+++ title = "Grant dashboard and folder permissions" keywords = ["grafana", "configuration", "documentation", "dashboard", "folder", "permissions", "teams"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] identifier = "grant-dashboard-and-folder-permissions" parent = "permissions" weight = 10 +++ # Grant dashboard and folder permissions Grant permission to dashboards and folders to control who can access them. ## Grant folder permissions 1. In the sidebar, hover your mouse over the **Dashboards** (squares) icon and then click **Manage**. 1. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and click the gear icon to the right. 1. Go to the **Permissions** tab, and then click **Add Permission**. 1. In the **Add Permission For** dialog, select **User** or **Team**. 1. In the second box, select the user or team to add permission for. 1. In the third box, select the permission you want to add. 1. Click **Save**. ## Grant dashboard permissions 1. In the top right corner of your dashboard, click the cog icon to go to **Dashboard settings**. 1. Go to the **Permissions** tab, and click **Add Permission**. 1. In the **Add Permission For** dialog, select **User** or **Team**. 1. In the second box, select the user or team to add permission for. 1. In the third box, select the permission you want to add. 1. Click **Save**.