+++ title = "Dashboard Folders" keywords = ["grafana", "dashboard", "dashboard folders", "folder", "folders", "documentation", "guide"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] name = "Folders" parent = "dashboard_features" weight = 3 +++ # Dashboard Folders Folders are a way to organize and group dashboards - very useful if you have a lot of dashboards or multiple teams using the same Grafana instance. ## How To Create A Folder - Create a folder by using the Create Folder link in the side menu. ![](/img/docs/v50/create_folder_menu.png) - Use the create Folder button on the Manage Dashboards page. - When saving a dashboard, you can either choose a folder for the dashboard to be saved in or create a new folder (coming in 5.0 beta) On the Create Folder page, fill in a unique name for the folder and press Create. ![](/img/docs/v50/create_folder_page.png) ## Manage Dashboards There is a new Manage Dashboards page where you can carry out a variety of tasks: - create a folder - create a dashboard - move dashboards into folders - delete multiple dashboards - navigate to a folder page (where you can set permissions for a folder and/or its dashboards) There is a new option in the Dashboards menu for the Manage Dashboards page: ![](/img/docs/v50/manage_dashboard_menu.png) Here you can manage your dashboards: ![](/img/docs/v50/manage_dashboards_page.png) Or you can go directly to a Dashboard Folder page via Dashboard Search by clicking on the cog icon: ![](/img/docs/v50/go_to_dashboard_folder_page.png) ## Dashboard Folder Page The Dashboard Folder Page is similar to the Manage Dashboards page and is where you can carry out the following tasks: - allows you to move or delete dashboards in a folder. - rename a folder (under the Settings tab). - set permissions on the whole folder. - set permissions on a single dashboard. ## Dashboard Permissions (Not enabled in Grafana 5.0 alpha) An Access Control List (ACL) model is used for permissions on Dashboard Folders. An individual user can be assigned permissions on a folder or a Team. The permissions that can be assigned for a folder are: View, Edit, Admin. The default is that: - everyone has access to a folder and that their permissions depend on their user role (Viewer, Editor or Admin). - An Admin or Editor can remove the default access for everyone and can then assign a user or team to a Dashboard Folder. - Teams make it easier to assign permissions for multiple users to multiple dashboards. Other Dashboard Folder rules: - Users with the Admin and Editor role are allowed to create new Dashboard Folders. - Users with the Viewer role are not allowed to create new Dashboard Folders. - Editors who are owners and Admins can assign permissions to users or teams for Dashboard Folders. - Default permissions can be removed except for the Admin permissions (View, Edit). ### Limiting Permissions on a Folder To limit permissions on a folder or dashboard: 1. go to the permissions tab on the Dashboard Folder page 2. remove the default permissions (Everyone with Editor Role / Everyone with Viewer Role) 3. Give a team or user specific permissions. For example: `frontend-team can edit` and `ops-team can view`. Remember that users with the Admin role will always have permission to all folders and dashboards. ## Teams (Not enabled in Grafana 5.0 alpha) Teams is a new concept for Grafana 5.0. A team is a group of users that can be assigned permissions on a dashboard folder or a dashboard. How Teams Work: - Admins can create teams. - No hierarchies. Teams cannot contain teams. - If a user belongs to multiple teams, their permissions are merged to give them the highest permission possible for a dashboard folder or dashboard.