//go:build ignore // +build ignore //go:generate go run gen.go package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io/fs" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "cuelang.org/go/cue/errors" "github.com/grafana/codejen" "github.com/grafana/cuetsy" "github.com/grafana/kindsys" "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/codegen" "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/cuectx" ) func main() { if len(os.Args) > 1 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "plugin thema code generator does not currently accept any arguments\n, got %q", os.Args) os.Exit(1) } // Core kinds composite code generator. Produces all generated code in // grafana/grafana that derives from core kinds. coreKindsGen := codejen.JennyListWithNamer(func(def kindsys.Kind) string { return def.Props().Common().MachineName }) // All the jennies that comprise the core kinds generator pipeline coreKindsGen.Append( &codegen.GoSpecJenny{}, codegen.LatestMajorsOrXJenny(cuectx.TSCoreKindParentPath), codegen.TSVeneerIndexJenny(filepath.Join("packages", "grafana-schema", "src")), ) header := codegen.SlashHeaderMapper("kinds/gen.go") coreKindsGen.AddPostprocessors(header) cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not get working directory: %s", err) os.Exit(1) } groot := filepath.Dir(cwd) rt := cuectx.GrafanaThemaRuntime() var all []kindsys.Kind f := os.DirFS(filepath.Join(groot, cuectx.CoreDefParentPath)) kinddirs := elsedie(fs.ReadDir(f, "."))("error reading core kind fs root directory") for _, kinddir := range kinddirs { if !kinddir.IsDir() { continue } rel := filepath.Join(cuectx.CoreDefParentPath, kinddir.Name()) def, err := cuectx.LoadCoreKindDef(rel, rt.Context(), nil) if err != nil { die(fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid kind: %s", rel, errors.Details(err, nil))) } if def.Properties.MachineName != kinddir.Name() { die(fmt.Errorf("%s: kind's machine name (%s) must equal parent dir name (%s)", rel, def.Properties.Name, kinddir.Name())) } all = append(all, elsedie(kindsys.BindCore(rt, def))(rel)) } sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool { return nameFor(all[i].Props()) < nameFor(all[j].Props()) }) jfs, err := coreKindsGen.GenerateFS(all...) if err != nil { die(fmt.Errorf("core kinddirs codegen failed: %w", err)) } commfsys := elsedie(genCommon(filepath.Join(groot, "pkg", "kindsys")))("common schemas failed") commfsys = elsedie(commfsys.Map(header))("failed gen header on common fsys") if err = jfs.Merge(commfsys); err != nil { die(err) } // Merging k8 resources rawResources, err := genRawResources(kinddirs) if err != nil { die(err) } if err = jfs.Merge(rawResources); err != nil { die(err) } if _, set := os.LookupEnv("CODEGEN_VERIFY"); set { if err = jfs.Verify(context.Background(), groot); err != nil { die(fmt.Errorf("generated code is out of sync with inputs:\n%s\nrun `make gen-cue` to regenerate", err)) } } else if err = jfs.Write(context.Background(), groot); err != nil { die(fmt.Errorf("error while writing generated code to disk:\n%s", err)) } } func nameFor(m kindsys.SomeKindProperties) string { switch x := m.(type) { case kindsys.CoreProperties: return x.Name case kindsys.CustomProperties: return x.Name case kindsys.ComposableProperties: return x.Name default: // unreachable so long as all the possibilities in KindProperties have switch branches panic("unreachable") } } type dummyCommonJenny struct{} func genCommon(kp string) (*codejen.FS, error) { fsys := codejen.NewFS() // kp := filepath.Join("pkg", "kindsys") path := filepath.Join("packages", "grafana-schema", "src", "common") // Grab all the common_* files from kindsys and load them in dfsys := os.DirFS(kp) matches := elsedie(fs.Glob(dfsys, "common_*.cue"))("could not glob kindsys cue files") for _, fname := range matches { fpath := filepath.Join(path, strings.TrimPrefix(fname, "common_")) fpath = fpath[:len(fpath)-4] + "_gen.cue" data := elsedie(fs.ReadFile(dfsys, fname))("error reading " + fname) _ = fsys.Add(*codejen.NewFile(fpath, data, dummyCommonJenny{})) } fsys = elsedie(fsys.Map(packageMapper))("failed remapping fs") v, err := cuectx.BuildGrafanaInstance(nil, path, "", nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } b := elsedie(cuetsy.Generate(v, cuetsy.Config{ Export: true, }))("failed to generate common schema TS") _ = fsys.Add(*codejen.NewFile(filepath.Join(path, "common.gen.ts"), b, dummyCommonJenny{})) return fsys, nil } func (j dummyCommonJenny) JennyName() string { return "CommonSchemaJenny" } func (j dummyCommonJenny) Generate(dummy any) ([]codejen.File, error) { return nil, nil } var pkgReplace = regexp.MustCompile("^package kindsys") func packageMapper(f codejen.File) (codejen.File, error) { f.Data = pkgReplace.ReplaceAllLiteral(f.Data, []byte("package common")) return f, nil } func elsedie[T any](t T, err error) func(msg string) T { if err != nil { return func(msg string) T { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", msg, err) os.Exit(1) return t } } return func(msg string) T { return t } } func die(err error) { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err, "\n") os.Exit(1) } // Resource generation without using Thema func genRawResources(dirs []os.DirEntry) (*codejen.FS, error) { jenny := codejen.JennyListWithNamer[[]codegen.CueSchema](func(_ []codegen.CueSchema) string { return "RawResources" }) jenny.Append( &codegen.K8ResourcesJenny{}, &codegen.CoreRegistryJenny{}, ) header := codegen.SlashHeaderMapper("kinds/gen.go") jenny.AddPostprocessors(header) return jenny.GenerateFS(loadCueFiles(dirs)) } func loadCueFiles(dirs []os.DirEntry) []codegen.CueSchema { ctx := cuectx.GrafanaCUEContext() values := make([]codegen.CueSchema, 0) for _, dir := range dirs { if !dir.IsDir() { continue } entries, err := os.ReadDir(dir.Name()) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error opening %s directory: %s", dir, err) os.Exit(1) } // It's assuming that we only have one file in each folder entry := filepath.Join(dir.Name(), entries[0].Name()) cueFile, err := os.ReadFile(entry) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unable to open %s/%s file: %s", dir, entries[0].Name(), err) os.Exit(1) } sch := codegen.CueSchema{ FilePath: "./" + filepath.Join(cuectx.CoreDefParentPath, entry), CueFile: ctx.CompileBytes(cueFile), } values = append(values, sch) } return values }