import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import { negate } from 'lodash'; import React, { memo, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { GrafanaTheme2 } from '@grafana/data'; import { isFetchError, reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Badge, Button, DeleteButton, LoadingPlaceholder, useStyles2, Alert, InteractiveTable, type Column, type CellProps, type SortByFn, Pagination, Icon, } from '@grafana/ui'; import { Page } from 'app/core/components/Page/Page'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/core'; import { useNavModel } from 'app/core/hooks/useNavModel'; import { Trans, t } from 'app/core/internationalization'; import { AccessControlAction } from 'app/types'; import { AddCorrelationForm } from './Forms/AddCorrelationForm'; import { EditCorrelationForm } from './Forms/EditCorrelationForm'; import { EmptyCorrelationsCTA } from './components/EmptyCorrelationsCTA'; import type { RemoveCorrelationParams } from './types'; import { CorrelationData, useCorrelations } from './useCorrelations'; const sortDatasource: SortByFn = (a, b, column) => a.values[column].name.localeCompare(b.values[column].name); const isCorrelationsReadOnly = (correlation: CorrelationData) => correlation.provisioned; const loaderWrapper = css` display: flex; justify-content: center; `; export default function CorrelationsPage() { const navModel = useNavModel('correlations'); const [isAdding, setIsAddingValue] = useState(false); const page = useRef(1); const setIsAdding = (value: boolean) => { setIsAddingValue(value); if (value) { reportInteraction('grafana_correlations_adding_started'); } }; const { remove, get: { execute: fetchCorrelations, ...get }, } = useCorrelations(); const canWriteCorrelations = contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.DataSourcesWrite); const handleAdded = useCallback(() => { reportInteraction('grafana_correlations_added'); fetchCorrelations({ page: page.current }); setIsAdding(false); }, [fetchCorrelations]); const handleUpdated = useCallback(() => { reportInteraction('grafana_correlations_edited'); fetchCorrelations({ page: page.current }); }, [fetchCorrelations]); const handleDelete = useCallback( async (params: RemoveCorrelationParams, isLastRow: boolean) => { await remove.execute(params); reportInteraction('grafana_correlations_deleted'); if (isLastRow) { page.current--; } fetchCorrelations({ page: page.current }); }, [remove, fetchCorrelations] ); useEffect(() => { fetchCorrelations({ page: page.current }); }, [fetchCorrelations]); const RowActions = useCallback( ({ row: { index, original: { source: { uid: sourceUID }, provisioned, uid, }, }, }: CellProps) => { return ( !provisioned && ( handleDelete({ sourceUID, uid }, page.current > 1 && index === 0 && data?.correlations.length === 1) } closeOnConfirm /> ) ); }, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [handleDelete] ); const columns = useMemo>>( () => [ { id: 'info', cell: InfoCell, disableGrow: true, visible: (data) => data.some(isCorrelationsReadOnly), }, { id: 'source', header: t('correlations.list.source', 'Source'), cell: DataSourceCell, sortType: sortDatasource, }, { id: 'target', header: t('', 'Target'), cell: DataSourceCell, sortType: sortDatasource, }, { id: 'label', header: t('correlations.list.label', 'Label'), sortType: 'alphanumeric' }, { id: 'actions', cell: RowActions, disableGrow: true, visible: (data) => canWriteCorrelations && data.some(negate(isCorrelationsReadOnly)), }, ], [RowActions, canWriteCorrelations] ); const data = useMemo(() => get.value, [get.value]); const showEmptyListCTA = data?.correlations.length === 0 && !isAdding && !get.error; const addButton = canWriteCorrelations && data?.correlations?.length !== 0 && data !== undefined && !isAdding && ( ); return ( Define how data living in different data sources relates to each other. Read more in the{' '} documentation } actions={addButton} >
{!data && get.loading && (
)} {showEmptyListCTA && ( setIsAdding(true)} /> )} { // This error is not actionable, it'd be nice to have a recovery button get.error && ( {(isFetchError(get.error) && || t( 'correlations.alert.error-message', 'An unknown error occurred while fetching correlation data. Please try again.' )} ) } {isAdding && setIsAdding(false)} onCreated={handleAdded} />} {data && data.correlations.length >= 1 && ( <> ( )} columns={columns} data={data.correlations} getRowId={(correlation) => `${correlation.source.uid}-${correlation.uid}`} /> { fetchCorrelations({ page: (page.current = toPage) }); }} /> )}
); } interface ExpandedRowProps { correlation: CorrelationData; readOnly: boolean; onUpdated: () => void; } function ExpendedRow({ correlation: { source, target, ...correlation }, readOnly, onUpdated }: ExpandedRowProps) { useEffect( () => reportInteraction('grafana_correlations_details_expanded'), // we only want to fire this on first render // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [] ); return ( ); } const getDatasourceCellStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => ({ root: css` display: flex; align-items: center; `, dsLogo: css` margin-right: ${theme.spacing()}; height: 16px; width: 16px; `, }); const DataSourceCell = memo( function DataSourceCell({ cell: { value }, }: CellProps) { const styles = useStyles2(getDatasourceCellStyles); return ( {} ); }, ({ cell: { value } }, { cell: { value: prevValue } }) => { return value.type === prevValue.type && ===; } ); const noWrap = css` white-space: nowrap; `; const InfoCell = memo( function InfoCell({ ...props }: CellProps) { const readOnly = props.row.original.provisioned; if (readOnly) { return ; } else { return null; } }, (props, prevProps) => props.row.original.source.readOnly === prevProps.row.original.source.readOnly );