/// /// import angular = require('angular'); import _ = require('lodash'); import moment = require('moment'); import kbn = require('kbn'); import dateMath = require('app/core/utils/datemath'); import rangeUtil = require('app/core/utils/rangeutil'); declare var inputDate: any; export class TimePickerCtrl { static tooltipFormat = 'MMM D, YYYY HH:mm:ss'; static defaults = { time_options : ['5m','15m','1h','6h','12h','24h','2d','7d','30d'], refresh_intervals : ['5s','10s','30s','1m','5m','15m','30m','1h','2h','1d'], }; dashboard: any; panel: any; absolute: any; timeRaw: any; tooltip: string; rangeString: string; timeOptions: any; refresh: any; isOpen: boolean; isUtc: boolean; constructor(private $scope, private $rootScope, private timeSrv) { $scope.ctrl = this; $rootScope.onAppEvent('refresh', () => this.init(), $scope); $rootScope.onAppEvent('zoom-out', () => this.zoom(2), $scope); $rootScope.onAppEvent('dash-editor-hidden', () => { this.isOpen = false; }, $scope); this.init(); } init() { this.panel = this.dashboard.timepicker; _.defaults(this.panel, TimePickerCtrl.defaults); var time = angular.copy(this.timeSrv.timeRange()); var timeRaw = angular.copy(this.timeSrv.timeRange(false)); if (this.dashboard.timezone === 'browser') { time.from.local(); time.to.local(); if (moment.isMoment(timeRaw.from)) { timeRaw.from.local(); } if (moment.isMoment(timeRaw.to)) { timeRaw.to.local(); } } else { this.isUtc = true; } this.rangeString = rangeUtil.describeTimeRange(timeRaw); this.absolute = {fromJs: time.from.toDate(), toJs: time.to.toDate()}; this.timeRaw = timeRaw; this.tooltip = this.dashboard.formatDate(time.from) + '
'; this.tooltip += this.dashboard.formatDate(time.to); } zoom(factor) { var range = this.timeSrv.timeRange(); var timespan = (range.to.valueOf() - range.from.valueOf()); var center = range.to.valueOf() - timespan/2; var to = (center + (timespan*factor)/2); var from = (center - (timespan*factor)/2); if (to > Date.now() && range.to <= Date.now()) { var offset = to - Date.now(); from = from - offset; to = Date.now(); } this.timeSrv.setTime({from: moment.utc(from), to: moment.utc(to) }); } openDropdown() { this.isOpen = true; this.timeOptions = rangeUtil.getRelativeTimesList(this.panel, this.rangeString); this.refresh = { value: this.dashboard.refresh, options: _.map(this.panel.refresh_intervals, (interval: any) => { return {text: interval, value: interval}; }) }; this.refresh.options.unshift({text: 'off'}); this.$rootScope.appEvent('show-dash-editor', { src: 'app/features/dashboard/timepicker/dropdown.html', scope: this.$scope, cssClass: 'gf-timepicker-dropdown', }); } applyCustom() { if (this.refresh.value !== this.dashboard.refresh) { this.timeSrv.setAutoRefresh(this.refresh.value); } debugger; this.timeSrv.setTime(this.timeRaw); this.$rootScope.appEvent('hide-dash-editor'); } absoluteFromChanged() { this.timeRaw.from = this.getAbsoluteMomentForTimezone(this.absolute.fromJs); } absoluteToChanged() { this.timeRaw.to = this.getAbsoluteMomentForTimezone(this.absolute.toJs); } getAbsoluteMomentForTimezone(jsDate) { return this.dashboard.timezone === 'browser' ? moment(jsDate) : moment(jsDate).utc(); } setRelativeFilter(timespan) { this.panel.now = true; var range = {from: timespan.from, to: timespan.to}; if (this.panel.nowDelay) { range.to = 'now-' + this.panel.nowDelay; } this.timeSrv.setTime(range); this.$rootScope.appEvent('hide-dash-editor'); } } export function settingsDirective() { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'app/features/dashboard/timepicker/settings.html', controller: TimePickerCtrl, scope: true, }; } export function timePickerDirective() { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'app/features/dashboard/timepicker/timepicker.html', controller: TimePickerCtrl, bindToController: true, controllerAs: 'ctrl', scope: { dashboard: "=" } }; } angular.module('grafana.directives').directive('gfTimePickerSettings', settingsDirective); angular.module('grafana.directives').directive('gfTimePicker', timePickerDirective);