import { cloneDeep, find, findLast, isEmpty, isString, set } from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import { from, lastValueFrom, merge, Observable, of, throwError, zip } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, concatMap, finalize, map, mergeMap, repeat, scan, share, takeWhile, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { DataFrame, DataQueryError, DataQueryErrorType, DataQueryRequest, DataQueryResponse, DataSourceInstanceSettings, DataSourceWithLogsContextSupport, dateMath, dateTimeFormat, FieldType, LoadingState, LogRowModel, rangeUtil, ScopedVars, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import { DataSourceWithBackend, FetchError, getBackendSrv, toDataQueryResponse } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { RowContextOptions } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/Logs/LogRowContextProvider'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; import { createErrorNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification'; import { getTimeSrv, TimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { getTemplateSrv, TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { VariableWithMultiSupport } from 'app/features/variables/types'; import { store } from 'app/store/store'; import { AppNotificationTimeout } from 'app/types'; import { CloudWatchAnnotationSupport } from './annotationSupport'; import { SQLCompletionItemProvider } from './cloudwatch-sql/completion/CompletionItemProvider'; import { ThrottlingErrorMessage } from './components/ThrottlingErrorMessage'; import { isCloudWatchAnnotationQuery, isCloudWatchLogsQuery, isCloudWatchMetricsQuery } from './guards'; import { CloudWatchLanguageProvider } from './language_provider'; import memoizedDebounce from './memoizedDebounce'; import { MetricMathCompletionItemProvider } from './metric-math/completion/CompletionItemProvider'; import { migrateMetricQuery } from './migrations/metricQueryMigrations'; import { CloudWatchAnnotationQuery, CloudWatchJsonData, CloudWatchLogsQuery, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus, CloudWatchLogsRequest, CloudWatchMetricsQuery, CloudWatchQuery, DescribeLogGroupsRequest, Dimensions, GetLogEventsRequest, GetLogGroupFieldsRequest, GetLogGroupFieldsResponse, LogAction, MetricEditorMode, MetricQuery, MetricQueryType, MetricRequest, MultiFilters, StartQueryRequest, TSDBResponse, } from './types'; import { addDataLinksToLogsResponse } from './utils/datalinks'; import { runWithRetry } from './utils/logsRetry'; import { increasingInterval } from './utils/rxjs/increasingInterval'; import { CloudWatchVariableSupport } from './variables'; const DS_QUERY_ENDPOINT = '/api/ds/query'; // Constants also defined in tsdb/cloudwatch/cloudwatch.go const LOG_IDENTIFIER_INTERNAL = '__log__grafana_internal__'; const LOGSTREAM_IDENTIFIER_INTERNAL = '__logstream__grafana_internal__'; const displayAlert = (datasourceName: string, region: string) => store.dispatch( notifyApp( createErrorNotification( `CloudWatch request limit reached in ${region} for data source ${datasourceName}`, '', undefined, React.createElement(ThrottlingErrorMessage, { region }, null) ) ) ); const displayCustomError = (title: string, message: string) => store.dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification(title, message))); export class CloudWatchDatasource extends DataSourceWithBackend implements DataSourceWithLogsContextSupport { proxyUrl: any; defaultRegion: any; datasourceName: string; languageProvider: CloudWatchLanguageProvider; sqlCompletionItemProvider: SQLCompletionItemProvider; metricMathCompletionItemProvider: MetricMathCompletionItemProvider; tracingDataSourceUid?: string; logsTimeout: string; type = 'cloudwatch'; standardStatistics = ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum', 'Sum', 'SampleCount']; debouncedAlert: (datasourceName: string, region: string) => void = memoizedDebounce( displayAlert, AppNotificationTimeout.Error ); debouncedCustomAlert: (title: string, message: string) => void = memoizedDebounce( displayCustomError, AppNotificationTimeout.Error ); logQueries: Record = {}; constructor( instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings, private readonly templateSrv: TemplateSrv = getTemplateSrv(), private readonly timeSrv: TimeSrv = getTimeSrv() ) { super(instanceSettings); this.proxyUrl = instanceSettings.url; this.defaultRegion = instanceSettings.jsonData.defaultRegion; this.datasourceName =; this.languageProvider = new CloudWatchLanguageProvider(this); this.tracingDataSourceUid = instanceSettings.jsonData.tracingDatasourceUid; this.logsTimeout = instanceSettings.jsonData.logsTimeout || '15m'; this.sqlCompletionItemProvider = new SQLCompletionItemProvider(this, this.templateSrv); this.metricMathCompletionItemProvider = new MetricMathCompletionItemProvider(this, this.templateSrv); this.variables = new CloudWatchVariableSupport(this); this.annotations = CloudWatchAnnotationSupport; } query(options: DataQueryRequest): Observable { options = cloneDeep(options); let queries = options.targets.filter((item) => item.hide !== true); const { logQueries, metricsQueries, annotationQueries } = this.getTargetsByQueryMode(queries); const dataQueryResponses: Array> = []; if (logQueries.length > 0) { dataQueryResponses.push(this.handleLogQueries(logQueries, options)); } if (metricsQueries.length > 0) { dataQueryResponses.push(this.handleMetricQueries(metricsQueries, options)); } if (annotationQueries.length > 0) { dataQueryResponses.push(this.handleAnnotationQuery(annotationQueries, options)); } // No valid targets, return the empty result to save a round trip. if (isEmpty(dataQueryResponses)) { return of({ data: [], state: LoadingState.Done, }); } return merge(...dataQueryResponses); } /** * Handle log query. The log query works by starting the query on the CloudWatch and then periodically polling for * results. * @param logQueries * @param options */ handleLogQueries = ( logQueries: CloudWatchLogsQuery[], options: DataQueryRequest ): Observable => { const validLogQueries = logQueries.filter((item) => item.logGroupNames?.length); if (logQueries.length > validLogQueries.length) { return of({ data: [], error: { message: 'Log group is required' } }); } // No valid targets, return the empty result to save a round trip. if (isEmpty(validLogQueries)) { return of({ data: [], state: LoadingState.Done }); } const queryParams = CloudWatchLogsQuery) => ({ queryString: target.expression || '', refId: target.refId, logGroupNames: target.logGroupNames, region: this.replace(this.getActualRegion(target.region), options.scopedVars, true, 'region'), })); const startTime = new Date(); const timeoutFunc = () => { return >= startTime.valueOf() + rangeUtil.intervalToMs(this.logsTimeout); }; return runWithRetry( (targets: StartQueryRequest[]) => { return this.makeLogActionRequest('StartQuery', targets, { makeReplacements: true, scopedVars: options.scopedVars, skipCache: true, }); }, queryParams, timeoutFunc ).pipe( mergeMap(({ frames, error }: { frames: DataFrame[]; error?: DataQueryError }) => // This queries for the results this.logsQuery( => ({ queryId: dataFrame.fields[0].values.get(0), region: dataFrame.meta?.custom?.['Region'] ?? 'default', refId: dataFrame.refId!, statsGroups: (logQueries.find((target) => target.refId === dataFrame.refId)! as CloudWatchLogsQuery) .statsGroups, })), timeoutFunc ).pipe( map((response: DataQueryResponse) => { if (!response.error && error) { response.error = error; } return response; }) ) ), mergeMap((dataQueryResponse) => { return from( (async () => { await addDataLinksToLogsResponse( dataQueryResponse, options, this.timeSrv.timeRange(), this.replace.bind(this), this.getActualRegion.bind(this), this.tracingDataSourceUid ); return dataQueryResponse; })() ); }) ); }; filterQuery(query: CloudWatchQuery): boolean { if (isCloudWatchLogsQuery(query)) { return !!query.logGroupNames?.length; } else if (isCloudWatchAnnotationQuery(query)) { // annotation query validity already checked in annotationSupport return true; } const { region, metricQueryType, metricEditorMode, expression, metricName, namespace, sqlExpression, statistic } = query; if (!region) { return false; } if (metricQueryType === MetricQueryType.Search && metricEditorMode === MetricEditorMode.Builder) { return !!namespace && !!metricName && !!statistic; } else if (metricQueryType === MetricQueryType.Search && metricEditorMode === MetricEditorMode.Code) { return !!expression; } else if (metricQueryType === MetricQueryType.Query) { // still TBD how to validate the visual query builder for SQL return !!sqlExpression; } throw new Error('invalid metric editor mode'); } replaceMetricQueryVars( query: CloudWatchMetricsQuery, options: DataQueryRequest ): CloudWatchMetricsQuery { query.region = this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(query.region), options.scopedVars); query.namespace = this.replace(query.namespace, options.scopedVars, true, 'namespace'); query.metricName = this.replace(query.metricName, options.scopedVars, true, 'metric name'); query.dimensions = this.convertDimensionFormat(query.dimensions ?? {}, options.scopedVars); query.statistic = this.templateSrv.replace(query.statistic, options.scopedVars); query.period = String(this.getPeriod(query, options)); // use string format for period in graph query, and alerting = this.templateSrv.replace(, options.scopedVars); query.expression = this.templateSrv.replace(query.expression, options.scopedVars); query.sqlExpression = this.templateSrv.replace(query.sqlExpression, options.scopedVars, 'raw'); return query; } handleMetricQueries = ( metricQueries: CloudWatchMetricsQuery[], options: DataQueryRequest ): Observable => { const timezoneUTCOffset = dateTimeFormat(, { timeZone: options.timezone, format: 'Z', }).replace(':', ''); const validMetricsQueries = metricQueries.filter(this.filterQuery).map((q: CloudWatchMetricsQuery): MetricQuery => { const migratedQuery = migrateMetricQuery(q); const migratedAndIterpolatedQuery = this.replaceMetricQueryVars(migratedQuery, options); return { timezoneUTCOffset, intervalMs: options.intervalMs, maxDataPoints: options.maxDataPoints, ...migratedAndIterpolatedQuery, type: 'timeSeriesQuery', datasource: this.getRef(), }; }); // No valid targets, return the empty result to save a round trip. if (isEmpty(validMetricsQueries)) { return of({ data: [] }); } const request = { from: options?.range?.from.valueOf().toString(), to: options?.range?.to.valueOf().toString(), queries: validMetricsQueries, }; return this.performTimeSeriesQuery(request, options.range); }; handleAnnotationQuery( queries: CloudWatchAnnotationQuery[], options: DataQueryRequest ): Observable { return this.awsRequest(DS_QUERY_ENDPOINT, { from: options.range.from.valueOf().toString(), to:, queries: => ({ ...query, statistic: this.templateSrv.replace(query.statistic), region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(query.region)), namespace: this.templateSrv.replace(query.namespace), metricName: this.templateSrv.replace(query.metricName), dimensions: this.convertDimensionFormat(query.dimensions ?? {}, {}), period: query.period ? parseInt(query.period, 10) : 300, actionPrefix: query.actionPrefix ?? '', alarmNamePrefix: query.alarmNamePrefix ?? '', type: 'annotationQuery', datasource: this.getRef(), })), }).pipe( map((r) => { const frames = toDataQueryResponse({ data: r }).data as DataFrame[]; return { data: frames }; }) ); } /** * Checks progress and polls data of a started logs query with some retry logic. * @param queryParams */ logsQuery( queryParams: Array<{ queryId: string; refId: string; limit?: number; region: string; statsGroups?: string[]; }>, timeoutFunc: () => boolean ): Observable { this.logQueries = {}; queryParams.forEach((param) => { this.logQueries[param.refId] = { id: param.queryId, region: param.region, statsQuery: (param.statsGroups?.length ?? 0) > 0 ?? false, }; }); const dataFrames = increasingInterval({ startPeriod: 100, endPeriod: 1000, step: 300 }).pipe( concatMap((_) => this.makeLogActionRequest('GetQueryResults', queryParams, { skipCache: true })), repeat(), share() ); const consecutiveFailedAttempts = dataFrames.pipe( scan( ({ failures, prevRecordsMatched }, frames) => { failures++; for (const frame of frames) { const recordsMatched = frame.meta?.stats?.find((stat) => stat.displayName === 'Records scanned')?.value!; if (recordsMatched > (prevRecordsMatched[frame.refId!] ?? 0)) { failures = 0; } prevRecordsMatched[frame.refId!] = recordsMatched; } return { failures, prevRecordsMatched }; }, { failures: 0, prevRecordsMatched: {} as Record } ), map(({ failures }) => failures), share() ); const queryResponse: Observable = zip(dataFrames, consecutiveFailedAttempts).pipe( tap(([dataFrames]) => { for (const frame of dataFrames) { if ( [ CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Complete, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Cancelled, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Failed, ].includes(frame.meta?.custom?.['Status']) && this.logQueries.hasOwnProperty(frame.refId!) ) { delete this.logQueries[frame.refId!]; } } }), map(([dataFrames, failedAttempts]) => { if (timeoutFunc()) { for (const frame of dataFrames) { set(frame, 'meta.custom.Status', CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Cancelled); } } return { data: dataFrames, key: 'test-key', state: dataFrames.every((dataFrame) => [ CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Complete, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Cancelled, CloudWatchLogsQueryStatus.Failed, ].includes(dataFrame.meta?.custom?.['Status']) ) ? LoadingState.Done : LoadingState.Loading, error: timeoutFunc() ? { message: `error: query timed out after ${failedAttempts} attempts`, type: DataQueryErrorType.Timeout, } : undefined, }; }), takeWhile(({ state }) => state !== LoadingState.Error && state !== LoadingState.Done, true) ); return withTeardown(queryResponse, () => this.stopQueries()); } stopQueries() { if (Object.keys(this.logQueries).length > 0) { this.makeLogActionRequest( 'StopQuery', Object.values(this.logQueries).map((logQuery) => ({ queryId:, region: logQuery.region })), { makeReplacements: false, skipCache: true, } ).pipe( finalize(() => { this.logQueries = {}; }) ); } } async describeLogGroups(params: DescribeLogGroupsRequest): Promise { const dataFrames = await lastValueFrom(this.makeLogActionRequest('DescribeLogGroups', [params])); const logGroupNames = dataFrames[0]?.fields[0]?.values.toArray() ?? []; return logGroupNames; } async getLogGroupFields(params: GetLogGroupFieldsRequest): Promise { const dataFrames = await lastValueFrom(this.makeLogActionRequest('GetLogGroupFields', [params])); const fieldNames = dataFrames[0].fields[0].values.toArray(); const fieldPercentages = dataFrames[0].fields[1].values.toArray(); const getLogGroupFieldsResponse = { logGroupFields:, i) => ({ name: val, percent: fieldPercentages[i] })) ?? [], }; return getLogGroupFieldsResponse; } getLogRowContext = async ( row: LogRowModel, { limit = 10, direction = 'BACKWARD' }: RowContextOptions = {} ): Promise<{ data: DataFrame[] }> => { let logStreamField = null; let logField = null; for (const field of row.dataFrame.fields) { if ( === LOGSTREAM_IDENTIFIER_INTERNAL) { logStreamField = field; if (logField !== null) { break; } } else if ( === LOG_IDENTIFIER_INTERNAL) { logField = field; if (logStreamField !== null) { break; } } } const requestParams: GetLogEventsRequest = { limit, startFromHead: direction !== 'BACKWARD', logGroupName: parseLogGroupName(logField!.values.get(row.rowIndex)), logStreamName: logStreamField!.values.get(row.rowIndex), }; if (direction === 'BACKWARD') { requestParams.endTime = row.timeEpochMs; } else { requestParams.startTime = row.timeEpochMs; } const dataFrames = await lastValueFrom(this.makeLogActionRequest('GetLogEvents', [requestParams])); return { data: dataFrames, }; }; getVariables() { return this.templateSrv.getVariables().map((v) => `$${}`); } getPeriod(target: CloudWatchMetricsQuery, options: any) { let period = this.templateSrv.replace(target.period, options.scopedVars) as any; if (period && period.toLowerCase() !== 'auto') { if (/^\d+$/.test(period)) { period = parseInt(period, 10); } else { period = rangeUtil.intervalToSeconds(period); } if (period < 1) { period = 1; } } return period || ''; } performTimeSeriesQuery(request: MetricRequest, { from, to }: TimeRange): Observable { return this.awsRequest(DS_QUERY_ENDPOINT, request).pipe( map((res) => { const dataframes: DataFrame[] = toDataQueryResponse({ data: res }).data; if (!dataframes || dataframes.length <= 0) { return { data: [] }; } const lastError = findLast(res.results, (v) => !!v.error); dataframes.forEach((frame) => { frame.fields.forEach((field) => { if (field.type === FieldType.time) { // field.config.interval is populated in order for Grafana to fill in null values at frame intervals field.config.interval = frame.meta?.custom?.period * 1000; } }); }); return { data: dataframes, error: lastError ? { message: lastError.error } : null, }; }), catchError((err) => { const isFrameError =; // Error is not frame specific if (!isFrameError && && === 'Metric request error' && { err.message =; return throwError(() => err); } // The error is either for a specific frame or for all the frames const results: Array<{ error?: string }> = Object.values(; const firstErrorResult = results.find((r) => r.error); if (firstErrorResult) { err.message = firstErrorResult.error; } if (results.some((r) => r.error && /^Throttling:.*/.test(r.error))) { const failedRedIds = Object.keys(; const regionsAffected = Object.values(request.queries).reduce( (res: string[], { refId, region }) => (refId && !failedRedIds.includes(refId)) || res.includes(region) ? res : [...res, region], [] ) as string[]; regionsAffected.forEach((region) => { const actualRegion = this.getActualRegion(region); if (actualRegion) { this.debouncedAlert(this.datasourceName, actualRegion); } }); } return throwError(() => err); }) ); } doMetricResourceRequest(subtype: string, parameters?: any): Promise> { return this.getResource(subtype, parameters); } makeLogActionRequest( subtype: LogAction, queryParams: CloudWatchLogsRequest[], options: { scopedVars?: ScopedVars; makeReplacements?: boolean; skipCache?: boolean; } = { makeReplacements: true, skipCache: false, } ): Observable { const range = this.timeSrv.timeRange(); const requestParams = { from: range.from.valueOf().toString(), to:, queries: CloudWatchLogsRequest) => ({ refId: (param as StartQueryRequest).refId || 'A', intervalMs: 1, // dummy maxDataPoints: 1, // dummy datasource: this.getRef(), type: 'logAction', subtype: subtype, ...param, })), }; if (options.makeReplacements) { requestParams.queries.forEach((query: CloudWatchLogsRequest) => { const fieldsToReplace: Array< keyof (GetLogEventsRequest & StartQueryRequest & DescribeLogGroupsRequest & GetLogGroupFieldsRequest) > = ['queryString', 'logGroupNames', 'logGroupName', 'logGroupNamePrefix']; const anyQuery: any = query; for (const fieldName of fieldsToReplace) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) { if (Array.isArray(anyQuery[fieldName])) { anyQuery[fieldName] = anyQuery[fieldName].map((val: string) => this.replace(val, options.scopedVars, true, fieldName) ); } else { anyQuery[fieldName] = this.replace(anyQuery[fieldName], options.scopedVars, true, fieldName); } } } // TODO: seems to be some sort of bug that we don't really send region with all queries. This means // if you select different than default region in editor you will get results for autocomplete from wrong // region. if (anyQuery.region) { anyQuery.region = this.replace(anyQuery.region, options.scopedVars, true, 'region'); anyQuery.region = this.getActualRegion(anyQuery.region); } }); } const resultsToDataFrames = (val: any): DataFrame[] => toDataQueryResponse(val).data || []; let headers = {}; if (options.skipCache) { headers = { 'X-Cache-Skip': true, }; } return this.awsRequest(DS_QUERY_ENDPOINT, requestParams, headers).pipe( map((response) => resultsToDataFrames({ data: response })), catchError((err: FetchError) => { if (config.featureToggles.datasourceQueryMultiStatus && err.status === 207) { throw err; } if (err.status === 400) { throw err; } if ( { throw; } else if ( { // In PROD we do not supply .error throw; } throw err; }) ); } getRegions(): Promise> { return this.doMetricResourceRequest('regions').then((regions: any) => [ { label: 'default', value: 'default', text: 'default' }, ...regions, ]); } getNamespaces() { return this.doMetricResourceRequest('namespaces'); } async getMetrics(namespace: string | undefined, region?: string) { if (!namespace) { return []; } return this.doMetricResourceRequest('metrics', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), namespace: this.templateSrv.replace(namespace), }); } async getAllMetrics(region: string): Promise> { const values = await this.doMetricResourceRequest('all-metrics', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), }); return => ({ metricName: v.value, namespace: v.text })); } async getDimensionKeys( namespace: string | undefined, region: string, dimensionFilters: Dimensions = {}, metricName = '' ) { if (!namespace) { return []; } return this.doMetricResourceRequest('dimension-keys', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), namespace: this.templateSrv.replace(namespace), dimensionFilters: JSON.stringify(this.convertDimensionFormat(dimensionFilters, {})), metricName, }); } async getDimensionValues( region: string, namespace: string | undefined, metricName: string | undefined, dimensionKey: string, filterDimensions: {} ) { if (!namespace || !metricName) { return []; } const values = await this.doMetricResourceRequest('dimension-values', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), namespace: this.templateSrv.replace(namespace), metricName: this.templateSrv.replace(metricName.trim()), dimensionKey: this.templateSrv.replace(dimensionKey), dimensions: JSON.stringify(this.convertDimensionFormat(filterDimensions, {})), }); return values; } getEbsVolumeIds(region: string, instanceId: string) { return this.doMetricResourceRequest('ebs-volume-ids', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), instanceId: this.templateSrv.replace(instanceId), }); } getEc2InstanceAttribute(region: string, attributeName: string, filters: any) { return this.doMetricResourceRequest('ec2-instance-attribute', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), attributeName: this.templateSrv.replace(attributeName), filters: JSON.stringify(this.convertMultiFilterFormat(filters, 'filter key')), }); } getResourceARNs(region: string, resourceType: string, tags: any) { return this.doMetricResourceRequest('resource-arns', { region: this.templateSrv.replace(this.getActualRegion(region)), resourceType: this.templateSrv.replace(resourceType), tags: JSON.stringify(this.convertMultiFilterFormat(tags, 'tag name')), }); } targetContainsTemplate(target: any) { return ( this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(target.region) || this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(target.namespace) || this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(target.metricName) || this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(target.expression!) || target.logGroupNames?.some((logGroup: string) => this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(logGroup)) || find(target.dimensions, (v, k) => this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(k) || this.templateSrv.containsTemplate(v)) ); } awsRequest(url: string, data: MetricRequest, headers: Record = {}): Observable { const options = { method: 'POST', url, data, headers, }; return getBackendSrv() .fetch(options) .pipe(map((result) =>; } getDefaultRegion() { return this.defaultRegion; } getActualRegion(region?: string) { if (region === 'default' || region === undefined || region === '') { return this.getDefaultRegion(); } return region; } showContextToggle() { return true; } convertToCloudWatchTime(date: any, roundUp: any) { if (isString(date)) { date = dateMath.parse(date, roundUp); } return Math.round(date.valueOf() / 1000); } convertDimensionFormat(dimensions: Dimensions, scopedVars: ScopedVars) { return Object.entries(dimensions).reduce((result, [key, value]) => { key = this.replace(key, scopedVars, true, 'dimension keys'); if (Array.isArray(value)) { return { ...result, [key]: value }; } if (!value) { return { ...result, [key]: null }; } const newValues = this.getVariableValue(value, scopedVars); return { ...result, [key]: newValues }; }, {}); } // get the value for a given template variable getVariableValue(value: string, scopedVars: ScopedVars): string[] { const variableName = this.templateSrv.getVariableName(value); const valueVar = this.templateSrv.getVariables().find(({ name }) => { return name === variableName; }); if (variableName && valueVar) { if ((valueVar as unknown as VariableWithMultiSupport).multi) { // rebuild the variable name to handle old migrated queries const values = this.templateSrv.replace('$' + variableName, scopedVars, 'pipe').split('|'); return values; } return [this.templateSrv.replace(value, scopedVars)]; } return [value]; } convertMultiFilterFormat(multiFilters: MultiFilters, fieldName?: string) { return Object.entries(multiFilters).reduce((result, [key, values]) => { key = this.replace(key, {}, true, fieldName); if (!values) { return { ...result, [key]: null }; } const initialVal: string[] = []; const newValues = values.reduce((result, value) => { const vals = this.getVariableValue(value, {}); return [...result, ...vals]; }, initialVal); return { ...result, [key]: newValues }; }, {}); } replace( target?: string, scopedVars?: ScopedVars, displayErrorIfIsMultiTemplateVariable?: boolean, fieldName?: string ) { if (displayErrorIfIsMultiTemplateVariable && !!target) { const variable = this.templateSrv .getVariables() .find(({ name }) => name === this.templateSrv.getVariableName(target)); if (variable && (variable as unknown as VariableWithMultiSupport).multi) { this.debouncedCustomAlert( 'CloudWatch templating error', `Multi template variables are not supported for ${fieldName || target}` ); } } return this.templateSrv.replace(target, scopedVars); } getQueryDisplayText(query: CloudWatchQuery) { if (query.queryMode === 'Logs') { return query.expression ?? ''; } else { return JSON.stringify(query); } } getTargetsByQueryMode = (targets: CloudWatchQuery[]) => { const logQueries: CloudWatchLogsQuery[] = []; const metricsQueries: CloudWatchMetricsQuery[] = []; const annotationQueries: CloudWatchAnnotationQuery[] = []; targets.forEach((query) => { if (isCloudWatchAnnotationQuery(query)) { annotationQueries.push(query); } else if (isCloudWatchLogsQuery(query)) { logQueries.push(query); } else { metricsQueries.push(query); } }); return { logQueries, metricsQueries, annotationQueries, }; }; interpolateVariablesInQueries(queries: CloudWatchQuery[], scopedVars: ScopedVars): CloudWatchQuery[] { if (!queries.length) { return queries; } return => ({ ...query, region: this.getActualRegion(this.replace(query.region, scopedVars)), ...(isCloudWatchMetricsQuery(query) && this.interpolateMetricsQueryVariables(query, scopedVars)), })); } interpolateMetricsQueryVariables( query: CloudWatchMetricsQuery, scopedVars: ScopedVars ): Pick { return { alias: this.replace(query.alias, scopedVars), metricName: this.replace(query.metricName, scopedVars), namespace: this.replace(query.namespace, scopedVars), period: this.replace(query.period, scopedVars), sqlExpression: this.replace(query.sqlExpression, scopedVars), dimensions: this.convertDimensionFormat(query.dimensions ?? {}, scopedVars), }; } } function withTeardown(observable: Observable, onUnsubscribe: () => void): Observable { return new Observable((subscriber) => { const innerSub = observable.subscribe({ next: (val) =>, error: (err) =>, complete: () => subscriber.complete(), }); return () => { innerSub.unsubscribe(); onUnsubscribe(); }; }); } function parseLogGroupName(logIdentifier: string): string { const colonIndex = logIdentifier.lastIndexOf(':'); return logIdentifier.slice(colonIndex + 1); }