import { compare, Operation } from 'fast-json-patch'; // @ts-ignore import jsonMap from 'json-source-map'; import { flow, get, isEqual, sortBy, tail } from 'lodash'; import { AdHocVariableModel, TypedVariableModel } from '@grafana/data'; import { Dashboard } from '@grafana/schema'; export function getDashboardChanges( initial: Dashboard, changed: Dashboard, saveTimeRange?: boolean, saveVariables?: boolean, saveRefresh?: boolean ) { const initialSaveModel = initial; const changedSaveModel = changed; const hasTimeChanged = getHasTimeChanged(changedSaveModel, initialSaveModel); const hasVariableValueChanges = applyVariableChanges(changedSaveModel, initialSaveModel, saveVariables); const hasRefreshChanged = changedSaveModel.refresh !== initialSaveModel.refresh; if (!saveTimeRange) { changedSaveModel.time = initialSaveModel.time; } if (!saveRefresh) { changedSaveModel.refresh = initialSaveModel.refresh; } const diff = jsonDiff(initialSaveModel, changedSaveModel); let diffCount = 0; for (const d of Object.values(diff)) { diffCount += d.length; } return { changedSaveModel, initialSaveModel, diffs: diff, diffCount, hasChanges: diffCount > 0, hasTimeChanges: hasTimeChanged, isNew: changedSaveModel.version === 0, hasVariableValueChanges, hasRefreshChange: hasRefreshChanged, }; } export function getHasTimeChanged(saveModel: Dashboard, originalSaveModel: Dashboard) { return saveModel.time?.from !== originalSaveModel.time?.from || saveModel.time?.to !== originalSaveModel.time?.to; } export function applyVariableChanges(saveModel: Dashboard, originalSaveModel: Dashboard, saveVariables?: boolean) { const originalVariables = originalSaveModel.templating?.list ?? []; const variablesToSave = saveModel.templating?.list ?? []; let hasVariableValueChanges = false; for (const variable of variablesToSave) { const original = originalVariables.find(({ name, type }) => name === && type === variable.type); if (!original) { continue; } // Old schema property that never should be in persisted model if (original.current && Object.hasOwn(original.current, 'selected')) { delete original.current.selected; } if (!isEqual(variable.current, original.current)) { hasVariableValueChanges = true; } if (!saveVariables) { const typed = variable as TypedVariableModel; if (typed.type === 'adhoc') { typed.filters = (original as AdHocVariableModel).filters; } else { if (typed.type !== 'groupby') { variable.current = original.current; variable.options = original.options; } } } } return hasVariableValueChanges; } export type Diff = { op: 'add' | 'replace' | 'remove' | 'copy' | 'test' | '_get' | 'move'; value: unknown; originalValue: unknown; path: string[]; startLineNumber: number; }; export type Diffs = { [key: string]: Diff[]; }; export type JSONValue = string | Dashboard; export const jsonDiff = (lhs: JSONValue, rhs: JSONValue): Diffs => { const diffs = compare(lhs, rhs); const lhsMap = jsonMap.stringify(lhs, null, 2); const rhsMap = jsonMap.stringify(rhs, null, 2); const getDiffInformation = (diffs: Operation[]): Diff[] => { return => { let originalValue = undefined; let value = undefined; let startLineNumber = 0; const path = tail(diff.path.split('/')); if (diff.op === 'replace' && rhsMap.pointers[diff.path]) { originalValue = get(lhs, path); value = diff.value; startLineNumber = rhsMap.pointers[diff.path].value.line; } if (diff.op === 'add' && rhsMap.pointers[diff.path]) { value = diff.value; startLineNumber = rhsMap.pointers[diff.path].value.line; } if (diff.op === 'remove' && lhsMap.pointers[diff.path]) { originalValue = get(lhs, path); startLineNumber = lhsMap.pointers[diff.path].value.line; } return { op: diff.op, value, path, originalValue, startLineNumber, }; }); }; const sortByLineNumber = (diffs: Diff[]) => sortBy(diffs, 'startLineNumber'); const groupByPath = (diffs: Diff[]) => diffs.reduce>((acc, value) => { const groupKey: string = value.path[0]; if (!acc[groupKey]) { acc[groupKey] = []; } acc[groupKey].push(value); return acc; }, {}); // return 1; return flow([getDiffInformation, sortByLineNumber, groupByPath])(diffs); };