+++ title = "OAuth authentication" description = "Grafana OAuthentication Guide " keywords = ["grafana", "configuration", "documentation", "oauth"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] name = "Generic OAuth" identifier = "generic_oauth" parent = "authentication" weight = 3 +++ # Generic OAuth Authentication You can configure many different oauth2 authentication services with Grafana using the generic oauth2 feature. Below you can find examples using Okta, BitBucket, OneLogin and Azure. This callback URL must match the full HTTP address that you use in your browser to access Grafana, but with the prefix path of `/login/generic_oauth`. You may have to set the `root_url` option of `[server]` for the callback URL to be correct. For example in case you are serving Grafana behind a proxy. Example config: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] enabled = true client_id = YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID client_secret = YOUR_APP_CLIENT_SECRET scopes = auth_url = token_url = api_url = allowed_domains = mycompany.com mycompany.org allow_sign_up = true ``` Set `api_url` to the resource that returns [OpenID UserInfo](https://connect2id.com/products/server/docs/api/userinfo) compatible information. Grafana will attempt to determine the user's e-mail address by querying the OAuth provider as described below in the following order until an e-mail address is found: 1. Check for the presence of an e-mail address via the `email` field encoded in the OAuth `id_token` parameter. 2. Check for the presence of an e-mail address using the [JMESPath](http://jmespath.org/examples.html) specified via the `email_attribute_path` configuration option. The JSON used for the path lookup is the HTTP response obtained from querying the UserInfo endpoint specified via the `api_url` configuration option. **Note**: Only available in Grafana v6.4+. 3. Check for the presence of an e-mail address in the `attributes` map encoded in the OAuth `id_token` parameter. By default Grafana will perform a lookup into the attributes map using the `email:primary` key, however, this is configurable and can be adjusted by using the `email_attribute_name` configuration option. 4. Query the `/emails` endpoint of the OAuth provider's API (configured with `api_url`) and check for the presence of an e-mail address marked as a primary address. 5. If no e-mail address is found in steps (1-4), then the e-mail address of the user is set to the empty string. Grafana will also attempt to do role mapping through OAuth as described below. > Only available in Grafana v6.5+. Check for the presence of an role using the [JMESPath](http://jmespath.org/examples.html) specified via the `role_attribute_path` configuration option. The JSON used for the path lookup is the HTTP response obtained from querying the UserInfo endpoint specified via the `api_url` configuration option. The result after evaluating the `role_attribute_path` JMESPath expression needs to be a valid Grafana role, i.e. `Viewer`, `Editor` or `Admin`. See [JMESPath examples](#jmespath-examples) for more information. ## Set up OAuth2 with Okta First set up Grafana as an OpenId client "webapplication" in Okta. Then set the Base URIs to `https:///` and set the Login redirect URIs to `https:///login/generic_oauth`. Finally set up the generic oauth module like this: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] name = Okta enabled = true scopes = openid profile email client_id = client_secret = auth_url = https:///oauth2/v1/authorize token_url = https:///oauth2/v1/token api_url = https:///oauth2/v1/userinfo ``` ## Set up OAuth2 with Bitbucket ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] name = BitBucket enabled = true allow_sign_up = true client_id = client_secret = scopes = account email auth_url = https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize token_url = https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token api_url = https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/user team_ids = allowed_organizations = ``` ## Set up OAuth2 with OneLogin 1. Create a new Custom Connector with the following settings: - Name: Grafana - Sign On Method: OpenID Connect - Redirect URI: `https:///login/generic_oauth` - Signing Algorithm: RS256 - Login URL: `https:///login/generic_oauth` then: 2. Add an App to the Grafana Connector: - Display Name: Grafana then: 3. Under the SSO tab on the Grafana App details page you'll find the Client ID and Client Secret. Your OneLogin Domain will match the url you use to access OneLogin. Configure Grafana as follows: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] name = OneLogin enabled = true allow_sign_up = true client_id = client_secret = scopes = openid email name auth_url = https://.onelogin.com/oidc/auth token_url = https://.onelogin.com/oidc/token api_url = https://.onelogin.com/oidc/me team_ids = allowed_organizations = ``` ## Set up OAuth2 with Auth0 1. Create a new Client in Auth0 - Name: Grafana - Type: Regular Web Application 2. Go to the Settings tab and set: - Allowed Callback URLs: `https:///login/generic_oauth` 3. Click Save Changes, then use the values at the top of the page to configure Grafana: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] enabled = true allow_sign_up = true team_ids = allowed_organizations = name = Auth0 client_id = client_secret = scopes = openid profile email auth_url = https:///authorize token_url = https:///oauth/token api_url = https:///userinfo ``` ## Set up OAuth2 with Azure Active Directory 1. Log in to portal.azure.com and click "Azure Active Directory" in the side menu, then click the "Properties" sub-menu item. 2. Copy the "Directory ID", this is needed for setting URLs later 3. Click "App Registrations" and add a new application registration: - Name: Grafana - Application type: Web app / API - Sign-on URL: `https:///login/generic_oauth` 4. Click the name of the new application to open the application details page. 5. Note down the "Application ID", this will be the OAuth client id. 6. Click "Certificates & secrets" and add a new entry under Client secrets - Description: Grafana OAuth - Expires: Never 7. Click Add then copy the key value, this will be the OAuth client secret. 8. Configure Grafana as follows: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] name = Azure AD enabled = true allow_sign_up = true client_id = client_secret = scopes = openid email name auth_url = https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/authorize token_url = https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token api_url = team_ids = allowed_organizations = ``` > Note: It's important to ensure that the [root_url](/installation/configuration/#root-url) in Grafana is set in your Azure Application Reply URLs (App -> Settings -> Reply URLs) ## Set up OAuth2 with Centrify 1. Create a new Custom OpenID Connect application configuration in the Centrify dashboard. 2. Create a memorable unique Application ID, e.g. "grafana", "grafana_aws", etc. 3. Put in other basic configuration (name, description, logo, category) 4. On the Trust tab, generate a long password and put it into the OpenID Connect Client Secret field. 5. Put the URL to the front page of your Grafana instance into the "Resource Application URL" field. 6. Add an authorized Redirect URI like https://your-grafana-server/login/generic_oauth 7. Set up permissions, policies, etc. just like any other Centrify app 8. Configure Grafana as follows: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] name = Centrify enabled = true allow_sign_up = true client_id = client_secret = .my.centrify.com/OAuth2/Authorize/ token_url = https://.my.centrify.com/OAuth2/Token/ api_url = https://.my.centrify.com/OAuth2/UserInfo/ ``` ## Set up OAuth2 with non-compliant providers > Only available in Grafana v6.0 and above. Some OAuth2 providers might not support `client_id` and `client_secret` passed via Basic Authentication HTTP header, which results in `invalid_client` error. To allow Grafana to authenticate via these type of providers, the client identifiers must be send via POST body, which can be enabled via the following settings: ```bash [auth.generic_oauth] send_client_credentials_via_post = true ``` ## JMESPath examples To ease configuring a proper JMESPath expression you can test/evaluate expression with a custom payload at http://jmespath.org/. ### Role mapping **Basic example:** In the following example user will get `Editor` as role when authenticating. The value of the property `role` will be the resulting role if the role is a proper Grafana role, i.e. `Viewer`, `Editor` or `Admin`. Payload: ```json { ... "role": "Editor", ... } ``` Config: ```bash role_attribute_path = role ``` **Advanced example:** In the following example user will get `Admin` as role when authenticating since it has a group `admin`. If a user has a group `editor` it will get `Editor` as role, otherwise `Viewer`. Payload: ```json { ... "info": { ... "groups": [ "engineer", "admin", ], ... }, ... } ``` Config: ```bash role_attribute_path = contains(info.groups[*], 'admin') && 'Admin' || contains(info.groups[*], 'editor') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer' ```