import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { I18n, i18n } from '@lingui/core'; import { I18nProvider as LinguiI18nProvider } from '@lingui/react'; import { messages } from '../../locales/en/messages'; let i18nInstance: I18n; export function getI18n(locale = 'en') { if (i18nInstance) { return i18nInstance; } i18n.load(locale, messages); // Browser support for Intl.PluralRules is good and covers what we support in .browserlistrc, // but because this could potentially be in a the critical path of loading the frontend lets // be extra careful // If this isnt loaded, Lingui will log a warning and plurals will not be translated correctly. const supportsPluralRules = 'Intl' in window && 'PluralRules' in Intl; if (supportsPluralRules) { const pluralsOrdinal = new Intl.PluralRules(locale, { type: 'ordinal' }); const pluralsCardinal = new Intl.PluralRules(locale, { type: 'cardinal' }); i18n.loadLocaleData(locale, { plurals(count: number, ordinal: boolean) { return (ordinal ? pluralsOrdinal : pluralsCardinal).select(count); }, }); } i18n.activate(locale); i18nInstance = i18n; return i18nInstance; } interface I18nProviderProps { children: React.ReactNode; } export function I18nProvider({ children }: I18nProviderProps) { const [i18nRef] = useState(() => getI18n()); return {children}; }