import { FieldConfig, FieldConfigSource, PanelPlugin, standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry } from '@grafana/data'; import { setOptionImmutably, supportsDataQuery, updateDefaultFieldConfigValue } from './utils'; describe('standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry', () => { const dummyConfig: FieldConfig = { displayName: 'Hello', min: 10, max: 10, decimals: 10, thresholds: {} as any, noValue: 'no value', unit: 'km/s', links: {} as any, }; it('make sure all fields have a valid name', () => { standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry.list().forEach((v) => { if (!dummyConfig.hasOwnProperty( { fail(`Registry uses unknown property: ${}`); } }); }); }); describe('supportsDataQuery', () => { describe('when called with plugin that supports queries', () => { it('then it should return true', () => { const plugin = ({ meta: { skipDataQuery: false } } as unknown) as PanelPlugin; expect(supportsDataQuery(plugin)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when called with plugin that does not support queries', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const plugin = ({ meta: { skipDataQuery: true } } as unknown) as PanelPlugin; expect(supportsDataQuery(plugin)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called without skipDataQuery', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { const plugin = ({ meta: {} } as unknown) as PanelPlugin; expect(supportsDataQuery(plugin)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when called without plugin', () => { it('then it should return false', () => { expect(supportsDataQuery(undefined)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('updateDefaultFieldConfigValue', () => { it.each` property | isCustom | newValue | expected ${'a'} | ${false} | ${2} | ${{ a: 2, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'b.c'} | ${false} | ${'nested default updated'} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default updated' }, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'a'} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${{ b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'b'} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${{ a: 1, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'b.c'} | ${false} | ${undefined} | ${{ a: 1, b: {}, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'d'} | ${true} | ${2} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 2, e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'e.f'} | ${true} | ${'nested custom updated'} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom updated' } } }} ${'d'} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { e: { f: 'nested custom' } } }} ${'e'} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 1 } }} ${'e.f'} | ${true} | ${undefined} | ${{ a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default' }, custom: { d: 1, e: {} } }} `( 'when updating property:$property (is custom: $isCustom) with $newValue', ({ property, isCustom, newValue, expected }) => { const config = { defaults: { a: 1, b: { c: 'nested default', }, custom: { d: 1, e: { f: 'nested custom' }, }, }, overrides: [], }; expect(updateDefaultFieldConfigValue(config as FieldConfigSource, property, newValue, isCustom).defaults).toEqual( expected ); } ); }); describe('setOptionImmutably', () => { it.each` source | path | value | expected ${{}} | ${'a'} | ${1} | ${{ a: 1 }} ${{}} | ${'a.b.c'} | ${[1, 2]} | ${{ a: { b: { c: [1, 2] } } }} ${{ a: {} }} | ${'a.b.c'} | ${[1, 2]} | ${{ a: { b: { c: [1, 2] } } }} ${{ b: {} }} | ${'a.b.c'} | ${[1, 2]} | ${{ a: { b: { c: [1, 2] } }, b: {} }} ${{ a: { b: { c: 3 } } }} | ${'a.b.c'} | ${[1, 2]} | ${{ a: { b: { c: [1, 2] } } }} `('numeric-like text mapping, value:${value', ({ source, path, value, expected }) => { expect(setOptionImmutably(source, path, value)).toEqual(expected); }); it('does not mutate object under a path', () => { const input = { a: { b: { c: { d: 1 }, e: { f: 1 } } }, aa: 1 }; const result = setOptionImmutably(input, 'a.b.c', { d: 2 }); expect(input.a).not.toEqual(result.a); expect(input.aa).toEqual(result.aa); expect(input.a.b).not.toEqual(result.a.b); expect(input.a.b.c).not.toEqual(result.a.b.c); expect(input.a.b.e).toEqual(result.a.b.e); }); });