import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, DataTransformerID, Field, FieldType, SynchronousDataTransformerInfo, } from '@grafana/data'; import { getDistinctLabels } from '../utils'; export interface JoinByLabelsTransformOptions { value: string; // something must be defined join?: string[]; } export const joinByLabelsTransformer: SynchronousDataTransformerInfo = { id: DataTransformerID.joinByLabels, name: 'Join by labels', description: 'Flatten labeled results into a table joined by labels', defaultOptions: {}, operator: (options) => (source) => source.pipe(map((data) => joinByLabelsTransformer.transformer(options)(data))), transformer: (options: JoinByLabelsTransformOptions) => { return (data: DataFrame[]) => { if (!data || !data.length) { return data; } return [joinByLabels(options, data)]; }; }, }; interface JoinValues { keys: string[]; values: Record; } export function joinByLabels(options: JoinByLabelsTransformOptions, data: DataFrame[]): DataFrame { if (!options.value?.length) { return getErrorFrame('No value labele configured'); } const distinctLabels = getDistinctLabels(data); if (distinctLabels.size < 1) { return getErrorFrame('No labels in result'); } if (!distinctLabels.has(options.value)) { return getErrorFrame('Value label not found'); } let join = options.join?.length ? options.join : Array.from(distinctLabels); join = join.filter((f) => f !== options.value); const names = new Set(); const found = new Map(); const inputFields: Record = {}; for (const frame of data) { for (const field of frame.fields) { if (field.labels && field.type !== FieldType.time) { const keys = => field.labels![v]); const key = keys.join(','); let item = found.get(key); if (!item) { item = { keys, values: {}, }; found.set(key, item); } const name = field.labels[options.value]; const vals = field.values.toArray(); const old = item.values[name]; if (old) { item.values[name] = old.concat(vals); } else { item.values[name] = vals; } if (!inputFields[name]) { inputFields[name] = field; // keep the config } names.add(name); } } } const allNames = Array.from(names); const joinValues = string[] => []); const nameValues = number[] => []); for (const item of found.values()) { let valueOffset = -1; let done = false; while (!done) { valueOffset++; done = true; for (let i = 0; i < join.length; i++) { joinValues[i].push(item.keys[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < allNames.length; i++) { const name = allNames[i]; const values = item.values[name] ?? []; nameValues[i].push(values[valueOffset]); if (values.length > valueOffset + 1) { done = false; } } } } const frame: DataFrame = { fields: [], length: nameValues[0].length }; for (let i = 0; i < join.length; i++) { frame.fields.push({ name: join[i], config: {}, type: FieldType.string, values: new ArrayVector(joinValues[i]), }); } for (let i = 0; i < allNames.length; i++) { const old = inputFields[allNames[i]]; frame.fields.push({ name: allNames[i], config: {}, type: old.type ?? FieldType.number, values: new ArrayVector(nameValues[i]), }); } return frame; } function getErrorFrame(text: string): DataFrame { return { meta: { notices: [{ severity: 'error', text }], }, fields: [{ name: 'Error', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: new ArrayVector([text]) }], length: 0, }; }