import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { PanelModel } from '../panel_model'; import { PanelContainer } from './PanelContainer'; import templateSrv from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; export interface DashboardRowProps { panel: PanelModel; getPanelContainer: () => PanelContainer; } export class DashboardRow extends React.Component { dashboard: any; panelContainer: any; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { collapsed: this.props.panel.collapsed, }; this.panelContainer = this.props.getPanelContainer(); this.dashboard = this.panelContainer.getDashboard(); this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); this.openSettings = this.openSettings.bind(this); this.delete = this.delete.bind(this); } toggle() { this.dashboard.toggleRow(this.props.panel); this.setState(prevState => { return { collapsed: !prevState.collapsed }; }); } openSettings() { appEvents.emit('show-modal', { templateHtml: ``, modalClass: 'modal--narrow', model: { row: this.props.panel, onUpdated: this.forceUpdate.bind(this), }, }); } delete() { appEvents.emit('confirm-modal', { title: 'Delete Row', text: 'Are you sure you want to remove this row and all its panels?', altActionText: 'Delete row only', icon: 'fa-trash', onConfirm: () => { const panelContainer = this.props.getPanelContainer(); const dashboard = panelContainer.getDashboard(); dashboard.removeRow(this.props.panel, true); }, onAltAction: () => { const panelContainer = this.props.getPanelContainer(); const dashboard = panelContainer.getDashboard(); dashboard.removeRow(this.props.panel, false); }, }); } render() { const classes = classNames({ 'dashboard-row': true, 'dashboard-row--collapsed': this.state.collapsed, }); const chevronClass = classNames({ fa: true, 'fa-chevron-down': !this.state.collapsed, 'fa-chevron-right': this.state.collapsed, }); let title = templateSrv.replaceWithText(this.props.panel.title, this.props.panel.scopedVars); const hiddenPanels = this.props.panel.panels ? this.props.panel.panels.length : 0; return (
{title} ({hiddenPanels} hidden panels)
); } }