--- _build: list: false aliases: - /docs/grafana/latest/guides/whats-new-in-v8-1/ - /docs/grafana/latest/whatsnew/whats-new-in-v8-1/ description: Feature and improvement highlights for Grafana v8.1 keywords: - grafana - new - documentation - '8.1' - release notes title: What's new in Grafana v8.1 weight: -33 --- # What's new in Grafana v8.1 > **Note:** This topic will be updated frequently between now and the final release. Grafana 8.1 builds upon our promise of a composable, open observability platform with new panels and extends functionality launched in Grafana 8.0. We’ve got new Geomap and Annotations panels, and some great updates to the Time Series panel. We’ve also got new transformations and updates to data sources. For our enterprise customers, there are additions to fine grained access control, updates to the reporting schedule and query caching, and more. Read on to learn more. In addition to what is summarized here, you might also be interested in our announcement blog post. For all the technical details, check out the complete [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). ## Grafana OSS features These features are included in the Grafana open source edition. ## Geomap panel Grafana 8.1 introduces the foundation for our new map panel. This new panel leverages [OpenLayers](https://openlayers.org/) and gives us a flexible solution for extending the way we use the new Geomap panel moving forward. The new Geomap panel includes multiple base layer styles (map layer options), as well as a more open data layer. The data layer can use coordinates and geo-hashed data in addition to a lookup table. The Geomap panel is also able to share views across multiple Geomap panels on the same dashboard, making it straightforward to visualize and explore multiple types of geospatial data using the same map zoom and focus settings. For more information, refer to [Geomap panel]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/geomap/" >}}). {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/geomap-panel/geomap_with_heatmap.png" max-width="850px" caption="Geomap panel: Heatmap" >}} ## Annotation panel The new Annotations panel shows a list of available annotations you can use to create lists of annotated data available within your organization. Various options are available to filter the list based on the tags and on the current dashboard. This panel makes it easy to find and filter annotated data within and across multiple dashboards. {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/annotations-panel/annolist.png" max-width="900px" caption="Annotations panel" >}} ### Time series panel updates The time series panel has been updated with the ability to color series and line by thresholds or gradient color scales. This allows users to create panels where the line color can change dynamically based on thresholds or using gradient color scales. It adds a layer of visibility to your data, making it easier to view the changes across thresholds at a glance quickly. Color scheme **From thresholds**: {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/time-series-panel/gradient_mode_scheme_thresholds_line.png" max-width="1200px" caption="Colors scheme: From thresholds" >}} Color scheme: **Green-Yellow-Red (by value)** {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/time-series-panel/gradient_mode_scheme_line.png" max-width="1200px" caption="Color scheme: Green-Yellow-Red" >}} For more on how to configure Graphs with by value color schemes read [Graph and color schemes]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/time-series/" >}}). You can also create annotations in the new Time series panel bringing it closer to parity with the legacy Graph panel. To learn more, refer to the [time series panel]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/time-series/" >}}). ### Transformations improvements Grafana 8.1 includes some significant enhancements to transformations, including two new transformations designed around providing dynamic configuration to your panels and visulizations. #### Config from query (Beta) This transformation enables panel config (Threshold, Min, Max, etc.) to be derived from query results. For more information, refer to [Config from query results]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/query-transform-data/transform-data/#config-from-query-results" >}}). #### Rows to fields (Beta) This transformation enables rows in returned data to be converted into separate fields. Prior to this enhancement, you could style and configure fields individually, but not rows. For more information, refer to [Rows to fields transform]. Example, Input: | Name | Value | Max | | ------- | ----- | --- | | ServerA | 10 | 100 | | ServerB | 20 | 200 | | ServerC | 30 | 300 | Output: | ServerA (config: max=100) | ServerB (config: max=200) | ServerC (config: max=300) | | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | | 10 | 20 | 30 | As you can see each row in the source data becomes a separate field. Each field now also has a max config option set. Options like **Min**, **Max**, **Unit** and **Thresholds** are all part of field configuration and if set like this will be used by the visualization instead of any options manually configured in the panel editor options pane. For more on how to use this transformation, refer to [Rows to fields transform]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/query-transform-data/transform-data/#rows-to-fields" >}}). #### Contextual & Inline Help Additional inline help will be available for Transformations. We can now share examples of how to use specific transformations and point users directly to the appropriate place in the docs for more information. ### Data source updates The following data source updates are included with this Grafana release. #### MySQL Data Source We have added timezone support. As a result, you can now specify the time zone used in the database session, such as `Europe/Berlin` or `+02:00`. ### Trace to logs improvements We changed the default behavior from creating a 1-hour span Loki query to the only query at the exact time the trace span started for the duration of it. For more fine grained control over this, you can shift this time in the tracing data source settings. Also, it is now possible to shift the start time and end time of the Loki query by the set amount. For more information, refer to [Trace to logs]({{< relref "../datasources/tempo/#trace-to-logs" >}}). ### Prettify JSON for Logs in Explore Added the ability to format JSON to make it easier to view, review and find relevant data in JSON format logs. This is a regular JSON log. {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/panels/pretty-json/regular-log-line.png" max-width="1200px" caption="Regular log line" >}} And here is the prettified JSON log. {{< figure src="/static/img/docs/panels/pretty-json/prettified-json.png" max-width="1200px" caption="Prettified JSON" >}} For more on how to prettify JSON logs, refer to [Visualization]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/" >}}) and [Display]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/logs/" >}}) options. ### Plugin catalog - Updated UX and extended features We’ve made some changes to the plugins UI to help make it easier to discover and manage your plugins. Enterprise users can now also manage enterprise plugins from within the catalog. #### Documentation updates New panel summaries and preview on the top level [Visualizations]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/visualizations/" >}}) page to help users pick or learn about specific visualizations more easily. ### Upcoming changes to the Select component The `@grafana/ui` exposes a `Select` component, and its variants `MultiSelect`, `AsyncSelect`, and `AsyncMultiSelect`. We have made some internal changes to these components to make the behavior and positioning more consistent in all scenarios. To test the changes, you can use the `menuShouldPortal` property: ```jsx