import _ from 'lodash'; import { getIntervals, ensureQueries, getQueryKeys, parseUrlState, DEFAULT_UI_STATE, generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing, sortLogsResult, } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { ExploreItemState, ExploreState, ExploreId, ExploreUpdateState, ExploreMode } from 'app/types/explore'; import { LoadingState } from '@grafana/data'; import { DataQuery } from '@grafana/ui'; import { HigherOrderAction, ActionTypes, testDataSourcePendingAction, testDataSourceSuccessAction, testDataSourceFailureAction, splitCloseAction, SplitCloseActionPayload, loadExploreDatasources, historyUpdatedAction, changeModeAction, queryFailureAction, setUrlReplacedAction, querySuccessAction, scanStopAction, resetQueryErrorAction, queryStartAction, runQueriesAction, changeRangeAction, } from './actionTypes'; import { reducerFactory } from 'app/core/redux'; import { addQueryRowAction, changeQueryAction, changeSizeAction, changeRefreshIntervalAction, clearQueriesAction, highlightLogsExpressionAction, initializeExploreAction, updateDatasourceInstanceAction, loadDatasourceMissingAction, loadDatasourcePendingAction, loadDatasourceReadyAction, modifyQueriesAction, removeQueryRowAction, scanStartAction, setQueriesAction, toggleTableAction, queriesImportedAction, updateUIStateAction, toggleLogLevelAction, } from './actionTypes'; import { updateLocation } from 'app/core/actions/location'; import { LocationUpdate } from '@grafana/runtime'; import TableModel from 'app/core/table_model'; import { isLive } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/RefreshPicker/RefreshPicker'; export const DEFAULT_RANGE = { from: 'now-6h', to: 'now', }; // Millies step for helper bar charts const DEFAULT_GRAPH_INTERVAL = 15 * 1000; export const makeInitialUpdateState = (): ExploreUpdateState => ({ datasource: false, queries: false, range: false, mode: false, ui: false, }); /** * Returns a fresh Explore area state */ export const makeExploreItemState = (): ExploreItemState => ({ StartPage: undefined, containerWidth: 0, datasourceInstance: null, requestedDatasourceName: null, datasourceError: null, datasourceLoading: null, datasourceMissing: false, exploreDatasources: [], history: [], queries: [], initialized: false, queryIntervals: { interval: '15s', intervalMs: DEFAULT_GRAPH_INTERVAL }, range: { from: null, to: null, raw: DEFAULT_RANGE, }, absoluteRange: { from: null, to: null, }, scanning: false, scanRange: null, showingGraph: true, showingTable: true, loadingState: LoadingState.NotStarted, queryKeys: [], urlState: null, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), queryErrors: [], latency: 0, supportedModes: [], mode: null, isLive: false, urlReplaced: false, }); /** * Global Explore state that handles multiple Explore areas and the split state */ export const initialExploreItemState = makeExploreItemState(); export const initialExploreState: ExploreState = { split: null, left: initialExploreItemState, right: initialExploreItemState, }; /** * Reducer for an Explore area, to be used by the global Explore reducer. */ export const itemReducer = reducerFactory({} as ExploreItemState) .addMapper({ filter: addQueryRowAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries } = state; const { index, query } = action.payload; // Add to queries, which will cause a new row to be rendered const nextQueries = [...queries.slice(0, index + 1), { ...query }, ...queries.slice(index + 1)]; return { ...state, queries: nextQueries, logsHighlighterExpressions: undefined, queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: changeQueryAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries } = state; const { query, index } = action.payload; // Override path: queries are completely reset const nextQuery: DataQuery = generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(query, queries, index); const nextQueries = [...queries]; nextQueries[index] = nextQuery; return { ...state, queries: nextQueries, queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: changeSizeAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const containerWidth = action.payload.width; return { ...state, containerWidth }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: changeModeAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const mode = action.payload.mode; return { ...state, mode }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: changeRefreshIntervalAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { refreshInterval } = action.payload; const live = isLive(refreshInterval); const logsResult = sortLogsResult(state.logsResult, refreshInterval); return { ...state, refreshInterval, loadingState: live ? LoadingState.Streaming : LoadingState.NotStarted, isLive: live, logsResult, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: clearQueriesAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { const queries = ensureQueries(); return { ...state, queries: queries.slice(), showingStartPage: Boolean(state.StartPage), queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: highlightLogsExpressionAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { expressions } = action.payload; return { ...state, logsHighlighterExpressions: expressions }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: initializeExploreAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { containerWidth, eventBridge, queries, range, mode, ui } = action.payload; return { ...state, containerWidth, eventBridge, range, mode, queries, initialized: true, queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance), ...ui, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: updateDatasourceInstanceAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { datasourceInstance } = action.payload; // Capabilities const supportsGraph = datasourceInstance.meta.metrics; const supportsLogs = datasourceInstance.meta.logs; let mode = state.mode || ExploreMode.Metrics; const supportedModes: ExploreMode[] = []; if (supportsGraph) { supportedModes.push(ExploreMode.Metrics); } if (supportsLogs) { supportedModes.push(ExploreMode.Logs); } if (supportedModes.length === 1) { mode = supportedModes[0]; } // Custom components const StartPage = datasourceInstance.components.ExploreStartPage; return { ...state, datasourceInstance, queryErrors: [], latency: 0, loadingState: LoadingState.NotStarted, StartPage, showingStartPage: Boolean(StartPage), queryKeys: [], supportedModes, mode, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: loadDatasourceMissingAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, datasourceMissing: true, datasourceLoading: false, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: loadDatasourcePendingAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, datasourceLoading: true, requestedDatasourceName: action.payload.requestedDatasourceName, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: loadDatasourceReadyAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { history } = action.payload; return { ...state, history, datasourceLoading: false, datasourceMissing: false, logsHighlighterExpressions: undefined, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: modifyQueriesAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries } = state; const { modification, index, modifier } = action.payload; let nextQueries: DataQuery[]; if (index === undefined) { // Modify all queries nextQueries =, i) => { const nextQuery = modifier({ ...query }, modification); return generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(nextQuery, queries, i); }); } else { // Modify query only at index nextQueries =, i) => { if (i === index) { const nextQuery = modifier({ ...query }, modification); return generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(nextQuery, queries, i); } return query; }); } return { ...state, queries: nextQueries, queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: queryFailureAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { response } = action.payload; const queryErrors = state.queryErrors.concat(response); return { ...state, graphResult: null, tableResult: null, logsResult: null, latency: 0, queryErrors, loadingState: LoadingState.Error, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: queryStartAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, queryErrors: [], latency: 0, loadingState: LoadingState.Loading, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: querySuccessAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { latency, loadingState, graphResult, tableResult, logsResult } = action.payload; return { ...state, loadingState, graphResult, tableResult, logsResult, latency, showingStartPage: false, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: removeQueryRowAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries, queryKeys } = state; const { index } = action.payload; if (queries.length <= 1) { return state; } const nextQueries = [...queries.slice(0, index), ...queries.slice(index + 1)]; const nextQueryKeys = [...queryKeys.slice(0, index), ...queryKeys.slice(index + 1)]; return { ...state, queries: nextQueries, logsHighlighterExpressions: undefined, queryKeys: nextQueryKeys, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: scanStartAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, scanning: true }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: scanStopAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, scanning: false, scanRange: undefined, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: setQueriesAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries } = action.payload; return { ...state, queries: queries.slice(), queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: updateUIStateAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, ...action.payload }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: toggleTableAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { const showingTable = !state.showingTable; if (showingTable) { return { ...state }; } return { ...state, tableResult: new TableModel() }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: queriesImportedAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { queries } = action.payload; return { ...state, queries, queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: toggleLogLevelAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { hiddenLogLevels } = action.payload; return { ...state, hiddenLogLevels: Array.from(hiddenLogLevels), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: testDataSourcePendingAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, datasourceError: null, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: testDataSourceSuccessAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, datasourceError: null, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: testDataSourceFailureAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, datasourceError: action.payload.error, graphResult: undefined, tableResult: undefined, logsResult: undefined, update: makeInitialUpdateState(), }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: loadExploreDatasources, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, exploreDatasources: action.payload.exploreDatasources, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: runQueriesAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { const { range } = state; const { datasourceInstance, containerWidth } = state; let interval = '1s'; if (datasourceInstance && datasourceInstance.interval) { interval = datasourceInstance.interval; } const queryIntervals = getIntervals(range, interval, containerWidth); return { ...state, range, queryIntervals, showingStartPage: false, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: historyUpdatedAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, history: action.payload.history, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: resetQueryErrorAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { refIds } = action.payload; const queryErrors = state.queryErrors.reduce((allErrors, error) => { if (error.refId && refIds.indexOf(error.refId) !== -1) { return allErrors; } return allErrors.concat(error); }, []); return { ...state, queryErrors, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: setUrlReplacedAction, mapper: (state): ExploreItemState => { return { ...state, urlReplaced: true, }; }, }) .addMapper({ filter: changeRangeAction, mapper: (state, action): ExploreItemState => { const { range, absoluteRange } = action.payload; return { ...state, range, absoluteRange, }; }, }) .create(); export const updateChildRefreshState = ( state: Readonly, payload: LocationUpdate, exploreId: ExploreId ): ExploreItemState => { const path = payload.path || ''; const queryState = payload.query[exploreId] as string; if (!queryState) { return state; } const urlState = parseUrlState(queryState); if (!state.urlState || path !== '/explore') { // we only want to refresh when browser back/forward return { ...state, urlState, update: { datasource: false, queries: false, range: false, mode: false, ui: false }, }; } const datasource = _.isEqual(urlState ? urlState.datasource : '', state.urlState.datasource) === false; const queries = _.isEqual(urlState ? urlState.queries : [], state.urlState.queries) === false; const range = _.isEqual(urlState ? urlState.range : DEFAULT_RANGE, state.urlState.range) === false; const mode = _.isEqual(urlState ? urlState.mode : ExploreMode.Metrics, state.urlState.mode) === false; const ui = _.isEqual(urlState ? urlState.ui : DEFAULT_UI_STATE, state.urlState.ui) === false; return { ...state, urlState, update: { ...state.update, datasource, queries, range, mode, ui, }, }; }; /** * Global Explore reducer that handles multiple Explore areas (left and right). * Actions that have an `exploreId` get routed to the ExploreItemReducer. */ export const exploreReducer = (state = initialExploreState, action: HigherOrderAction): ExploreState => { switch (action.type) { case splitCloseAction.type: { const { itemId } = action.payload as SplitCloseActionPayload; const targetSplit = { left: itemId === ExploreId.left ? state.right : state.left, right: initialExploreState.right, }; return { ...state, ...targetSplit, split: false, }; } case ActionTypes.SplitOpen: { return { ...state, split: true, right: { ...action.payload.itemState } }; } case ActionTypes.ResetExplore: { return initialExploreState; } case updateLocation.type: { const { query } = action.payload; if (!query || !query[ExploreId.left]) { return state; } const split = query[ExploreId.right] ? true : false; const leftState = state[ExploreId.left]; const rightState = state[ExploreId.right]; return { ...state, split, [ExploreId.left]: updateChildRefreshState(leftState, action.payload, ExploreId.left), [ExploreId.right]: updateChildRefreshState(rightState, action.payload, ExploreId.right), }; } } if (action.payload) { const { exploreId } = action.payload as any; if (exploreId !== undefined) { const exploreItemState = state[exploreId]; return { ...state, [exploreId]: itemReducer(exploreItemState, action) }; } } return state; }; export default { explore: exploreReducer, };