', }, ], interval: '5s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 5 * 1000, value: 5 * 1000 }, }, }; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=60&end=420&step=10'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 5000, value: 5000, }, }); }); it('should account for intervalFactor', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', interval: '5s', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '10s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '10s', value: '10s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 10 * 1000, value: 10 * 1000 }, }, }; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=0&end=400&step=100'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '10s', value: '10s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 10000, value: 10000, }, }); expect(query.scopedVars.__interval.text).toBe('10s'); expect(query.scopedVars.__interval.value).toBe('10s'); expect(query.scopedVars.__interval_ms.text).toBe(10 * 1000); expect(query.scopedVars.__interval_ms.value).toBe(10 * 1000); }); it('should be interval * intervalFactor when greater than min interval', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', interval: '10s', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '5s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 5 * 1000, value: 5 * 1000 }, }, }; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=50&end=400&step=50'; replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 5000, value: 5000, }, }); }); it('should be min interval when greater than interval * intervalFactor', async () => { const query = { // 6 minute range range: { from: time({ minutes: 1 }), to: time({ minutes: 7 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', interval: '15s', intervalFactor: 2, }, ], interval: '5s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 5 * 1000, value: 5 * 1000 }, }, }; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=60&end=420&step=15'; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 5000, value: 5000, }, }); }); it('should be determined by the 11000 data points limit, accounting for intervalFactor', async () => { const query = { // 1 week range range: { from: time({}), to: time({ hours: 7 * 24 }) }, targets: [ { expr: 'rate(test[$__interval])', intervalFactor: 10, }, ], interval: '5s', scopedVars: { __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s' }, __interval_ms: { text: 5 * 1000, value: 5 * 1000 }, }, }; let end = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; end -= end % 55; const start = 0; const step = 55; const adjusted = alignRange(start, end, step, timeSrvStub.timeRange().to.utcOffset() * 60); const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=' + encodeURIComponent('rate(test[$__interval])') + '&start=' + adjusted.start + '&end=' + adjusted.end + '&step=' + step; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); ds.query(query as any); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('GET'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ __interval: { text: '5s', value: '5s', }, __interval_ms: { text: 5000, value: 5000, }, }); }); }); describe('The __range, __range_s and __range_ms variables', () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [] as DataQueryResponseData[], }, }, }; it('should use overridden ranges, not dashboard ranges', async () => { const expectedRangeSecond = 3600; const expectedRangeString = '3600s'; const query = { range: { from: time({}), to: time({ hours: 1 }), }, targets: [ { expr: 'test[${__range_s}s]', }, ], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; const urlExpected = `proxied/api/v1/query_range?query=${encodeURIComponent( query.targets[0].expr )}&start=0&end=3600&step=60`; replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query); const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]).toEqual({ __range_s: { text: expectedRangeSecond, value: expectedRangeSecond, }, __range: { text: expectedRangeString, value: expectedRangeString, }, __range_ms: { text: expectedRangeSecond * 1000, value: expectedRangeSecond * 1000, }, __rate_interval: { text: '75s', value: '75s', }, }); }); }); describe('The __rate_interval variable', () => { const target = { expr: 'rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[$__rate_interval])', refId: 'A' }; beforeEach(() => { replaceMock.mockClear(); }); it('should be 4 times the scrape interval if interval + scrape interval is lower', () => { ds.createQuery(target, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 300); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('60s'); }); it('should be interval + scrape interval if 4 times the scrape interval is lower', () => { ds.createQuery(target, { interval: '5m' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 10080); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('315s'); }); it('should fall back to a scrape interval of 15s if min step is set to 0, resulting in 4*15s = 60s', () => { ds.createQuery({, interval: '' }, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 300); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('60s'); }); it('should be 4 times the scrape interval if min step set to 1m and interval is 15s', () => { // For a 5m graph, $__interval is 15s ds.createQuery({, interval: '1m' }, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 300); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[2][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('240s'); }); it('should be interval + scrape interval if min step set to 1m and interval is 5m', () => { // For a 7d graph, $__interval is 5m ds.createQuery({, interval: '1m' }, { interval: '5m' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 10080); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[2][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('360s'); }); it('should be interval + scrape interval if resolution is set to 1/2 and interval is 10m', () => { // For a 7d graph, $__interval is 10m ds.createQuery({, intervalFactor: 2 }, { interval: '10m' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 10080); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('1215s'); }); it('should be 4 times the scrape interval if resolution is set to 1/2 and interval is 15s', () => { // For a 5m graph, $__interval is 15s ds.createQuery({, intervalFactor: 2 }, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 300); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls[1][1]['__rate_interval'].value).toBe('60s'); }); it('should interpolate min step if set', () => { replaceMock.mockImplementation((_: string) => '15s'); ds.createQuery({, interval: '$int' }, { interval: '15s' } as DataQueryRequest, 0, 300); expect(replaceMock.mock.calls).toHaveLength(3); replaceMock.mockImplementation((str) => str); }); }); it('should give back 1 exemplar target when multiple queries with exemplar enabled and same metric', () => { const targetA: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; const targetB: PromQuery = { refId: 'B', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; ds.languageProvider = { histogramMetrics: ['tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket'], } as PromQlLanguageProvider; const request = { targets: [targetA, targetB], interval: '1s', panelId: '', } as unknown as DataQueryRequest; const Aexemplars = ds.shouldRunExemplarQuery(targetA, request); const BExpemplars = ds.shouldRunExemplarQuery(targetB, request); expect(Aexemplars).toBe(true); expect(BExpemplars).toBe(false); }); }); describe('PrometheusDatasource for POST', () => { const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', jsonData: { httpMethod: 'POST' }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; let ds: PrometheusDatasource; beforeEach(() => { ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); }); describe('When querying prometheus with one target using query editor target spec', () => { let results: DataQueryResponse; const urlExpected = 'proxied/api/v1/query_range'; const dataExpected = { query: 'test{job="testjob"}', start: 1 * 60, end: 2 * 60, step: 60, }; const query = { range: { from: time({ minutes: 1, seconds: 3 }), to: time({ minutes: 2, seconds: 3 }) }, targets: [{ expr: 'test{job="testjob"}', format: 'time_series' }], interval: '60s', } as DataQueryRequest; beforeEach(async () => { const response = { status: 'success', data: { data: { resultType: 'matrix', result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test', job: 'testjob' }, values: [[2 * 60, '3846']], }, ], }, }, }; fetchMock.mockImplementation(() => of(response)); ds.query(query).subscribe((data) => { results = data; }); }); it('should generate the correct query', () => { const res = fetchMock.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(res.method).toBe('POST'); expect(res.url).toBe(urlExpected); expect(; }); it('should return series list', () => { const frame = toDataFrame([0]); expect(; expect(getFieldDisplayName(frame.fields[1], frame)).toBe('test{job="testjob"}'); }); }); describe('When querying prometheus via check headers X-Dashboard-Id X-Panel-Id and X-Dashboard-UID', () => { const options = { dashboardId: 1, panelId: 2, dashboardUID: 'WFlOM-jM1' } as DataQueryRequest; const httpOptions = { headers: {} as { [key: string]: number | undefined }, } as PromQueryRequest; const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', access: 'proxy', jsonData: { httpMethod: 'POST' }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; let ds: PrometheusDatasource; beforeEach(() => { ds = new PrometheusDatasource( instanceSettings, templateSrvStub as unknown as TemplateSrv, timeSrvStub as unknown as TimeSrv ); }); it('with proxy access tracing headers should be added', () => { ds._addTracingHeaders(httpOptions, options); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Dashboard-Id']).toBe(options.dashboardId); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Panel-Id']).toBe(options.panelId); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Dashboard-UID']).toBe(options.dashboardUID); }); it('with direct access tracing headers should not be added', () => { const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', directUrl: 'direct', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', jsonData: { httpMethod: 'POST' }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const mockDs = new PrometheusDatasource( { ...instanceSettings, url: '' }, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub ); mockDs._addTracingHeaders(httpOptions, options); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Dashboard-Id']).toBe(undefined); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Panel-Id']).toBe(undefined); expect(httpOptions.headers['X-Dashboard-UID']).toBe(undefined); }); }); }); function getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets, app, queryOptions, languageProvider, }: { targets: PromQuery[]; app?: CoreApp; queryOptions?: Partial; languageProvider?: PromQlLanguageProvider; }) { const instanceSettings = { url: 'proxied', directUrl: 'direct', access: 'proxy', user: 'test', password: 'mupp', jsonData: { httpMethod: 'POST' }, } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const start = 0; const end = 1; const panelId = '2'; const options = { targets, interval: '1s', panelId, app, ...queryOptions, } as unknown as DataQueryRequest; const ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); if (languageProvider) { ds.languageProvider = languageProvider; } const { queries, activeTargets } = ds.prepareTargets(options, start, end); return { queries, activeTargets, start, end, panelId, }; } describe('prepareTargets', () => { describe('when run from a Panel', () => { it('then it should just add targets', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', requestId: '2A', }; const { queries, activeTargets, panelId, end, start } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target] }); expect(queries.length).toBe(1); expect(activeTargets.length).toBe(1); expect(queries[0]).toEqual({ end, expr: 'up', headers: { 'X-Dashboard-Id': undefined, 'X-Dashboard-UID': undefined, 'X-Panel-Id': panelId, }, hinting: undefined, instant: undefined, refId: target.refId, requestId: panelId + target.refId, start, step: 1, }); expect(activeTargets[0]).toEqual(target); }); it('should give back 3 targets when multiple queries with exemplar enabled and same metric', () => { const targetA: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; const targetB: PromQuery = { refId: 'B', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [targetA, targetB], languageProvider: { histogramMetrics: ['tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket'], } as PromQlLanguageProvider, }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(3); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(3); }); it('should give back 4 targets when multiple queries with exemplar enabled', () => { const targetA: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; const targetB: PromQuery = { refId: 'B', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [targetA, targetB], languageProvider: { histogramMetrics: ['tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket'], } as PromQlLanguageProvider, }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(4); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(4); }); it('should give back 2 targets when exemplar enabled', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', exemplar: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target] }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(2); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(2); expect(activeTargets[0].exemplar).toBe(true); expect(activeTargets[1].exemplar).toBe(false); }); it('should give back 1 target when exemplar and instant are enabled', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', exemplar: true, instant: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target] }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(1); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(1); expect(activeTargets[0].instant).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when run from Explore', () => { describe('when query type Both is selected', () => { it('should give back 6 targets when multiple queries with exemplar enabled', () => { const targetA: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', instant: true, range: true, exemplar: true, }; const targetB: PromQuery = { refId: 'B', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, instant: true, range: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [targetA, targetB], app: CoreApp.Explore, languageProvider: { histogramMetrics: ['tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket'], } as PromQlLanguageProvider, }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(6); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(6); }); it('should give back 5 targets when multiple queries with exemplar enabled and same metric', () => { const targetA: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', instant: true, range: true, exemplar: true, }; const targetB: PromQuery = { refId: 'B', expr: 'histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))', exemplar: true, instant: true, range: true, }; const { queries, activeTargets } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [targetA, targetB], app: CoreApp.Explore, languageProvider: { histogramMetrics: ['tns_request_duration_seconds_bucket'], } as PromQlLanguageProvider, }); expect(queries).toHaveLength(5); expect(activeTargets).toHaveLength(5); }); it('then it should return both instant and time series related objects', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', range: true, instant: true, requestId: '2A', }; const { queries, activeTargets, panelId, end, start } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target], app: CoreApp.Explore, }); expect(queries.length).toBe(2); expect(activeTargets.length).toBe(2); expect(queries[0]).toEqual({ end, expr: 'up', headers: { 'X-Dashboard-Id': undefined, 'X-Dashboard-UID': undefined, 'X-Panel-Id': panelId, }, hinting: undefined, instant: true, refId: target.refId, requestId: panelId + target.refId + '_instant', start, step: 1, }); expect(activeTargets[0]).toEqual({, format: 'table', instant: true, requestId: panelId + target.refId + '_instant', valueWithRefId: true, }); expect(queries[1]).toEqual({ end, expr: 'up', headers: { 'X-Dashboard-Id': undefined, 'X-Dashboard-UID': undefined, 'X-Panel-Id': panelId, }, hinting: undefined, instant: false, refId: target.refId, requestId: panelId + target.refId, start, step: 1, }); expect(activeTargets[1]).toEqual({, format: 'time_series', instant: false, requestId: panelId + target.refId, }); }); }); describe('when query type Instant is selected', () => { it('then it should target and modify its format to table', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', instant: true, range: false, requestId: '2A', }; const { queries, activeTargets, panelId, end, start } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target], app: CoreApp.Explore, }); expect(queries.length).toBe(1); expect(activeTargets.length).toBe(1); expect(queries[0]).toEqual({ end, expr: 'up', headers: { 'X-Dashboard-Id': undefined, 'X-Dashboard-UID': undefined, 'X-Panel-Id': panelId, }, hinting: undefined, instant: true, refId: target.refId, requestId: panelId + target.refId, start, step: 1, }); expect(activeTargets[0]).toEqual({, format: 'table' }); }); }); }); describe('when query type Range is selected', () => { it('then it should just add targets', () => { const target: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'up', range: true, instant: false, requestId: '2A', }; const { queries, activeTargets, panelId, end, start } = getPrepareTargetsContext({ targets: [target], app: CoreApp.Explore, }); expect(queries.length).toBe(1); expect(activeTargets.length).toBe(1); expect(queries[0]).toEqual({ end, expr: 'up', headers: { 'X-Dashboard-Id': undefined, 'X-Dashboard-UID': undefined, 'X-Panel-Id': panelId, }, hinting: undefined, instant: false, refId: target.refId, requestId: panelId + target.refId, start, step: 1, }); expect(activeTargets[0]).toEqual(target); }); }); }); describe('modifyQuery', () => { describe('when called with ADD_FILTER', () => { describe('and query has no labels', () => { it('then the correct label should be added', () => { const query: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'go_goroutines' }; const action = { options: { key: 'cluster', value: 'us-cluster' }, type: 'ADD_FILTER' }; const instanceSettings = { jsonData: {} } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); const result = ds.modifyQuery(query, action); expect(result.refId).toEqual('A'); expect(result.expr).toEqual('go_goroutines{cluster="us-cluster"}'); }); }); describe('and query has labels', () => { it('then the correct label should be added', () => { const query: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'go_goroutines{cluster="us-cluster"}' }; const action = { options: { key: 'pod', value: 'pod-123' }, type: 'ADD_FILTER' }; const instanceSettings = { jsonData: {} } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); const result = ds.modifyQuery(query, action); expect(result.refId).toEqual('A'); expect(result.expr).toEqual('go_goroutines{cluster="us-cluster", pod="pod-123"}'); }); }); }); describe('when called with ADD_FILTER_OUT', () => { describe('and query has no labels', () => { it('then the correct label should be added', () => { const query: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'go_goroutines' }; const action = { options: { key: 'cluster', value: 'us-cluster' }, type: 'ADD_FILTER_OUT' }; const instanceSettings = { jsonData: {} } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); const result = ds.modifyQuery(query, action); expect(result.refId).toEqual('A'); expect(result.expr).toEqual('go_goroutines{cluster!="us-cluster"}'); }); }); describe('and query has labels', () => { it('then the correct label should be added', () => { const query: PromQuery = { refId: 'A', expr: 'go_goroutines{cluster="us-cluster"}' }; const action = { options: { key: 'pod', value: 'pod-123' }, type: 'ADD_FILTER_OUT' }; const instanceSettings = { jsonData: {} } as unknown as DataSourceInstanceSettings; const ds = new PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, templateSrvStub, timeSrvStub); const result = ds.modifyQuery(query, action); expect(result.refId).toEqual('A'); expect(result.expr).toEqual('go_goroutines{cluster="us-cluster", pod!="pod-123"}'); }); }); }); }); function createDataRequest(targets: any[], overrides?: Partial): DataQueryRequest { const defaults = { app: CoreApp.Dashboard, targets: => { return { instant: false, start: dateTime().subtract(5, 'minutes'), end: dateTime(), expr: 'test', ...t, }; }), range: { from: dateTime(), to: dateTime(), }, interval: '15s', showingGraph: true, }; return Object.assign(defaults, overrides || {}) as DataQueryRequest; } function createDefaultPromResponse() { return { data: { data: { result: [ { metric: { __name__: 'test_metric', }, values: [[1568369640, 1]], }, ], resultType: 'matrix', }, }, }; } function createAnnotationResponse() { const response = { data: { results: { X: { frames: [ { schema: { name: 'bar', refId: 'X', fields: [ { name: 'Time', type: 'time', typeInfo: { frame: 'time.Time', }, }, { name: 'Value', type: 'number', typeInfo: { frame: 'float64', }, labels: { __name__: 'ALERTS', alertname: 'InstanceDown', alertstate: 'firing', instance: 'testinstance', job: 'testjob', }, }, ], }, data: { values: [[123], [456]], }, }, ], }, }, }, }; return { ...response }; }