import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { GrafanaBootConfig } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { expect } from '../../../test/lib/common'; import { FetchQueue, FetchQueueUpdate, FetchStatus } from './FetchQueue'; import { FetchQueueWorker } from './FetchQueueWorker'; import { ResponseQueue } from './ResponseQueue'; const getTestContext = (http2Enabled = false) => { const config: GrafanaBootConfig = { http2Enabled } as unknown as GrafanaBootConfig; const dataUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/ds/query?=abc'; const apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all'; const updates: Subject = new Subject(); const queueMock: FetchQueue = { add: jest.fn(), setInProgress: jest.fn(), setDone: jest.fn(), getUpdates: () => updates.asObservable(), } as unknown as FetchQueue; const addMock = jest.fn(); const responseQueueMock: ResponseQueue = { add: addMock, getResponses: jest.fn(), } as unknown as ResponseQueue; new FetchQueueWorker(queueMock, responseQueueMock, config); return { dataUrl, apiUrl, updates, queueMock, addMock }; }; describe('FetchQueueWorker', () => { describe('when an update is pushed in the stream', () => { describe('and queue has no pending entries', () => { it('then nothing should be added to the responseQueue', () => { const { updates, addMock } = getTestContext();{ noOfPending: 0, noOfInProgress: 1, state: {} }); expect(addMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); }); describe('and queue has pending entries', () => { describe('and there are no entries in progress', () => { it('then api request should be added before data requests responseQueue', () => { const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext();{ noOfPending: 2, noOfInProgress: 0, state: { ['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } }, ['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } }, }, }); expect(addMock.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }], ['data', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/ds/query?=abc' }], ]); }); }); describe('and there are max concurrent entries in progress', () => { it('then api request should always pass through but no data requests should pass', () => { const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext();{ noOfPending: 2, noOfInProgress: 5, state: { ['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } }, ['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } }, }, }); expect(addMock.mock.calls).toEqual([['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }]]); }); }); describe('and http2 is enabled and there are max concurrent entries in progress', () => { it('then api request should always pass through but no data requests should pass', () => { const { updates, addMock, dataUrl, apiUrl } = getTestContext(true);{ noOfPending: 2, noOfInProgress: 1000, state: { ['data']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: dataUrl } }, ['api']: { state: FetchStatus.Pending, options: { url: apiUrl } }, }, }); expect(addMock.mock.calls).toEqual([['api', { url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/alerts?state=all' }]]); }); }); }); }); });