Bindonce ======== High performance binding for AngularJs ## Usage * download, clone or fork it or install it using [bower]( `bower install angular-bindonce` * Include the `bindonce.js` script provided by this component into your app. * Add `'pasvaz.bindonce'` as a module dependency to your app: `angular.module('app', ['pasvaz.bindonce'])` ## Demo Here is an example of how AngularJs can [freeze your UI](, try to press and hold a key inside the input field, when the table is filled with only 1 person everything is ok, you can see how the DOM is updated by the input in real time, however if you try to load 1000 person *(or even 500 if the testing device is not powerfull)* and repeat the experiment you can see how the UI is frozen. In [this other demo]( BindOnce will take care of your watchers and the UI will be reactive as it should be. The code is the same for both demos, the only difference is that I replaced any `ng-*` tag inside the table with the equivalent `bo-*` tag. * [AngularJs regular Demo]( * [Demo with Bindonce]( ## Overview AngularJs provides a great data binding system but if you abuse of it the page can run into some performance issues, it's known that more of 2000 watchers can lag the UI and that amount can be reached easily if you don't pay attention to the data-binding. Sometime you really need to bind your data using watchers, especially for SPA because the data are updated in real time, but often you can avoid it with some efforts, most of the data presented in your page, once rendered, are immutable so you shouldn't keep watching them for changes. For instance, take a look to this snippet: ```html ``` Angular internally creates a `$watch` for each `ng-*` directive in order to keep the data up to date, so in this example just for displaying few info it creates 6 + 1 *(ngRepeatWatch)* watchers per `person`, even if the `person` is supposed to remain the same once shown. Iterate this amount for each person and you can have an idea about how easy is to reach 2000 watchers. Now if you need it because those data could change while you show the page or are bound to some models, it's ok. But most of the time they are static data that don't change once rendered. This is where **bindonce** can really help you. The above example done with **bindonce**: ```html ``` Now this example uses **0 watches** per `person` and renders exactly the same result as the above that uses ng-*. *(Angular still uses 1 watcher for ngRepeatWatch)* ### The smart approach OK until here nothing completely new, with a bit of efforts you could create your own directive and render the `person` inside the `link` function, or you could use [watch fighters]( that has a similar approach, but there is still one problem that you have to face and **bindonce** already handles it: *the existence of the data when the directive renders the content*. Usually the directives, unless you use watchers or bind their attributes to the scope (still a watcher), render the content when they are loaded into the markup, but if at that given time your data is not available, the directive can't render it. Bindonce can wait until the data is ready before to rendering the content. Let's take a look at the follow snippet to better understand the concept: ```html ... ``` This basic directive works as expected, it renders the `Person` data without using any watchers. However, if `Person` is not yet available inside the $scope when the page is loaded (say we get `Person` via $http or via $resource), the directive is useless, `scope.$eval(attr.myCustomSetText)` simply renders nothing and exits. Here is how we can solve this issue with **bindonce**: ```html

``` `bindonce="Person"` does the trick, any `bo-*` attribute belonging to `bindonce` waits until the parent `bindonce="{somedata}"` is validated and then renders its content. Once the scope contains the value `Person` then each bo-* child gets filled with the proper values. In order to accomplish this task, **bindonce** uses just **one** temporary watcher, no matters how many children need to be rendered. As soon as it gets `Person` the watcher is promptly removed. If the $scope already contains the data `bindonce` is looking for, then it doesn't create the temporary watcher and simply starts rendering its children. You may have noticed that the first example didn't assign any value to the `bindonce` attribute: ```html