import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { selectors as e2eSelectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime/src'; import { Alert, ClipboardButton, Field, FieldSet, Icon, Input, Switch } from '@grafana/ui'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { t, Trans } from 'app/core/internationalization'; import { ThemePicker } from './ThemePicker'; import { ShareModalTabProps } from './types'; import { buildImageUrl, buildShareUrl } from './utils'; export interface Props extends ShareModalTabProps {} export interface State { useCurrentTimeRange: boolean; useShortUrl: boolean; selectedTheme: string; shareUrl: string; imageUrl: string; } export class ShareLink extends PureComponent { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { useCurrentTimeRange: true, useShortUrl: false, selectedTheme: 'current', shareUrl: '', imageUrl: '', }; } componentDidMount() { reportInteraction('grafana_dashboards_link_share_viewed'); this.buildUrl(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { const { useCurrentTimeRange, useShortUrl, selectedTheme } = this.state; if ( prevState.useCurrentTimeRange !== useCurrentTimeRange || prevState.selectedTheme !== selectedTheme || prevState.useShortUrl !== useShortUrl ) { this.buildUrl(); } } buildUrl = async () => { const { panel, dashboard } = this.props; const { useCurrentTimeRange, useShortUrl, selectedTheme } = this.state; const shareUrl = await buildShareUrl(useCurrentTimeRange, selectedTheme, panel, useShortUrl); const imageUrl = buildImageUrl(useCurrentTimeRange, dashboard.uid, selectedTheme, panel); this.setState({ shareUrl, imageUrl }); }; onUseCurrentTimeRangeChange = () => { this.setState({ useCurrentTimeRange: !this.state.useCurrentTimeRange }); }; onUrlShorten = () => { this.setState({ useShortUrl: !this.state.useShortUrl }); }; onThemeChange = (value: string) => { this.setState({ selectedTheme: value }); }; getShareUrl = () => { return this.state.shareUrl; }; render() { const { panel, dashboard } = this.props; const isRelativeTime = dashboard ? === 'now' : false; const { useCurrentTimeRange, useShortUrl, selectedTheme, shareUrl, imageUrl } = this.state; const selectors = e2eSelectors.pages.SharePanelModal; const isDashboardSaved = Boolean(; const timeRangeLabelTranslation = t('', `Lock time range`); const timeRangeDescriptionTranslation = t( '', `Transforms the current relative time range to an absolute time range` ); const shortenURLTranslation = t('', `Shorten URL`); const linkURLTranslation = t('', `Link URL`); return ( <>

Create a direct link to this dashboard or panel, customized with the options below.

Copy } />
{panel && config.rendererAvailable && ( <> {isDashboardSaved && (
  Direct link rendered image
)} {!isDashboardSaved && ( To render a panel image, you must save the dashboard first. )} )} {panel && !config.rendererAvailable && ( To render a panel image, you must install the  Grafana image renderer plugin . Please contact your Grafana administrator to install the plugin. )} ); } }