define([ 'app/features/dashboard/viewStateSrv' ], function() { 'use strict'; describe('when updating view state', function() { var viewState, location; beforeEach(module('')); beforeEach(inject(function(dashboardViewStateSrv, $location, $rootScope) { $rootScope.onAppEvent = function() {}; $rootScope.dashboard = {meta: {}}; viewState = dashboardViewStateSrv.create($rootScope); location = $location; })); describe('to fullscreen true and edit true', function() { it('should update querystring and view state', function() { var updateState = { fullscreen: true, edit: true, panelId: 1 }; viewState.update(updateState); expect(; expect(viewState.dashboard.meta.fullscreen); expect(viewState.state.fullscreen); }); }); describe('to fullscreen false', function() { it('should remove params from query string', function() { viewState.update({fullscreen: true, panelId: 1, edit: true}); viewState.update({fullscreen: false}); expect({}); expect(viewState.dashboard.meta.fullscreen); expect(viewState.state.fullscreen); }); }); }); });