version: 2.1 parameters: ssh-fingerprint: type: string default: ${GITHUB_SSH_FINGERPRINT} aliases: # Workflow filters - &filter-only-master branches: only: master - &filter-only-release branches: only: /^v[1-9]*[0-9]+\.[1-9]*[0-9]+\.x$/ workflows: plugin_workflow: jobs: - yarn_install - build_docs: requires: - yarn_install - build_frontend: requires: - yarn_install - build_backend: requires: - yarn_install - package: requires: - build_frontend - build_backend - build_docs - provisioning: requires: - build_frontend - build_backend - build_docs - e2e_canary: requires: - provisioning - package - report: requires: - package - e2e_canary - approve_release: type: approval requires: - report filters: *filter-only-release - publish_github_release: requires: - approve_release filters: *filter-only-release executors: default_exec: # declares a reusable executor docker: - image: srclosson/grafana-plugin-ci-alpine:latest e2e_exec: docker: - image: srclosson/grafana-plugin-ci-e2e:latest jobs: yarn_install: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Install dependencies command: | mkdir ci yarn bin grafana-toolkit ] || yarn install --immutable - save_cache: name: save yarn cache paths: - ~/project/.yarn key: build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - save_cache: name: save cypress cache paths: - ~/.cache/Cypress key: cypress-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} build_docs: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Build docs command: | yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:ci-docs [ -d "dist" ] || circleci-agent step halt - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - dist build_frontend: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Build and test frontend command: yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:ci-build - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - dist build_backend: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Exit if no backend command: | [ -f "Magefile.go" ] || circleci-agent step halt - run: name: Build backend command: mage -v buildAll - run: name: Test backend command: | mage -v lint mage -v coverage - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - dist package: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - attach_workspace: at: . - run: name: Move results to ci folder command: yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:ci-build --finish - run: name: Package distribution command: | yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:ci-package - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ci/jobs/package - ci/packages - ci/dist - ci/grafana-test-env - store_artifacts: path: ci provisioning: executor: default_exec steps: - run: name: Continue if this plugin has a provisioning path command: | [ -z "${PROVISIONING_REPO_PATH}" ] && circleci-agent step halt - checkout - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - << pipeline.parameters.ssh-fingerprint >> - run: name: Checkout provisioning files command: git clone --depth 1 - run: name: Prepare task output dir command: | mkdir ci # Avoid error if not exists mkdir ci/jobs # Avoid error if not exists mkdir ci/jobs/provisioning mv plugin-provisioning/${PROVISIONING_REPO_PATH}/* ci/jobs/provisioning - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ci/jobs/provisioning e2e_canary: executor: e2e_exec steps: - run: name: Continue if this plugin has a provisioning path command: | [ -z "${PROVISIONING_REPO_PATH}" ] && circleci-agent step halt - checkout - attach_workspace: at: . - restore_cache: name: Restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - restore_cache: name: Restore cypress cache keys: - cypress-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Exit if no e2e tests configured command: | [ -d cypress ] || circleci-agent step halt - run: name: Setup Grafana (local install) command: | ginstall canary /opt/grafana/bin/grafana-server -config ci/grafana-test-env/custom.ini -homepath /opt/grafana & ## To make sure grafana has started up while ! $(netstat -tulpn | grep 3000 >/dev/null 2>&1); do sleep 1; done /opt/grafana/bin/grafana-cli --version - run: name: Copy provisioning files command: cp -r ci/jobs/provisioning provisioning/ - run: name: Run e2e tests command: | # If the tests fail, but GRAFANACI_STRICT_E2E=0, don't worry about it yarn run grafana-e2e run \ || ( [ "$GRAFANACI_STRICT_E2E" -eq 0 ] && echo "Bypassing fail. ci-nostrict enabled" ) - run: when: always name: Prepare task output dir command: | # TODO: probably move all of this to `@grafana/toolkit plugin:ci-test` mkdir ci/jobs/e2e_canary # only copy if they exist cp cypress/screenshots/*.* ci/jobs/e2e_canary 2>/dev/null || : cp cypress/videos/*.* ci/jobs/e2e_canary 2>/dev/null || : - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ci/jobs/e2e_canary - store_test_results: path: ci/jobs/e2e_canary - store_artifacts: path: ci/jobs/e2e_canary report: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: . - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: Toolkit report command: | yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:ci-report - store_artifacts: path: ci publish_github_release: executor: default_exec steps: - checkout - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "dc:60:ab:c7:2d:8c:82:50:2a:2a:97:1a:c0:66:83:14" - attach_workspace: at: . - restore_cache: name: restore yarn cache keys: - build-cache-{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - run: name: "Publish Release on GitHub" command: | yarn run grafana-toolkit plugin:github-publish