import { FieldConfig, FieldConfigSource, NullValueMode, PanelModel, fieldReducers, ConfigOverrideRule, FieldMatcherID, DynamicConfigValue, FieldConfigProperty, FieldColorModeId, } from '@grafana/data'; import { GraphFieldConfig, LegendDisplayMode } from '@grafana/ui'; import { AreaGradientMode, AxisPlacement, DrawStyle, LineInterpolation, LineStyle, PointVisibility, } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/uPlot/config'; import { Options } from './types'; import omitBy from 'lodash/omitBy'; import isNil from 'lodash/isNil'; import { isNumber, isString } from 'lodash'; /** * This is called when the panel changes from another panel */ export const graphPanelChangedHandler = ( panel: PanelModel> | any, prevPluginId: string, prevOptions: any ) => { // Changing from angular/flot panel to react/uPlot if (prevPluginId === 'graph' && prevOptions.angular) { const { fieldConfig, options } = flotToGraphOptions(prevOptions.angular); panel.fieldConfig = fieldConfig; // Mutates the incoming panel return options; } return {}; }; export function flotToGraphOptions(angular: any): { fieldConfig: FieldConfigSource; options: Options } { const overrides: ConfigOverrideRule[] = angular.fieldConfig?.overrides ?? []; const yaxes = angular.yaxes ?? []; let y1 = getFieldConfigFromOldAxis(yaxes[0]); if (angular.fieldConfig?.defaults) { y1 = { ...angular.fieldConfig?.defaults, ...y1, // Keep the y-axis unit and custom }; } // Dashes const dash: LineStyle = { fill: angular.dashes ? 'dash' : 'solid', dash: [angular.dashLength ?? 10, angular.spaceLength ?? 10], }; // "seriesOverrides": [ // { // "$$hashKey": "object:183", // "alias": "B-series", // "fill": 3, // "nullPointMode": "null as zero", // "lines": true, // "linewidth": 2 // } // ], if (angular.aliasColors) { for (const alias of Object.keys(angular.aliasColors)) { const color = angular.aliasColors[alias]; if (color) { overrides.push({ matcher: { id: FieldMatcherID.byName, options: alias, }, properties: [ { id: FieldConfigProperty.Color, value: { mode: FieldColorModeId.Fixed, fixedColor: color, }, }, ], }); } } } if (angular.seriesOverrides?.length) { for (const seriesOverride of angular.seriesOverrides) { if (!seriesOverride.alias) { continue; // the matcher config } const rule: ConfigOverrideRule = { matcher: { id: FieldMatcherID.byName, options: seriesOverride.alias, }, properties: [], }; let dashOverride: LineStyle | undefined = undefined; for (const p of Object.keys(seriesOverride)) { const v = seriesOverride[p]; switch (p) { // Ignore case 'alias': case '$$hashKey': break; // Link to y axis settings case 'yaxis': if (2 === v) { const y2 = getFieldConfigFromOldAxis(yaxes[1]); fillY2DynamicValues(y1, y2,; } break; case 'fill':{ id: 'custom.fillOpacity', value: v * 10, // was 0-10, new graph is 0 - 100 }); break; case 'fillGradient': if (v) {{ id: 'custom.fillGradient', value: 'opacity', // was 0-10 });{ id: 'custom.fillOpacity', value: v * 10, // was 0-10, new graph is 0 - 100 }); } break; case 'points':{ id: 'custom.showPoints', value: v ? PointVisibility.Always : PointVisibility.Never, }); break; case 'bars': if (v) {{ id: 'custom.drawStyle', value: DrawStyle.Bars, });{ id: 'custom.fillOpacity', value: 100, // solid bars }); } else {{ id: 'custom.drawStyle', value: DrawStyle.Line, // Change from bars }); } break; case 'linewidth':{ id: 'custom.lineWidth', value: v, }); break; case 'pointradius':{ id: 'custom.pointSize', value: 2 + v * 2, }); break; case 'dashLength': case 'spaceLength': case 'dashes': if (!dashOverride) { dashOverride = { fill: dash.fill, dash: [...dash.dash!], }; } switch (p) { case 'dashLength': dashOverride.dash![0] = v; break; case 'spaceLength': dashOverride.dash![1] = v; break; case 'dashes': dashOverride.fill = v ? 'dash' : 'solid'; break; } break; default: console.log('Ignore override migration:', seriesOverride.alias, p, v); } } if (dashOverride) {{ id: 'custom.lineStyle', value: dashOverride, }); } if ( { overrides.push(rule); } } } const graph = y1.custom ?? ({} as GraphFieldConfig); graph.drawStyle = angular.bars ? DrawStyle.Bars : angular.lines ? DrawStyle.Line : DrawStyle.Points; if (angular.points) { graph.showPoints = PointVisibility.Always; } else if (graph.drawStyle !== DrawStyle.Points) { graph.showPoints = PointVisibility.Never; } graph.lineWidth = angular.linewidth; if (dash.fill !== 'solid') { graph.lineStyle = dash; } if (isNumber(angular.pointradius)) { graph.pointSize = 2 + angular.pointradius * 2; } if (isNumber(angular.fill)) { graph.fillOpacity = angular.fill * 10; // fill was 0 - 10, new is 0 to 100 } if (isNumber(angular.fillGradient) && angular.fillGradient > 0) { graph.fillGradient = AreaGradientMode.Opacity; graph.fillOpacity = angular.fillGradient * 10; // fill is 0-10 } graph.spanNulls = angular.nullPointMode === NullValueMode.Null; if (angular.steppedLine) { graph.lineInterpolation = LineInterpolation.StepAfter; } if (graph.drawStyle === DrawStyle.Bars) { graph.fillOpacity = 100; // bars were always } y1.custom = omitBy(graph, isNil); y1.nullValueMode = angular.nullPointMode as NullValueMode; const options: Options = { graph: {}, legend: { displayMode: LegendDisplayMode.List, placement: 'bottom', }, tooltipOptions: { mode: 'single', }, }; if (angular.legend?.values) { const show = getReducersFromLegend(angular.legend?.values); console.log('Migrate Legend', show); } return { fieldConfig: { defaults: omitBy(y1, isNil), overrides, }, options, }; } // { // "label": "Y111", // "show": true, // "logBase": 10, // "min": "0", // "max": "1000", // "format": "areaMI2", // "$$hashKey": "object:19", // "decimals": 3 // }, function getFieldConfigFromOldAxis(obj: any): FieldConfig { if (!obj) { return {}; } const graph: GraphFieldConfig = { axisPlacement: ? AxisPlacement.Auto : AxisPlacement.Hidden, }; if (obj.label) { graph.axisLabel = obj.label; } return omitBy( { unit: obj.format, decimals: validNumber(obj.decimals), min: validNumber(obj.min), max: validNumber(obj.max), custom: graph, }, isNil ); } function fillY2DynamicValues( y1: FieldConfig, y2: FieldConfig, props: DynamicConfigValue[] ) { // The standard properties for (const key of Object.keys(y2)) { const value = (y2 as any)[key]; if (key !== 'custom' && value !== (y1 as any)[key]) { props.push({ id: key, value, }); } } // Add any custom property const y1G = y1.custom ?? {}; const y2G = y2.custom ?? {}; for (const key of Object.keys(y2G)) { const value = (y2G as any)[key]; if (value !== (y1G as any)[key]) { props.push({ id: `custom.${key}`, value, }); } } } function validNumber(val: any): number | undefined { if (isNumber(val)) { return val; } if (isString(val)) { const num = Number(val); if (!isNaN(num)) { return num; } } return undefined; } function getReducersFromLegend(obj: Record): string[] { const ids: string[] = []; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const r = fieldReducers.getIfExists(key); if (r) { ids.push(; } } return ids; }