-include local/Makefile .PHONY: all deps-go deps-js deps build-go build-server build-cli build-js build build-docker-dev build-docker-full lint-go gosec revive golangci-lint go-vet test-go test-js test run clean devenv devenv-down revive-alerting GO := GO111MODULE=on go GO_FILES := ./pkg/... all: deps build deps-go: $(GO) run build.go setup deps-js: node_modules deps: deps-js build-go: @echo "build go files" $(GO) run build.go build build-server: @echo "build server" $(GO) run build.go build-server build-cli: @echo "build in CI environment" $(GO) run build.go build-cli build-js: @echo "build frontend" yarn run build build: build-go build-js build-docker-dev: @echo "build development container" @echo "\033[92mInfo:\033[0m the frontend code is expected to be built already." $(GO) run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} build pkg-archive latest cp dist/grafana-latest.linux-x64.tar.gz packaging/docker cd packaging/docker && docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev . build-docker-full: @echo "build docker container" docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev . test-go: @echo "test backend" $(GO) test -v ./pkg/... test-js: @echo "test frontend" yarn test test: test-go test-js clean: @echo "cleaning" rm -rf node_modules rm -rf public/build node_modules: package.json yarn.lock @echo "install frontend dependencies" yarn install --pure-lockfile --no-progress scripts/go/bin/revive: scripts/go/go.mod @cd scripts/go; \ $(GO) build -o ./bin/revive github.com/mgechev/revive scripts/go/bin/gosec: scripts/go/go.mod @cd scripts/go; \ $(GO) build -o ./bin/gosec github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec scripts/go/bin/bra: scripts/go/go.mod @cd scripts/go; \ $(GO) build -o ./bin/bra github.com/Unknwon/bra scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint: scripts/go/go.mod @cd scripts/go; \ $(GO) build -o ./bin/golangci-lint github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint revive: scripts/go/bin/revive @echo "lint via revive" @scripts/go/bin/revive \ -formatter stylish \ -config ./scripts/go/configs/revive.toml \ $(GO_FILES) revive-alerting: scripts/go/bin/revive @echo "lint alerting via revive" @scripts/go/bin/revive \ -formatter stylish \ ./pkg/services/alerting/... # TODO recheck the rules and leave only necessary exclusions gosec: scripts/go/bin/gosec @echo "lint via gosec" @scripts/go/bin/gosec -quiet \ -exclude=G104,G107,G201,G202,G204,G301,G304,G401,G402,G501 \ -conf=./scripts/go/configs/gosec.json \ $(GO_FILES) golangci-lint: scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint @echo "lint via golangci-lint" @scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint run \ --config ./scripts/go/configs/.golangci.yml \ $(GO_FILES) go-vet: @echo "lint via go vet" @$(GO) vet $(GO_FILES) lint-go: go-vet golangci-lint revive revive-alerting gosec run: scripts/go/bin/bra @scripts/go/bin/bra run # create docker-compose file with provided sources and start them # example: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap ifeq ($(sources),) devenv: @printf 'You have to define sources for this command \nexample: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap\n' else devenv: devenv-down $(eval targets := $(shell echo '$(sources)' | tr "," " ")) @cd devenv; \ ./create_docker_compose.sh $(targets) || \ (rm -rf {docker-compose.yaml,conf.tmp,.env}; exit 1) @cd devenv; \ docker-compose up -d --build endif # drop down the envs devenv-down: @cd devenv; \ test -f docker-compose.yaml && \ docker-compose down || exit 0;