import _ from 'lodash'; import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import { ThresholdMapper } from './state/ThresholdMapper'; import { QueryPart } from 'app/core/components/query_part/query_part'; import alertDef from './state/alertDef'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; export class AlertTabCtrl { panel: any; panelCtrl: any; testing: boolean; testResult: any; subTabIndex: number; conditionTypes: any; alert: any; conditionModels: any; evalFunctions: any; evalOperators: any; noDataModes: any; executionErrorModes: any; addNotificationSegment; notifications; alertNotifications; error: string; appSubUrl: string; alertHistory: any; /** @ngInject */ constructor( private $scope, private backendSrv, private dashboardSrv, private uiSegmentSrv, private $q, private datasourceSrv ) { this.panelCtrl = $scope.ctrl; this.panel = this.panelCtrl.panel; this.$scope.ctrl = this; this.subTabIndex = 0; this.evalFunctions = alertDef.evalFunctions; this.evalOperators = alertDef.evalOperators; this.conditionTypes = alertDef.conditionTypes; this.noDataModes = alertDef.noDataModes; this.executionErrorModes = alertDef.executionErrorModes; this.appSubUrl = config.appSubUrl; } $onInit() { this.addNotificationSegment = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton(); // subscribe to graph threshold handle changes const thresholdChangedEventHandler = this.graphThresholdChanged.bind(this);'threshold-changed', thresholdChangedEventHandler); // set panel alert edit mode this.$scope.$on('$destroy', () => {'threshold-changed', thresholdChangedEventHandler); this.panelCtrl.editingThresholds = false; this.panelCtrl.render(); }); // build notification model this.notifications = []; this.alertNotifications = []; this.alertHistory = []; return this.backendSrv.get('/api/alert-notifications').then(res => { this.notifications = res; this.initModel(); this.validateModel(); }); } getAlertHistory() { this.backendSrv .get(`/api/annotations?dashboardId=${}&panelId=${}&limit=50&type=alert`) .then(res => { this.alertHistory =, ah => { ah.time = this.dashboardSrv.getCurrent().formatDate(ah.time, 'MMM D, YYYY HH:mm:ss'); ah.stateModel = alertDef.getStateDisplayModel(ah.newState); = alertDef.getAlertAnnotationInfo(ah); return ah; }); }); } getNotificationIcon(type): string { switch (type) { case 'email': return 'fa fa-envelope'; case 'slack': return 'fa fa-slack'; case 'victorops': return 'fa fa-pagelines'; case 'webhook': return 'fa fa-cubes'; case 'pagerduty': return 'fa fa-bullhorn'; case 'opsgenie': return 'fa fa-bell'; case 'hipchat': return 'fa fa-mail-forward'; case 'pushover': return 'fa fa-mobile'; case 'kafka': return 'fa fa-random'; case 'teams': return 'fa fa-windows'; } return 'fa fa-bell'; } getNotifications() { return Promise.resolve( => { return this.uiSegmentSrv.newSegment(; }) ); } changeTabIndex(newTabIndex) { this.subTabIndex = newTabIndex; if (this.subTabIndex === 2) { this.getAlertHistory(); } } notificationAdded() { const model = _.find(this.notifications, { name: this.addNotificationSegment.value, }); if (!model) { return; } this.alertNotifications.push({ name:, iconClass: this.getNotificationIcon(model.type), isDefault: false, }); this.alert.notifications.push({ id: }); // reset plus button this.addNotificationSegment.value = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton().value; this.addNotificationSegment.html = this.uiSegmentSrv.newPlusButton().html; } removeNotification(index) { this.alert.notifications.splice(index, 1); this.alertNotifications.splice(index, 1); } initModel() { const alert = (this.alert = this.panel.alert); if (!alert) { return; } alert.conditions = alert.conditions || []; if (alert.conditions.length === 0) { alert.conditions.push(this.buildDefaultCondition()); } alert.noDataState = alert.noDataState || config.alertingNoDataOrNullValues; alert.executionErrorState = alert.executionErrorState || config.alertingErrorOrTimeout; alert.frequency = alert.frequency || '1m'; alert.handler = alert.handler || 1; alert.notifications = alert.notifications || []; alert.for = alert.for || '0m'; const defaultName = this.panel.title + ' alert'; = || defaultName; this.conditionModels = _.reduce( alert.conditions, (memo, value) => { memo.push(this.buildConditionModel(value)); return memo; }, [] ); ThresholdMapper.alertToGraphThresholds(this.panel); for (const addedNotification of alert.notifications) { const model = _.find(this.notifications, { id: }); if (model && model.isDefault === false) { model.iconClass = this.getNotificationIcon(model.type); this.alertNotifications.push(model); } } for (const notification of this.notifications) { if (notification.isDefault) { notification.iconClass = this.getNotificationIcon(notification.type); notification.bgColor = '#00678b'; this.alertNotifications.push(notification); } } this.panelCtrl.editingThresholds = true; this.panelCtrl.render(); } graphThresholdChanged(evt) { for (const condition of this.alert.conditions) { if (condition.type === 'query') { condition.evaluator.params[evt.handleIndex] = evt.threshold.value; this.evaluatorParamsChanged(); break; } } } buildDefaultCondition() { return { type: 'query', query: { params: ['A', '5m', 'now'] }, reducer: { type: 'avg', params: [] }, evaluator: { type: 'gt', params: [null] }, operator: { type: 'and' }, }; } validateModel() { if (!this.alert) { return; } let firstTarget; let foundTarget = null; for (const condition of this.alert.conditions) { if (condition.type !== 'query') { continue; } for (const target of this.panel.targets) { if (!firstTarget) { firstTarget = target; } if (condition.query.params[0] === target.refId) { foundTarget = target; break; } } if (!foundTarget) { if (firstTarget) { condition.query.params[0] = firstTarget.refId; foundTarget = firstTarget; } else { this.error = 'Could not find any metric queries'; } } const datasourceName = foundTarget.datasource || this.panel.datasource; this.datasourceSrv.get(datasourceName).then(ds => { if (!ds.meta.alerting) { this.error = 'The datasource does not support alerting queries'; } else if (ds.targetContainsTemplate(foundTarget)) { this.error = 'Template variables are not supported in alert queries'; } else { this.error = ''; } }); } } buildConditionModel(source) { const cm: any = { source: source, type: source.type }; cm.queryPart = new QueryPart(source.query, alertDef.alertQueryDef); cm.reducerPart = alertDef.createReducerPart(source.reducer); cm.evaluator = source.evaluator; cm.operator = source.operator; return cm; } handleQueryPartEvent(conditionModel, evt) { switch ( { case 'action-remove-part': { break; } case 'get-part-actions': { return this.$q.when([]); } case 'part-param-changed': { this.validateModel(); } case 'get-param-options': { const result = => { return this.uiSegmentSrv.newSegment({ value: target.refId }); }); return this.$q.when(result); } } } handleReducerPartEvent(conditionModel, evt) { switch ( { case 'action': { conditionModel.source.reducer.type = evt.action.value; conditionModel.reducerPart = alertDef.createReducerPart(conditionModel.source.reducer); break; } case 'get-part-actions': { const result = []; for (const type of alertDef.reducerTypes) { if (type.value !== conditionModel.source.reducer.type) { result.push(type); } } return this.$q.when(result); } } } addCondition(type) { const condition = this.buildDefaultCondition(); // add to persited model this.alert.conditions.push(condition); // add to view model this.conditionModels.push(this.buildConditionModel(condition)); } removeCondition(index) { this.alert.conditions.splice(index, 1); this.conditionModels.splice(index, 1); } delete() { appEvents.emit('confirm-modal', { title: 'Delete Alert', text: 'Are you sure you want to delete this alert rule?', text2: 'You need to save dashboard for the delete to take effect', icon: 'fa-trash', yesText: 'Delete', onConfirm: () => { delete this.panel.alert; this.alert = null; this.panel.thresholds = []; this.conditionModels = []; this.panelCtrl.alertState = null; this.panelCtrl.render(); }, }); } enable() { this.panel.alert = {}; this.initModel(); this.panel.alert.for = '5m'; //default value for new alerts. for existing alerts we use 0m to avoid breaking changes } evaluatorParamsChanged() { ThresholdMapper.alertToGraphThresholds(this.panel); this.panelCtrl.render(); } evaluatorTypeChanged(evaluator) { // ensure params array is correct length switch (evaluator.type) { case 'lt': case 'gt': { evaluator.params = [evaluator.params[0]]; break; } case 'within_range': case 'outside_range': { evaluator.params = [evaluator.params[0], evaluator.params[1]]; break; } case 'no_value': { evaluator.params = []; } } this.evaluatorParamsChanged(); } clearHistory() { appEvents.emit('confirm-modal', { title: 'Delete Alert History', text: 'Are you sure you want to remove all history & annotations for this alert?', icon: 'fa-trash', yesText: 'Yes', onConfirm: () => { this.backendSrv .post('/api/annotations/mass-delete', { dashboardId:, panelId:, }) .then(res => { this.alertHistory = []; this.panelCtrl.refresh(); }); }, }); } test() { this.testing = true; this.testResult = false; const payload = { dashboard: this.dashboardSrv.getCurrent().getSaveModelClone(), panelId:, }; return'/api/alerts/test', payload).then(res => { this.testResult = res; this.testing = false; }); } } /** @ngInject */ export function alertTab() { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', scope: true, templateUrl: 'public/app/features/alerting/partials/alert_tab.html', controller: AlertTabCtrl, }; } coreModule.directive('alertTab', alertTab);