import { NavIndex } from '@grafana/data'; import { reducerTester } from '../../../test/core/redux/reducerTester'; import { navIndexReducer, updateNavIndex, updateConfigurationSubtitle } from './navModel'; describe('navModelReducer', () => { describe('when updateNavIndex is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { reducerTester() .givenReducer(navIndexReducer, {}) .whenActionIsDispatched( updateNavIndex({ id: 'parent', text: 'Some Text', children: [ { id: 'child', text: 'Child', }, ], }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual({ child: { id: 'child', text: 'Child', parentItem: { id: 'parent', text: 'Some Text', children: [ { id: 'child', text: 'Child', }, ], }, }, }); }); }); describe('when updateConfigurationSubtitle is dispatched', () => { it('then state should be correct', () => { const originalCfg = { id: 'cfg', subTitle: 'Organization: Org 1', text: 'Configuration' }; const datasources = { id: 'datasources', text: 'Data Sources' }; const correlations = { id: 'correlations', text: 'Correlations' }; const users = { id: 'users', text: 'Users' }; const teams = { id: 'teams', text: 'Teams' }; const plugins = { id: 'plugins', text: 'Plugins' }; const orgsettings = { id: 'org-settings', text: 'Preferences' }; const apikeys = { id: 'apikeys', text: 'API Keys' }; const initialState = { cfg: { ...originalCfg, children: [datasources, users, teams, plugins, orgsettings, apikeys] }, datasources: { ...datasources, parentItem: originalCfg }, correlations: { ...correlations, parentItem: originalCfg }, users: { ...users, parentItem: originalCfg }, teams: { ...teams, parentItem: originalCfg }, plugins: { ...plugins, parentItem: originalCfg }, 'org-settings': { ...orgsettings, parentItem: originalCfg }, apikeys: { ...apikeys, parentItem: originalCfg }, }; const newOrgName = 'Org 2'; const subTitle = `Organization: ${newOrgName}`; const newCfg = { ...originalCfg, subTitle }; const expectedState = { cfg: { ...newCfg, children: [datasources, users, teams, plugins, orgsettings, apikeys] }, datasources: { ...datasources, parentItem: newCfg }, correlations: { ...correlations, parentItem: newCfg }, users: { ...users, parentItem: newCfg }, teams: { ...teams, parentItem: newCfg }, plugins: { ...plugins, parentItem: newCfg }, 'org-settings': { ...orgsettings, parentItem: newCfg }, apikeys: { ...apikeys, parentItem: newCfg }, }; reducerTester() .givenReducer(navIndexReducer, { ...initialState }) .whenActionIsDispatched(updateConfigurationSubtitle(newOrgName)) .thenStateShouldEqual(expectedState); }); }); });