+++ title = "Install on macOS" description = "Installing Grafana on macOS" keywords = ["grafana", "configuration", "documentation", "mac", "homebrew", "osx"] weight = 500 +++ # Install on macOS This page explains how to install Grafana and get the service running on your macOS. **Note on upgrading:** While the process for upgrading Grafana is very similar to installing Grafana, there are some key backup steps you should perform. Before you perform an upgrade, read [Upgrading Grafana]({{< relref "upgrading.md" >}}) for tips and guidance on updating an existing installation. ## Install with Homebrew Use [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/) to install the most recent released version of Grafana using Homebrew package. 1. On the Homebrew homepage, search for Grafana. The last stable and released version is listed. 1. Open a terminal and enter: ``` brew update brew install grafana ``` The brew page downloads and untars the files into: - `/usr/local/Cellar/grafana/[version]` (Homebrew v2) - `/opt/homebrew/Cellar/grafana/[version]` (Homebrew v3) 1. Start Grafana using the command: ```bash brew services start grafana ``` ## Install standalone macOS binaries To install a nightly build, or to install the latest version of Grafana without Homebrew, go to the [Grafana download page](https://grafana.com/grafana/download/7.3.0-381ff45epre?platform=mac). 1. Select the Grafana version you want to install. By default, the most recent released version is selected. > **Note:** The downloads page lists only finished releases. If you want to install a beta version, click [Nightly ] **Nightly Builds** and then select a version. 1. Select an **Edition**. - **Open Source** - Functionally identical to the enterprise version, but you will need to download the enterprise version if you want enterprise features. - **Enterprise** - Recommended download. Functionally identical to the open source version, but includes features you can unlock with a license if you so choose. 1. Click **Mac**. 1. Open a terminal and download the binary using the cURL command. The following example shows Grafana 7.1.5 version: ```bash curl -O https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-7.1.5.darwin-amd64.tar.gz ``` 1. Untar the gz file and copy the files to the location of your preference. 1. To start Grafana service, go to the directory and run the command: ```bash ./bin/grafana-server web ``` ## Next steps Refer to the [Getting Started]({{< relref "../getting-started/getting-started/" >}}) guide for information about logging in, setting up data sources, and so on. Also, refer to the [Configuration]({{< relref "../administration/configuration.md" >}}) page for details on options for customizing your environment, logging, database, and so on. ## Upgrade **Using Homebrew** To upgrade Grafana, use the reinstall command: ```bash brew update brew reinstall grafana ```