import { fireEvent, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import React from 'react'; import { serializeStateToUrlParam } from '@grafana/data'; import { locationService, config } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { changeDatasource } from './spec/helper/interactions'; import { makeLogsQueryResponse, makeMetricsQueryResponse } from './spec/helper/query'; import { setupExplore, tearDown, waitForExplore } from './spec/helper/setup'; import { splitOpen } from './state/main'; import * as queryState from './state/query'; jest.mock('app/core/core', () => { return { contextSrv: { hasPermission: () => true, hasAccess: () => true, }, appEvents: { subscribe: () => {}, publish: () => {}, }, }; }); jest.mock('react-virtualized-auto-sizer', () => { return { __esModule: true, default(props: any) { return
{props.children({ width: 1000 })}
; }, }; }); describe('Wrapper', () => { afterEach(() => { tearDown(); }); describe('Handles datasource states', () => { it('shows warning if there are no data sources', async () => { setupExplore({ datasources: [] }); await waitFor(() => screen.getByText(/Explore requires at least one data source/i)); }); it('handles changing the datasource manually', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}', refId: 'A' }]) }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); await waitForExplore(); await changeDatasource('elastic'); await screen.findByText('elastic Editor input:'); expect(datasources.elastic.query).not.toBeCalled(); expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual({ orgId: '1', left: serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'elastic-uid', queries: [{ refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'logs', uid: 'elastic-uid' } }], range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, }), }); }); }); describe('Handles running/not running query', () => { it('inits url and renders editor but does not call query on empty url', async () => { const { datasources } = setupExplore(); await waitForExplore(); // At this point url should be initialised to some defaults expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual({ orgId: '1', left: serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'loki-uid', queries: [{ refId: 'A', datasource: { type: 'logs', uid: 'loki-uid' } }], range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, }), }); expect(datasources.loki.query).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('runs query when url contains query and renders results', async () => { const urlParams = { left: serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'loki-uid', queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: '{ label="value"}' }], range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, }), }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Make sure we render the logs panel await screen.findByText(/^Logs$/); // Make sure we render the log line await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); // And that the editor gets the expr from the url await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); // We did not change the url expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual({ orgId: '1', ...urlParams, }); // We called the data source query method once expect(datasources.loki.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }], }); }); it('handles url change and runs the new query', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Wait for rendering the logs await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse('different log')); locationService.partial({ left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="different"}' }]), }); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="different"}`); // Renders new response await screen.findByText(/different log/i); }); it('handles url change and runs the new query with different datasource', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Wait for rendering the logs await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeMetricsQueryResponse()); locationService.partial({ left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'other query' }]), }); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: other query`); // Renders graph await screen.findByText(/Graph/i); }); }); describe('Handles open/close splits in UI and URL', () => { it('opens the split pane when split button is clicked', async () => { setupExplore(); // Wait for rendering the editor const splitButton = await screen.findByText(/split/i);; await waitFor(() => { const editors = screen.getAllByText('loki Editor input:'); expect(editors.length).toBe(2); }); }); it('inits with two panes if specified in url', async () => { const urlParams = { left: serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'loki-uid', queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: '{ label="value"}' }], range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, }), right: serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'elastic-uid', queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: 'error' }], range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, }), }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Make sure we render the logs panel await waitFor(() => { const logsPanels = screen.getAllByText(/^Logs$/); expect(logsPanels.length).toBe(2); }); // Make sure we render the log line const logsLines = await screen.findAllByText(/custom log line/i); expect(logsLines.length).toBe(2); // And that the editor gets the expr from the url await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`); // We did not change the url expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual({ orgId: '1', ...urlParams, }); // We called the data source query method once expect(datasources.loki.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }], }); expect(datasources.elastic.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: 'error' }], }); }); it('can close a panel from a split', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { refId: 'A' }]), right: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { refId: 'A' }]), }; setupExplore({ urlParams }); const closeButtons = await screen.findAllByLabelText(/Close split pane/i); await[1]); await waitFor(() => { const logsPanels = screen.queryAllByLabelText(/Close split pane/i); expect(logsPanels.length).toBe(0); }); }); it('handles url change to split view', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); locationService.partial({ left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), right: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'error' }]), }); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`); }); it('handles opening split with split open func', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), }; const { datasources, store } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for splitOpen // to work await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); store.dispatch(splitOpen({ datasourceUid: 'elastic', query: { expr: 'error' } }) as any); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`); await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); }); }); describe('Handles document title changes', () => { it('changes the document title of the explore page to include the datasource in use', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), }; const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for the title // to include the datasource await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); await waitFor(() => expect(document.title).toEqual('Explore - loki - Grafana')); }); it('changes the document title to include the two datasources in use in split view mode', async () => { const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), }; const { datasources, store } = setupExplore({ urlParams }); jest.mocked(datasources.loki.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); jest.mocked(datasources.elastic.query).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for splitOpen // to work await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); store.dispatch(splitOpen({ datasourceUid: 'elastic', query: { expr: 'error' } }) as any); await waitFor(() => expect(document.title).toEqual('Explore - loki | elastic - Grafana')); }); }); describe('Handles different URL datasource redirects', () => { it('No params, no store value uses default data source', async () => { setupExplore(); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('No datasource in root or query and no store value uses default data source', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('No datasource in root or query with store value uses store value data source', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"elastic-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('UID datasource in root uses root data source', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Name datasource in root uses root data source, converts to UID', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A"}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource ref in query, none in root uses query datasource', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource ref in query with matching UID in root uses matching datasource', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource ref in query with matching name in root uses matching datasource, converts root to UID', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource ref in query with mismatching UID in root uses query datasource', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"elastic-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Different datasources in query with mixed feature on changes root to Mixed', async () => { config.featureToggles.exploreMixedDatasource = true; setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"elastic-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}},{"refId":"B","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"elastic-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); const reducerMock = jest.spyOn(queryState, 'queryReducer'); await waitForExplore(undefined, true); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(reducerMock).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ type: 'explore/queriesImported' }) ); // this mixed UID is weird just because of our fake datasource generator expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"--+Mixed+---uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}},{"refId":"B","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"elastic-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); config.featureToggles.exploreMixedDatasource = false; }); it('Different datasources in query with mixed feature off uses first query DS, converts rest', async () => { config.featureToggles.exploreMixedDatasource = false; setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"elastic-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}},{"refId":"B","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"elastic-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); const reducerMock = jest.spyOn(queryState, 'queryReducer'); await waitForExplore(undefined, true); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); // because there are no import/export queries in our mock datasources, only the first one remains expect(reducerMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ type: 'explore/queriesImported', payload: expect.objectContaining({ exploreId: 'left', queries: [ expect.objectContaining({ datasource: { type: 'logs', uid: 'loki-uid', }, }), ], }), }) ); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource in root not found and no queries changes to default', async () => { setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"asdasdasd","range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"loki-uid","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"loki-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); }); it('Datasource root is mixed and there are two queries, one with datasource not found, only one query remains with root datasource as that datasource', async () => { const consoleErrorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); setupExplore({ urlParams: 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"-- Mixed --","queries":[{"refId":"A","datasource":{"type":"asdf","uid":"asdf"}},{"refId":"B","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"elastic-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}', prevUsedDatasource: { orgId: 1, datasource: 'elastic' }, }); await waitForExplore(); const urlParams = decodeURIComponent(locationService.getSearch().toString()); expect(urlParams).toBe( 'orgId=1&left={"datasource":"elastic-uid","queries":[{"refId":"B","datasource":{"type":"logs","uid":"elastic-uid"}}],"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"}}' ); expect(consoleErrorSpy).toBeCalledTimes(1); consoleErrorSpy.mockRestore(); }); }); it('removes `from` and `to` parameters from url when first mounted', async () => { setupExplore({ searchParams: 'from=1&to=2&orgId=1' }); expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual(expect.not.objectContaining({ from: '1', to: '2' })); expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ orgId: '1' })); }); });