name: Levitate / Report breaking changes on: workflow_run: workflows: ["Levitate / Detect breaking changes"] types: [completed] jobs: notify: name: Report runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: ARTIFACT_NAME: 'levitate' # The name of the artifact that we would like to download ARTIFACT_FOLDER: '${{ github.workspace }}/tmp' # The name of the folder where we will download the artifact to steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Download artifact (as a .zip archive) - name: 'Download artifact' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: RUN_ID: ${{ }} with: script: | const fs = require('fs'); const { owner, repo } = context.repo; const runId = process.env.RUN_ID; const artifactName = process.env.ARTIFACT_NAME; const artifactFolder = process.env.ARTIFACT_FOLDER; const artifacts = await{ owner, repo, run_id: runId, }); const artifact = => === artifactName); if (!artifact) { throw new Error(`Could not find artifact ${ artifactName } in workflow (${ runId })`); } const download = await{ owner, repo, artifact_id:, archive_format: 'zip', }); fs.mkdirSync(artifactFolder, { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(`${ artifactFolder }/${ artifactName }.zip`, Buffer.from(; # Unzip artifact - name: Unzip artifact run: unzip "${ARTIFACT_FOLDER}/${ARTIFACT_NAME}.zip" -d "${ARTIFACT_FOLDER}" # Parse the artifact and register fields as step output variables # (All fields in the JSON will be available as ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs. }} - name: Parsing levitate result uses: actions/github-script@v6 id: levitate-run with: script: | const filePath = `${ process.env.ARTIFACT_FOLDER }/result.json`; const script = require('./.github/workflows/scripts/json-file-to-job-output.js'); await script({ core, filePath }); # Skip - print a message if the "Detect" workflow was skipped - name: Check if the workflow should be skipped if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip == 'true' run: echo "Skipping." # Check if label exists - name: Check if "levitate breaking change" label exists id: does-label-exist if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.pull_requests[0].number }} with: script: | const { data } = await{ issue_number: process.env.PR_NUMBER, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, }); const labels ={ name }) => name); const doesExist = labels.includes('levitate breaking change'); return doesExist ? 1 : 0; # Comment on the PR - name: Comment on PR if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 1 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2 with: number: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} message: | ⚠️   **Possible breaking changes** _(Open the links below in a new tab to go to the correct steps)_ ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.message }} [Console output](${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.job_link }}) [Read our guideline]( # Remove comment from the PR (no more breaking changes) - name: Remove comment from PR if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 0 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2 with: number: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} delete: true # Posts a notification to Slack if a PR has a breaking change and it did not have a breaking change before - name: Post to Slack id: slack if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 1 && steps.does-label-exist.outputs.result == 0 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: slackapi/slack-github-action@v1.23.0 with: payload: | { "pr_link": "${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }}", "pr_number": "${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }}", "job_link": "${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.job_link }}", "reporting_job_link": "${{ github.event.workflow_run.html_url }}", "message": "${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.message }}" } env: SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_LEVITATE_WEBHOOK_URL }} # Add the label - name: Add "levitate breaking change" label if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 1 && steps.does-label-exist.outputs.result == 0 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN }} script: | await{ issue_number: process.env.PR_NUMBER, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, labels: ['levitate breaking change'] }) # Remove label (no more breaking changes) - name: Remove "levitate breaking change" label if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 0 && steps.does-label-exist.outputs.result == 1 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN }} script: | await{ issue_number: process.env.PR_NUMBER, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, name: 'levitate breaking change' }) # Add reviewers # This is very weird, the actual request goes through (comes back with a 201), but does not assign the team. # Related issue: - name: Add "grafana/plugins-platform-frontend" as a reviewer if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN }} script: | await{ pull_number: process.env.PR_NUMBER, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, reviewers: [], team_reviewers: ['grafana/plugins-platform-frontend'] }); # Remove reviewers (no more breaking changes) - name: Remove "grafana/plugins-platform-frontend" from the list of reviewers if: steps.levitate-run.outputs.exit_code == 0 && steps.levitate-run.outputs.shouldSkip != 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.levitate-run.outputs.pr_number }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN }} script: | await{ pull_number: process.env.PR_NUMBER, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, reviewers: [], team_reviewers: ['grafana/plugins-platform-frontend'] });