package api import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ac "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func Test_PluginsInstallAndUninstall(t *testing.T) { type tc struct { pluginAdminEnabled bool pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled bool expectedHTTPStatus int expectedHTTPBody string } tcs := []tc{ {pluginAdminEnabled: true, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: true, expectedHTTPStatus: 404, expectedHTTPBody: "404 page not found\n"}, {pluginAdminEnabled: true, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: false, expectedHTTPStatus: 200, expectedHTTPBody: ""}, {pluginAdminEnabled: false, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: true, expectedHTTPStatus: 404, expectedHTTPBody: "404 page not found\n"}, {pluginAdminEnabled: false, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: false, expectedHTTPStatus: 404, expectedHTTPBody: "404 page not found\n"}, } testName := func(action string, testCase tc) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s request returns %d when adminEnabled: %t and externalEnabled: %t", action, testCase.expectedHTTPStatus, testCase.pluginAdminEnabled, testCase.pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled) } inst := NewFakePluginInstaller() for _, tc := range tcs { srv := SetupAPITestServer(t, func(hs *HTTPServer) { hs.Cfg = &setting.Cfg{ PluginAdminEnabled: tc.pluginAdminEnabled, PluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: tc.pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled, } hs.pluginInstaller = inst hs.QuotaService = quotatest.NewQuotaServiceFake() }) t.Run(testName("Install", tc), func(t *testing.T) { req := srv.NewPostRequest("/api/plugins/test/install", strings.NewReader("{ \"version\": \"1.0.2\" }")) webtest.RequestWithSignedInUser(req, &user.SignedInUser{UserID: 1, OrgID: 1, OrgRole: org.RoleEditor, IsGrafanaAdmin: true}) resp, err := srv.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) body := new(strings.Builder) _, err = io.Copy(body, resp.Body) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHTTPBody, body.String()) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHTTPStatus, resp.StatusCode) if tc.expectedHTTPStatus == 200 { require.Equal(t, fakePlugin{pluginID: "test", version: "1.0.2"}, inst.plugins["test"]) } }) t.Run(testName("Uninstall", tc), func(t *testing.T) { req := srv.NewPostRequest("/api/plugins/test/uninstall", strings.NewReader("{}")) webtest.RequestWithSignedInUser(req, &user.SignedInUser{UserID: 1, OrgID: 1, OrgRole: org.RoleViewer, IsGrafanaAdmin: true}) resp, err := srv.SendJSON(req) require.NoError(t, err) body := new(strings.Builder) _, err = io.Copy(body, resp.Body) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHTTPBody, body.String()) require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHTTPStatus, resp.StatusCode) if tc.expectedHTTPStatus == 200 { require.Empty(t, inst.plugins) } }) } } func Test_PluginsInstallAndUninstall_AccessControl(t *testing.T) { canInstall := []ac.Permission{{Action: plugins.ActionInstall}} cannotInstall := []ac.Permission{{Action: "plugins:cannotinstall"}} type testCase struct { expectedCode int permissions []ac.Permission pluginAdminEnabled bool pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled bool } tcs := []testCase{ {expectedCode: http.StatusNotFound, permissions: canInstall, pluginAdminEnabled: true, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: true}, {expectedCode: http.StatusNotFound, permissions: canInstall, pluginAdminEnabled: false, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: true}, {expectedCode: http.StatusNotFound, permissions: canInstall, pluginAdminEnabled: false, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: false}, {expectedCode: http.StatusForbidden, permissions: cannotInstall, pluginAdminEnabled: true, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: false}, {expectedCode: http.StatusOK, permissions: canInstall, pluginAdminEnabled: true, pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: false}, } testName := func(action string, tc testCase) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s request returns %d when adminEnabled: %t, externalEnabled: %t, permissions: %q", action, tc.expectedCode, tc.pluginAdminEnabled, tc.pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled, tc.permissions) } for _, tc := range tcs { sc := setupHTTPServerWithCfg(t, true, &setting.Cfg{ RBACEnabled: true, PluginAdminEnabled: tc.pluginAdminEnabled, PluginAdminExternalManageEnabled: tc.pluginAdminExternalManageEnabled}) setInitCtxSignedInViewer(sc.initCtx) setAccessControlPermissions(sc.acmock, tc.permissions, sc.initCtx.OrgID) sc.hs.pluginInstaller = NewFakePluginInstaller() t.Run(testName("Install", tc), func(t *testing.T) { input := strings.NewReader("{ \"version\": \"1.0.2\" }") response := callAPI(sc.server, http.MethodPost, "/api/plugins/test/install", input, t) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedCode, response.Code) }) t.Run(testName("Uninstall", tc), func(t *testing.T) { input := strings.NewReader("{ }") response := callAPI(sc.server, http.MethodPost, "/api/plugins/test/uninstall", input, t) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedCode, response.Code) }) } } func Test_GetPluginAssets(t *testing.T) { pluginID := "test-plugin" pluginDir := "." tmpFile, err := os.CreateTemp(pluginDir, "") require.NoError(t, err) tmpFileInParentDir, err := os.CreateTemp("..", "") require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(func() { err := os.RemoveAll(tmpFile.Name()) assert.NoError(t, err) err = os.RemoveAll(tmpFileInParentDir.Name()) assert.NoError(t, err) }) expectedBody := "Plugin test" _, err = tmpFile.WriteString(expectedBody) assert.NoError(t, err) requestedFile := filepath.Clean(tmpFile.Name()) t.Run("Given a request for an existing plugin file that is listed as a signature covered file", func(t *testing.T) { p := plugins.PluginDTO{ JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: pluginID, }, PluginDir: pluginDir, SignedFiles: map[string]struct{}{ requestedFile: {}, }, } service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{p}, } l := &logtest.Fake{} url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, requestedFile) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) require.Equal(t, 200, sc.resp.Code) assert.Equal(t, expectedBody, sc.resp.Body.String()) assert.Zero(t, l.WarnLogs.Calls) }) }) t.Run("Given a request for a relative path", func(t *testing.T) { p := plugins.PluginDTO{ JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: pluginID, }, PluginDir: pluginDir, } service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{p}, } l := &logtest.Fake{} url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, tmpFileInParentDir.Name()) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) require.Equal(t, 404, sc.resp.Code) }) }) t.Run("Given a request for an existing plugin file that is not listed as a signature covered file", func(t *testing.T) { p := plugins.PluginDTO{ JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: pluginID, }, PluginDir: pluginDir, } service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{p}, } l := &logtest.Fake{} url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, requestedFile) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) require.Equal(t, 200, sc.resp.Code) assert.Equal(t, expectedBody, sc.resp.Body.String()) assert.Zero(t, l.WarnLogs.Calls) }) }) t.Run("Given a request for an non-existing plugin file", func(t *testing.T) { p := plugins.PluginDTO{ JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: pluginID, }, PluginDir: pluginDir, } service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{p}, } l := &logtest.Fake{} requestedFile := "nonExistent" url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, requestedFile) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) var respJson map[string]interface{} err := json.NewDecoder(sc.resp.Body).Decode(&respJson) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 404, sc.resp.Code) assert.Equal(t, "Plugin file not found", respJson["message"]) assert.Zero(t, l.WarnLogs.Calls) }) }) t.Run("Given a request for an non-existing plugin", func(t *testing.T) { service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{}, } l := &logtest.Fake{} requestedFile := "nonExistent" url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, requestedFile) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) var respJson map[string]interface{} err := json.NewDecoder(sc.resp.Body).Decode(&respJson) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 404, sc.resp.Code) assert.Equal(t, "Plugin not found", respJson["message"]) assert.Zero(t, l.WarnLogs.Calls) }) }) t.Run("Given a request for a core plugin's file", func(t *testing.T) { service := &plugins.FakePluginStore{ PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{ { JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ID: pluginID}, Class: plugins.Core, }, }, } l := &logtest.Fake{} url := fmt.Sprintf("/public/plugins/%s/%s", pluginID, requestedFile) pluginAssetScenario(t, "When calling GET on", url, "/public/plugins/:pluginId/*", service, l, func(sc *scenarioContext) { callGetPluginAsset(sc) require.Equal(t, 200, sc.resp.Code) assert.Equal(t, expectedBody, sc.resp.Body.String()) assert.Zero(t, l.WarnLogs.Calls) }) }) } func TestMakePluginResourceRequest(t *testing.T) { hs := HTTPServer{ Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), log: log.New(), pluginClient: &fakePluginClient{}, } req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", nil) const customHeader = "X-CUSTOM" req.Header.Set(customHeader, "val") ctx := contexthandler.WithAuthHTTPHeader(req.Context(), customHeader) req = req.WithContext(ctx) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() pCtx := backend.PluginContext{} err := hs.makePluginResourceRequest(resp, req, pCtx) require.NoError(t, err) for { if resp.Flushed { break } } require.Equal(t, resp.Header().Get("Content-Type"), "application/json") require.Equal(t, "sandbox", resp.Header().Get("Content-Security-Policy")) require.Empty(t, req.Header.Get(customHeader)) } func TestMakePluginResourceRequestSetCookieNotPresent(t *testing.T) { hs := HTTPServer{ Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), log: log.New(), pluginClient: &fakePluginClient{ headers: map[string][]string{"Set-Cookie": {"monster"}}, }, } req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", nil) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() pCtx := backend.PluginContext{} err := hs.makePluginResourceRequest(resp, req, pCtx) require.NoError(t, err) for { if resp.Flushed { break } } assert.Empty(t, resp.Header().Values("Set-Cookie"), "Set-Cookie header should not be present") } func TestMakePluginResourceRequestContentTypeUnique(t *testing.T) { // Ensures Content-Type is present only once, even if it's present with // a non-canonical key in the plugin response. // Test various upper/lower case combinations for content-type that may be returned by the plugin. for _, ctHeader := range []string{"content-type", "Content-Type", "CoNtEnT-TyPe"} { t.Run(ctHeader, func(t *testing.T) { hs := HTTPServer{ Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), log: log.New(), pluginClient: &fakePluginClient{ headers: map[string][]string{ // This should be "overwritten" by the HTTP server ctHeader: {"application/json"}, // Another header that should still be present "x-another": {"hello"}, }, }, } req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", nil) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() pCtx := backend.PluginContext{} err := hs.makePluginResourceRequest(resp, req, pCtx) require.NoError(t, err) for { if resp.Flushed { break } } assert.Len(t, resp.Header().Values("Content-Type"), 1, "should have 1 Content-Type header") assert.Len(t, resp.Header().Values("x-another"), 1, "should have 1 X-Another header") }) } } func TestMakePluginResourceRequestContentTypeEmpty(t *testing.T) { pluginClient := &fakePluginClient{ statusCode: http.StatusNoContent, } hs := HTTPServer{ Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), log: log.New(), pluginClient: pluginClient, } req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", nil) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() pCtx := backend.PluginContext{} err := hs.makePluginResourceRequest(resp, req, pCtx) require.NoError(t, err) for { if resp.Flushed { break } } require.Zero(t, resp.Header().Get("Content-Type")) } func callGetPluginAsset(sc *scenarioContext) { sc.fakeReqWithParams("GET", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec() } func pluginAssetScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, url string, urlPattern string, pluginStore plugins.Store, logger log.Logger, fn scenarioFunc) { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", desc, url), func(t *testing.T) { hs := HTTPServer{ Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), pluginStore: pluginStore, log: logger, } sc := setupScenarioContext(t, url) sc.defaultHandler = func(c *models.ReqContext) { sc.context = c hs.getPluginAssets(c) } sc.m.Get(urlPattern, sc.defaultHandler) fn(sc) }) } type fakePluginClient struct { plugins.Client req *backend.CallResourceRequest backend.QueryDataHandlerFunc statusCode int headers map[string][]string } func (c *fakePluginClient) CallResource(_ context.Context, req *backend.CallResourceRequest, sender backend.CallResourceResponseSender) error { c.req = req bytes, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{ "message": "hello", }) if err != nil { return err } statusCode := http.StatusOK if c.statusCode != 0 { statusCode = c.statusCode } return sender.Send(&backend.CallResourceResponse{ Status: statusCode, Headers: c.headers, Body: bytes, }) } func (c *fakePluginClient) QueryData(ctx context.Context, req *backend.QueryDataRequest) (*backend.QueryDataResponse, error) { if c.QueryDataHandlerFunc != nil { return c.QueryDataHandlerFunc.QueryData(ctx, req) } return backend.NewQueryDataResponse(), nil } func Test_PluginsList_AccessControl(t *testing.T) { pluginStore := plugins.FakePluginStore{PluginList: []plugins.PluginDTO{ { PluginDir: "/grafana/plugins/test-app/dist", Class: "external", DefaultNavURL: "/plugins/test-app/page/test", Pinned: false, Signature: "unsigned", Module: "plugins/test-app/module", BaseURL: "public/plugins/test-app", JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: "test-app", Type: "app", Name: "test-app", Info: plugins.Info{ Version: "1.0.0", }, }, }, { PluginDir: "/grafana/public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql", Class: "core", Pinned: false, Signature: "internal", Module: "app/plugins/datasource/mysql/module", BaseURL: "public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql", JSONData: plugins.JSONData{ ID: "mysql", Type: "datasource", Name: "MySQL", Info: plugins.Info{ Author: plugins.InfoLink{Name: "Grafana Labs", URL: ""}, Description: "Data source for MySQL databases", }, }, }, }} pluginSettings := pluginsettings.FakePluginSettings{Plugins: map[string]*pluginsettings.DTO{ "test-app": {ID: 0, OrgID: 1, PluginID: "test-app", PluginVersion: "1.0.0", Enabled: true}, "mysql": {ID: 0, OrgID: 1, PluginID: "mysql", PluginVersion: "", Enabled: true}}, } type testCase struct { expectedCode int role org.RoleType isGrafanaAdmin bool expectedPlugins []string filters map[string]string } tcs := []testCase{ {expectedCode: http.StatusOK, role: org.RoleViewer, expectedPlugins: []string{"mysql"}}, {expectedCode: http.StatusOK, role: org.RoleViewer, isGrafanaAdmin: true, expectedPlugins: []string{"mysql", "test-app"}}, {expectedCode: http.StatusOK, role: org.RoleAdmin, expectedPlugins: []string{"mysql", "test-app"}}, } testName := func(tc testCase) string { return fmt.Sprintf("List request returns %d when role: %s, isGrafanaAdmin: %t, filters: %v", tc.expectedCode, tc.role, tc.isGrafanaAdmin, tc.filters) } testUser := func(role org.RoleType, isGrafanaAdmin bool) user.SignedInUser { return user.SignedInUser{ UserID: 2, OrgID: 2, OrgName: "TestOrg2", OrgRole: role, Login: "testUser", Name: "testUser", Email: "", OrgCount: 1, IsGrafanaAdmin: isGrafanaAdmin, IsAnonymous: false, } } for _, tc := range tcs { sc := setupHTTPServer(t, true) sc.hs.PluginSettings = &pluginSettings sc.hs.pluginStore = pluginStore sc.hs.pluginsUpdateChecker = updatechecker.ProvidePluginsService(sc.hs.Cfg, pluginStore) setInitCtxSignedInUser(sc.initCtx, testUser(tc.role, tc.isGrafanaAdmin)) t.Run(testName(tc), func(t *testing.T) { response := callAPI(sc.server, http.MethodGet, "/api/plugins/", nil, t) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedCode, response.Code) var res dtos.PluginList err := json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&res) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, res, len(tc.expectedPlugins)) for _, plugin := range res { require.Contains(t, tc.expectedPlugins, plugin.Id) } }) } }