#!/usr/bin/env bash # Find package directories PACKAGES=$(ls -d ./packages/*/) EXIT_CODE=0 GITHUB_MESSAGE="" # Loop through the packages while IFS=" " read -r -a package; do # shellcheck disable=SC2128 PACKAGE_PATH=$(basename "$package") # Calculate current and previous package paths / names PREV="./base/packages/$PACKAGE_PATH/dist/" CURRENT="./pr/packages/$PACKAGE_PATH/dist/" # Temporarily skipping these packages as they don't have any exposed static typing if [[ "$PACKAGE_PATH" == 'grafana-toolkit' || "$PACKAGE_PATH" == 'jaeger-ui-components' ]]; then continue fi # Run the comparison and record the exit code echo "" echo "" echo "${PACKAGE_PATH}" echo "=================================================" npm exec -- @grafana/levitate compare --prev "$PREV" --current "$CURRENT" # Check if the comparison returned with a non-zero exit code # Record the output, maybe with some additional information STATUS=$? # Final exit code # (non-zero if any of the packages failed the checks) if [ $STATUS -gt 0 ] then EXIT_CODE=1 GITHUB_MESSAGE="${GITHUB_MESSAGE}**\\\`${PACKAGE_PATH}\\\`** has possible breaking changes ([more info](${GITHUB_JOB_LINK}#step:${GITHUB_STEP_NUMBER}:1))
" fi done <<< "$PACKAGES" # "Export" the message to an environment variable that can be used across Github Actions steps echo "::set-output name=is_breaking::$EXIT_CODE" echo "::set-output name=message::$GITHUB_MESSAGE" # We will exit the workflow accordingly at another step exit 0