import { PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import { DataQuery, DefaultTimeZone, ExploreUrlState, LogsDedupStrategy, toUtc, EventBusExtended } from '@grafana/data'; import { ExploreId, ExploreItemState, ExploreUpdateState } from 'app/types'; import { thunkTester } from 'test/core/thunk/thunkTester'; import { changeDedupStrategyAction, initializeExploreAction, InitializeExplorePayload, paneReducer, refreshExplore, } from './explorePane'; import { setQueriesAction } from './query'; import * as DatasourceSrv from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'; import { makeExplorePaneState, makeInitialUpdateState } from './utils'; import { reducerTester } from '../../../../test/core/redux/reducerTester'; jest.mock('app/features/plugins/datasource_srv'); const getDatasourceSrvMock = (DatasourceSrv.getDatasourceSrv as any) as jest.Mock; beforeEach(() => { getDatasourceSrvMock.mockClear(); getDatasourceSrvMock.mockImplementation( () => ({ getExternal: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), get: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ testDatasource: jest.fn(), init: jest.fn(), }), } as any) ); }); jest.mock('../../dashboard/services/TimeSrv', () => ({ getTimeSrv: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ init: jest.fn(), }), })); const t = toUtc(); const testRange = { from: t, to: t, raw: { from: t, to: t, }, }; const setup = (updateOverides?: Partial) => { const exploreId = ExploreId.left; const containerWidth = 1920; const eventBridge = {} as EventBusExtended; const timeZone = DefaultTimeZone; const range = testRange; const urlState: ExploreUrlState = { datasource: 'some-datasource', queries: [], range: range.raw, }; const updateDefaults = makeInitialUpdateState(); const update = { ...updateDefaults, ...updateOverides }; const initialState = { user: { orgId: '1', timeZone, }, explore: { [exploreId]: { initialized: true, urlState, containerWidth, eventBridge, update, datasourceInstance: { name: 'some-datasource' }, queries: [] as DataQuery[], range, refreshInterval: { label: 'Off', value: 0, }, }, }, }; return { initialState, exploreId, range, containerWidth, eventBridge, }; }; describe('refreshExplore', () => { describe('when explore is initialized', () => { describe('and update datasource is set', () => { it('then it should dispatch initializeExplore', async () => { const { exploreId, initialState, containerWidth, eventBridge } = setup({ datasource: true }); const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester(initialState) .givenThunk(refreshExplore) .whenThunkIsDispatched(exploreId); const initializeExplore = dispatchedActions.find(action => action.type === initializeExploreAction.type); const { type, payload } = initializeExplore as PayloadAction; expect(type).toEqual(initializeExploreAction.type); expect(payload.containerWidth).toEqual(containerWidth); expect(payload.eventBridge).toEqual(eventBridge); expect(payload.queries.length).toBe(1); // Queries have generated keys hard to expect on expect(payload.range.from).toEqual(testRange.from); expect(; expect(payload.range.raw.from).toEqual(testRange.raw.from); expect(; }); }); describe('and update queries is set', () => { it('then it should dispatch setQueriesAction', async () => { const { exploreId, initialState } = setup({ queries: true }); const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester(initialState) .givenThunk(refreshExplore) .whenThunkIsDispatched(exploreId); expect(dispatchedActions[0].type).toEqual(setQueriesAction.type); expect(dispatchedActions[0].payload).toEqual({ exploreId, queries: [] }); }); }); }); describe('when update is not initialized', () => { it('then it should not dispatch any actions', async () => { const exploreId = ExploreId.left; const initialState = { explore: { [exploreId]: { initialized: false } } }; const dispatchedActions = await thunkTester(initialState) .givenThunk(refreshExplore) .whenThunkIsDispatched(exploreId); expect(dispatchedActions).toEqual([]); }); }); }); describe('Explore pane reducer', () => { describe('changing dedup strategy', () => { describe('when changeDedupStrategyAction is dispatched', () => { it('then it should set correct dedup strategy in state', () => { const initialState = makeExplorePaneState(); reducerTester() .givenReducer(paneReducer, initialState) .whenActionIsDispatched( changeDedupStrategyAction({ exploreId: ExploreId.left, dedupStrategy: LogsDedupStrategy.exact }) ) .thenStateShouldEqual({ ...makeExplorePaneState(), dedupStrategy: LogsDedupStrategy.exact, }); }); }); }); });