package loki import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "path" "strconv" "syscall" "time" jsoniter "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type LokiAPI struct { client *http.Client url string log log.Logger tracer tracing.Tracer requestStructuredMetadata bool } type RawLokiResponse struct { Body []byte Status int Encoding string } func newLokiAPI(client *http.Client, url string, log log.Logger, tracer tracing.Tracer, requestStructuredMetadata bool) *LokiAPI { return &LokiAPI{client: client, url: url, log: log, tracer: tracer, requestStructuredMetadata: requestStructuredMetadata} } func makeDataRequest(ctx context.Context, lokiDsUrl string, query lokiQuery, categorizeLabels bool) (*http.Request, error) { qs := url.Values{} qs.Set("query", query.Expr) qs.Set("direction", string(query.Direction)) // MaxLines defaults to zero when not received, // and Loki does not like limit=0, even when it is not needed // (for example for metric queries), so we // only send it when it's set if query.MaxLines > 0 { qs.Set("limit", fmt.Sprintf("%d", query.MaxLines)) } lokiUrl, err := url.Parse(lokiDsUrl) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch query.QueryType { case QueryTypeRange: { qs.Set("start", strconv.FormatInt(query.Start.UnixNano(), 10)) qs.Set("end", strconv.FormatInt(query.End.UnixNano(), 10)) // NOTE: technically for streams-producing queries `step` // is ignored, so it would be nicer to not send it in such cases, // but we cannot detect that situation, so we always send it. // it should not break anything. // NOTE2: we do this at millisecond precision for two reasons: // a. Loki cannot do steps with better precision anyway, // so the microsecond & nanosecond part can be ignored. // b. having it always be number+'ms' makes it more robust and // precise, as Loki does not support step with float number // and time-specifier, like "1.5s" qs.Set("step", fmt.Sprintf("%dms", query.Step.Milliseconds())) lokiUrl.Path = path.Join(lokiUrl.Path, "/loki/api/v1/query_range") } case QueryTypeInstant: { qs.Set("time", strconv.FormatInt(query.End.UnixNano(), 10)) lokiUrl.Path = path.Join(lokiUrl.Path, "/loki/api/v1/query") } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid QueryType: %v", query.QueryType) } lokiUrl.RawQuery = qs.Encode() req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", lokiUrl.String(), nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } if query.SupportingQueryType != SupportingQueryNone { value := getSupportingQueryHeaderValue(req, query.SupportingQueryType) if value != "" { req.Header.Set("X-Query-Tags", "Source="+value) } } if categorizeLabels { req.Header.Set("X-Loki-Response-Encoding-Flags", "categorize-labels") } return req, nil } type lokiResponseError struct { Message string `json:"message"` TraceID string `json:"traceID,omitempty"` } type lokiError struct { Message string } func makeLokiError(bytes []byte) error { var data lokiError err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &data) if err != nil { // we were unable to convert the bytes to JSON, we return the whole text return fmt.Errorf("%v", string(bytes)) } if data.Message == "" { // we got no usable error message, we return the whole text return fmt.Errorf("%v", string(bytes)) } return fmt.Errorf("%v", data.Message) } // we know there is an error, // based on the http-response-body // we have to make an informative error-object func readLokiError(body io.ReadCloser) error { var buf bytes.Buffer _, err := buf.ReadFrom(body) if err != nil { return err } bytes := buf.Bytes() // the error-message is probably a JSON structure, // with a string-field named "message". we want the // value of that field. // but, the response might be just a simple string, // this was used in older Loki versions. // so our approach is this: // - we try to convert the bytes to JSON // - we take the value of the field "message" // - if any of these steps fail, or if "message" is empty, we return the whole text return makeLokiError(bytes) } func (api *LokiAPI) DataQuery(ctx context.Context, query lokiQuery, responseOpts ResponseOpts) (*backend.DataResponse, error) { req, err := makeDataRequest(ctx, api.url, query, api.requestStructuredMetadata) if err != nil { return nil, err } queryAttrs := []any{"start", query.Start, "end", query.End, "step", query.Step, "query", query.Expr, "queryType", query.QueryType, "direction", query.Direction, "maxLines", query.MaxLines, "supportingQueryType", query.SupportingQueryType, "lokiHost", req.URL.Host, "lokiPath", req.URL.Path} api.log.Debug("Sending query to loki", queryAttrs...) start := time.Now() resp, err := api.client.Do(req) if err != nil { status := "error" if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { status = "cancelled" } lp := []any{"error", err, "status", status, "duration", time.Since(start), "stage", stageDatabaseRequest} lp = append(lp, queryAttrs...) if resp != nil { lp = append(lp, "statusCode", resp.StatusCode) } api.log.Error("Error received from Loki", lp...) res := backend.DataResponse{ Error: err, } if errors.Is(err, syscall.ECONNREFUSED) { res.ErrorSource = backend.ErrorSourceDownstream } return &res, nil } defer func() { if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil { api.log.Warn("Failed to close response body", "error", err) } }() lp := []any{"duration", time.Since(start), "stage", stageDatabaseRequest, "statusCode", resp.StatusCode, "contentLength", resp.Header.Get("Content-Length")} lp = append(lp, queryAttrs...) if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { err := readLokiError(resp.Body) res := backend.DataResponse{ Error: err, ErrorSource: backend.ErrorSourceFromHTTPStatus(resp.StatusCode), } lp = append(lp, "status", "error", "error", err, "statusSource", res.ErrorSource) api.log.Error("Error received from Loki", lp...) return &res, nil } else { lp = append(lp, "status", "ok") api.log.Info("Response received from loki", lp...) } start = time.Now() _, span := api.tracer.Start(ctx, "datasource.loki.parseResponse", trace.WithAttributes( attribute.Bool("metricDataplane", responseOpts.metricDataplane), )) defer span.End() iter := jsoniter.Parse(jsoniter.ConfigDefault, resp.Body, 1024) res := converter.ReadPrometheusStyleResult(iter, converter.Options{Dataplane: responseOpts.metricDataplane}) if res.Error != nil { span.RecordError(res.Error) span.SetStatus(codes.Error, res.Error.Error()) instrumentation.UpdatePluginParsingResponseDurationSeconds(ctx, time.Since(start), "error") api.log.Error("Error parsing response from loki", "error", res.Error, "metricDataplane", responseOpts.metricDataplane, "duration", time.Since(start), "stage", stageParseResponse) return nil, res.Error } instrumentation.UpdatePluginParsingResponseDurationSeconds(ctx, time.Since(start), "ok") api.log.Info("Response parsed from loki", "duration", time.Since(start), "metricDataplane", responseOpts.metricDataplane, "framesLength", len(res.Frames), "stage", stageParseResponse) return &res, nil } func makeRawRequest(ctx context.Context, lokiDsUrl string, resourcePath string) (*http.Request, error) { lokiUrl, err := url.Parse(lokiDsUrl) if err != nil { return nil, err } resourceUrl, err := url.Parse(resourcePath) if err != nil { return nil, err } // we take the path and the query-string only lokiUrl.RawQuery = resourceUrl.RawQuery lokiUrl.Path = path.Join(lokiUrl.Path, resourceUrl.Path) req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", lokiUrl.String(), nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return req, nil } func (api *LokiAPI) RawQuery(ctx context.Context, resourcePath string) (RawLokiResponse, error) { api.log.Debug("Sending raw query to loki", "resourcePath", resourcePath) req, err := makeRawRequest(ctx, api.url, resourcePath) if err != nil { api.log.Error("Failed to prepare request to loki", "error", err, "resourcePath", resourcePath) return RawLokiResponse{}, err } start := time.Now() resp, err := api.client.Do(req) if err != nil { status := "error" if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { status = "cancelled" } lp := []any{"error", err, "resourcePath", resourcePath, "status", status, "duration", time.Since(start), "stage", stageDatabaseRequest} if resp != nil { lp = append(lp, "statusCode", resp.StatusCode) } api.log.Error("Error received from Loki", lp...) return RawLokiResponse{}, err } defer func() { if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil { api.log.Warn("Failed to close response body", "error", err) } }() api.log.Info("Response received from loki", "status", "ok", "statusCode", resp.StatusCode, "contentLength", resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"), "duration", time.Since(start), "contentEncoding", resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"), "stage", stageDatabaseRequest) // server errors are handled by the plugin-proxy to hide the error message if resp.StatusCode/100 == 5 { return RawLokiResponse{}, readLokiError(resp.Body) } body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { api.log.Error("Error reading response body bytes", "error", err) return RawLokiResponse{}, err } // client errors are passed as a json struct to the client if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { lokiResponseErr := lokiResponseError{Message: makeLokiError(body).Error()} api.log.Warn("Non 200 HTTP status received from loki", "error", lokiResponseErr.Message, "statusCode", resp.StatusCode, "resourcePath", resourcePath) traceID := tracing.TraceIDFromContext(ctx, false) if traceID != "" { lokiResponseErr.TraceID = traceID } body, err = json.Marshal(lokiResponseErr) if err != nil { return RawLokiResponse{}, err } } rawLokiResponse := RawLokiResponse{ Body: body, Status: resp.StatusCode, Encoding: resp.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"), } return rawLokiResponse, nil } func getSupportingQueryHeaderValue(req *http.Request, supportingQueryType SupportingQueryType) string { value := "" switch supportingQueryType { case SupportingQueryLogsVolume: value = "logvolhist" case SupportingQueryLogsSample: value = "logsample" case SupportingQueryDataSample: value = "datasample" case SupportingQueryInfiniteScroll: value = "infinitescroll" default: //ignore } return value }