// Libaries import angular from 'angular'; import _ from 'lodash'; // Components import './editor_ctrl'; import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; // Utils & Services import { makeRegions, dedupAnnotations } from './events_processing'; // Types import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard/dashboard_model'; export class AnnotationsSrv { globalAnnotationsPromise: any; alertStatesPromise: any; datasourcePromises: any; /** @ngInject */ constructor(private $rootScope, private $q, private datasourceSrv, private backendSrv, private timeSrv) {} init(dashboard: DashboardModel) { // clear promises on refresh events dashboard.on('refresh', () => { this.globalAnnotationsPromise = null; this.alertStatesPromise = null; this.datasourcePromises = null; }); } getAnnotations(options) { return this.$q .all([this.getGlobalAnnotations(options), this.getAlertStates(options)]) .then(results => { // combine the annotations and flatten results let annotations = _.flattenDeep(results[0]); // filter out annotations that do not belong to requesting panel annotations = _.filter(annotations, item => { // if event has panel id and query is of type dashboard then panel and requesting panel id must match if (item.panelId && item.source.type === 'dashboard') { return item.panelId === options.panel.id; } return true; }); annotations = dedupAnnotations(annotations); annotations = makeRegions(annotations, options); // look for alert state for this panel const alertState = _.find(results[1], { panelId: options.panel.id }); return { annotations: annotations, alertState: alertState, }; }) .catch(err => { if (!err.message && err.data && err.data.message) { err.message = err.data.message; } console.log('AnnotationSrv.query error', err); this.$rootScope.appEvent('alert-error', ['Annotation Query Failed', err.message || err]); return []; }); } getAlertStates(options) { if (!options.dashboard.id) { return this.$q.when([]); } // ignore if no alerts if (options.panel && !options.panel.alert) { return this.$q.when([]); } if (options.range.raw.to !== 'now') { return this.$q.when([]); } if (this.alertStatesPromise) { return this.alertStatesPromise; } this.alertStatesPromise = this.backendSrv.get('/api/alerts/states-for-dashboard', { dashboardId: options.dashboard.id, }); return this.alertStatesPromise; } getGlobalAnnotations(options) { const dashboard = options.dashboard; if (this.globalAnnotationsPromise) { return this.globalAnnotationsPromise; } const range = this.timeSrv.timeRange(); const promises = []; const dsPromises = []; for (const annotation of dashboard.annotations.list) { if (!annotation.enable) { continue; } if (annotation.snapshotData) { return this.translateQueryResult(annotation, annotation.snapshotData); } const datasourcePromise = this.datasourceSrv.get(annotation.datasource); dsPromises.push(datasourcePromise); promises.push( datasourcePromise .then(datasource => { // issue query against data source return datasource.annotationQuery({ range: range, rangeRaw: range.raw, annotation: annotation, dashboard: dashboard, }); }) .then(results => { // store response in annotation object if this is a snapshot call if (dashboard.snapshot) { annotation.snapshotData = angular.copy(results); } // translate result return this.translateQueryResult(annotation, results); }) ); } this.datasourcePromises = this.$q.all(dsPromises); this.globalAnnotationsPromise = this.$q.all(promises); return this.globalAnnotationsPromise; } saveAnnotationEvent(annotation) { this.globalAnnotationsPromise = null; return this.backendSrv.post('/api/annotations', annotation); } updateAnnotationEvent(annotation) { this.globalAnnotationsPromise = null; return this.backendSrv.put(`/api/annotations/${annotation.id}`, annotation); } deleteAnnotationEvent(annotation) { this.globalAnnotationsPromise = null; let deleteUrl = `/api/annotations/${annotation.id}`; if (annotation.isRegion) { deleteUrl = `/api/annotations/region/${annotation.regionId}`; } return this.backendSrv.delete(deleteUrl); } translateQueryResult(annotation, results) { // if annotation has snapshotData // make clone and remove it if (annotation.snapshotData) { annotation = angular.copy(annotation); delete annotation.snapshotData; } for (const item of results) { item.source = annotation; } return results; } } coreModule.service('annotationsSrv', AnnotationsSrv);